This Is What Happens …
… When you TOO blatantly whore yourself off. After all, it’s one thing to put your own sorry self up for bids but it’s another altogether to ask everyone else in the boat with you to bend over and grab their ankles.
On the off chance that you haven’t heard, the more devout amongst the Green Gaggle® are getting themselves righteously pissed off at Ellie May’s bullshit.
Back when Ellie was pissing and moaning about not being allowed to hang out with the cool kids at the leaders’ debates on the TV, damned near every conservative (and even quite a few lefty) commentor, blogger, journalist and other bipeds pointed out that it would amount to nothing more than allowing the Lieberals to have not one, but two reps at the debates. The Greens are a kook fringe; most of their “support” comes from the fact that they’re where some folks park protest votes and that’s it. Period. They had no business at the debates (neither did the Blocheads, but that’s another rant).
Despite denials, verybody and their gerbil knew that Ellie’s gang was a wholly owned asset of the Librano$. Everybody, that is, except apparently some of the people who were running for office under her party’s banner:
ORILLIA – Green Party Leader Elizabath May is confusing her own candidates with talk of supporting Stephane Dion for prime minister, says the Green candidate for Simcoe North.
Valerie Powell is equally incensed at the Liberals, who she says are engaging in “old political tricks” by trying to appeal for Green voters at the last minute.
May is “making it definitely confusing, and a lot of a Green candidates are really upset,” Powell said at the Orillia Farmers Market today, where Dion showed up at a rally to back the local Grit candidates. “It’s confusing for us as candidates.
Confusing?? You’ve been sold out,plain and simple. What’s so confusing about that? :?Idiot.
OTTAWA — Elizabeth May has “sold out” her Green Party candidates and volunteers with her call for strategic voting in close ridings, a former deputy leader of the party says.
David Chernushenko, who lost to Ms. May in 2006 for the party leadership, said her comments will confuse and likely demoralize her supporters in the final days of the campaign.
“Every candidate deserves to be fairly considered for a vote, and I don’t believe in strategic voting and I don’t believe that any Green candidate, volunteer or donor should be sold out,” Mr. Chernushenko said in a phone interview yesterday.
Asked if that is what he believes Ms. May has done, his answer was yes.
Well, at least he gets it.