Category: Site News
January 26, 2007
I guess this just goes to show you that getting your paper online is still no substitute for actually grabbing a good old-fashioned stack of newsprint. Commentor VF posted yesterday that Right Crazy seems to have found its way into one of the TO Sun’s regular print features (not available online, apparently) called “The Best of the Blogs.” Seeing as how I only check out the TO Sun online, I had no idea about this but VF seems a little more on the ball:
Wow, “mentioned in the TO Sun, Best of the Blogs!” How the hell did that happen? 😯 And here I thought I was just some guy with a cheap computer shooting his mouth off. I’m gonna end up with a swelled head or something if I’m not careful.
Now I gotta round up a bunch o’ old copies of the Sun… 🙄
December 28, 2006
Well, that’s finally done; just not the way I figured it would be. It seems that my attempt to automate the migration of the remaining 60 or so posts from the old blog have met with something of a SNAFU, resulting in all the posts being lost. On the bright side, most of the old posts made it over in one peice, although I had to migrate them over by hand 🙄 and I was NOT in the mood to do that another 60 times…
And yes, I’m going to put an online community there as soon as I can figure out how to migrate it over. Wish me luck…
November 22, 2006
Okay, I know I’ve been babbling about this for a while now, but this time I really mean it. Here’s the first draft for the first shirt design:
I’ll keep at it till it finally looks right to me. When it does, I’ll make ’em available. So, in the meantime, what does everybody think?
PS – Yes, I KNOW that I’m not worth a damn at image editing… 🙄
November 21, 2006
Curiosity, as my mom always told me, killed the cat. But satisfaction brought him back. Luckily for me, I’m not a cat. What’s got me scratching my head lately is traffic. No, not the kind that makes you spew cusswords on your way to work. I mean the kind that hits websites. I’ve managed to get a stats monitor up and running but the darned geolocation isn’t working worth crap, so… I put up a new poll.
I’ve been wondering for a while just where all you folks were coming from so, now you can tell me yourselves. Don’t see your location in the list yet? No problem. In this poll, you will be able to add answers of your own to the list (sorry, but for some reason, that won’t work in IE6. It works fine in Firefox and I’m not sure about IE7).
So . . . where ya from? 😉
November 16, 2006
Okay, everybody. After getting a big ol’ bunch of requests for it, I’ve finally made a new (temporary) category just for the November 27 byelection. A lot of people were complaining that finding all the posts was a bit of a pain because they had multiple tags and other stuff was cluttering up the results as they were searching. 🙄
Well, now there’s a seperate category. After the byelection, I’ll just delete it but until then, go nuts. Never let it be said that I can’t be accommodating when I want to. 😆
Gee whiz, guys; I didn’t know you cared. 😆 I’ve only been ranting now for about six months and, while I’ve somehow managed to rack up over 12,000 visitors in that time, I had no idea just what kind of, er… interesting folks… were popping by to check out the stuff percolating up from the muck and the mire at the bottom of my brain. Then, the other day, I noticed this (click for a bigger look-see):
I figured I must have been drawing a few folks’ interest but, dang; the House of Commons?? Shucks, guys; I didn’t know ya cared… 😀
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Congrats for being mentioned in the TO Sun, Best of the Blogs! You make a good point…and if Tory doesn’t start looking different than Mcguinty I won’t be voting in the provincials.