Category: Site News

March 1, 2008

DO NOT Push The Button

Filed under: Blogosphere,flash,Funny,Random Junk,Site News — Dennis @ 4:08 pm

Site changes & stuffI’ve been fiddling lately. A lot.

I’ve been trying to find ways to make the site a little more versatile, without having to become an even bigger geek than I already am (my geekdom doesn’t quite extend to coding so far… yet) . One of the things that I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but never quite got around to, is using flash embeds on the site.

Well, thanks to a post that I blunderd across over at RightTurnOnly (thanks, Len), I’ve got something up and running that should do the trick quite nicely. And I don’t need to bash myself in the head with a shovel, trying to remember a bazillion syntactical parameters, to make it work, either. ๐Ÿ˜€

Now all I need is some good content. Oh, well, this’ll have to do for now. Try not to have too much fun with it… ๐Ÿ™„

[kml_flashembed movie=” KICKASS BigRedButton.swf” height=”250″ width=”400″ /]

July 4, 2007


Filed under: Reader Questions,Site News — Dennis @ 9:04 am


Okay, I’ve been getting quite a few grumpy emails lately from people that have been trying to post comments here, only to have them fall into the black hole of my Spammer Whammerร‚ยฎ.ร‚ย  As a result, everybody and their dog seems to want to know when I’ll be getting rid of the spam filter on the site.

HUH???The short answer is that I’m not going to be getting rid of the filter any time in the foreseeable future.ร‚ย  Each and every day, I get about 600-800 entries in the comments that all promise me that I’ll be razor thin, with washboard abs, a $12 million Nigerian bank account, the world’s biggest trouser trout, and enough viagra to make sure everybody knows about it.

So, until HMPM Harper manages to get a majority in the House, dump all the Grit cronies in the Senate and pass a bill making it legal to shoot spammers, the filter is staying right where it is.

Sorry for the inconvenience folks, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be…

April 7, 2007

This Is A Test

Filed under: Site News — Dennis @ 4:17 pm

Site changes & stuffHad this been an actual post… blah, blah, blah. Just trying to figure out some audio fiddling for the site for future posts. Wish me luck. This is actually something that I’ve had clunking around in my cranium for some time now but never had the opportunity to actually play around with until now.

See? Even getting laid off can have an upside. ๐Ÿ˜›


March 6, 2007

20,000 Hits?

Filed under: Blogosphere,Good Stuff,Site News — Dennis @ 6:39 pm

HUH???Wow. How the hell did this happen? Some of you out there really need to find yourselves some hobbies. I just looked at the left sidebar and noticed that there have been just over twenty thousand of you pop by here since I started shooting my mouth off on this space about ten months ago. I have to admit, I never saw that coming…

Somehow — and I’m still not sure exactly how — what started off as an idea to create an online community ended up being a pressure valve for all the frustrations that had built up in me over the previous years of federal Fiberal skullduggery, idiotic social engineering, politically correct Orwellianisms and whatever the hell else…

Well, the community hasn’t quite taken off yet, even though I’ve made something of a habit of fiddling with the script (see it here and feel free to give an opinion) but the blog seems to have become some sort of addiction or something. I’ve babbled about everything from Afghanistan to SSM and even covered a nomination vote.

Funny how things work out, ain’t it?

I just want to say thanks to everyone that helped me get here; from those that encouraged me to keep shooting my mouth off (you know who you are) to everyone that pops by here to check out what bubbles up from the muck and the mire at the bottom of my brain. I couldn’t have done it without ya.

Now I have to go find something to get pissy about…

February 14, 2007

It Lives!

Filed under: Site News — Dennis @ 7:39 pm

Site changes & stuffHoly crap, that was harder than I thought.ร‚ย  What should have taken only an hour or so ended up — thanks to some of the slowest throughput I’ve ever seen on a T1 connection — being an all-Goddamned-day undertaking.ร‚ย  On the bright side, though; it’s finally over.

The new software seems to be working fine and dandy so far and well… I’m keeping my fingers crossed.ร‚ย  So, now that all that happy horseshit’s out of the way, look for something a little more… normal from me tomorrow… ๐Ÿ˜€

February 13, 2007

Changes, They Are A-Comin’…

Filed under: Site News — Dennis @ 11:30 pm

Site changes & stuffYeah, I know; I dread this crap too. But the current version of the software that I power this site with is getting a little clunky for my liking and so…

It’s upgrade time.Go on, do it

And before anybody even starts… yes, I know this has gone over craptastically before but I’m pretty sure I can avoid that this time. Pretty sure. This time.

The upgrade will occur sometime tomorrow afternoon after I’ve had the chance to back EVERYthing up first. If I can’t get it working right off the hop… well, then, screw it; I’ll just reload from backup and figure something out from there.

Wish me luck. ๐Ÿ™„

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