Category: Rants

January 17, 2007

Holy HypoGrit Hooey, Batman!

Ut Incepit Fidelis Sic PermanetWell, now; lookie here, willya? The Smoking Stasi have new marching orders. Check out what the Fiberals tried to do on the Q-T. It seems that the high-falutin’ Mr “I-Know-What’s-Best-For-You” Jim Watson (Dolt McSquinty’s Ontario Fiberal Minister of Health Promotion) has nothing but your best interests at heart when it comes to banning smoking. Unless you go someplace like a casino, where the Ontario government gets a cut.

Government-owned casinos in Windsor and Niagara Falls are allowed to build outdoor shelters for smokers, even though bars and restaurants in Ontario cannot do so under a provincewide smoking ban, Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson said yesterday.

The Smoke Free Ontario Act, which became law in June, doesn’t allow bars and restaurants to provide enclosed areas to protect smoking patrons from the weather, but Mr. Watson said casinos aren’t covered by that provision because their main business is not serving food or alcohol.

Da Librano$Yeppers. If you slide on in to your local pub (maybe run by a guy having almost as much fun making ends meet as you are) and you feel like a smoke while you’re there, you gotta stand outside in the elements and get soaked, freeze your arse off, or whatever. That’s because, under that lovely little thing called the Smoke Free Ontario Act, that the Grits decided to beat us over the head with, bars and restaurants aren’t allowed to provide even semi-enclosed areas to protect smoking customers from the rain, snow, sleet and other things that aren’t supposed to bother mailmen.

RantsBut HEY! Guess what? If you wanna go and blow a bunch of your hard-earned dough in some slots joint where the back-scratching swine from the Big Smoke can snout up to the trough, you get to light up in a jolly little “outdoor covered structure” with walls and a roof and probably ashtrays, too.

Can you say “bullshit,” boys and girls? I knew you could. As the Freeps put it in their editorial page today:


This sounds like trouble, smells like a rat and looks like one rule for the government, another for the private sector. To be sure, it’s an injustice of the highest order for Ontario’s hospitality industry.

It’s cynical, it’s hypocritical, it’s a betrayal and it may mark the point at which Ontarians finally lose all faith in the provincial Liberals.

Well, okay. Maybe something good will come out of all this two-faced sanctimony, after all.

Utter BullshitWe were told, in the most melodramatic of tones, by the Fiberals that the smoking ban was being brought in to protect workers from the Great Plague Of Western Civilization, second hand smoke. The latest HypoGrit hyperbole is that these little smoking pits are all fine and dandy because, Watson has barfed, employees will not have to enter these shelters.

AsshatteryHEY, ASSHOLE: pub and eatery owners were saying the same God damned thing over a year ago when you saddled them with your little bullshit law in the first place!! Bleep off They also told you that if make going out a pain in the ass for smokers, places like them were going to lose money. Could it be that you’ve finally gotten it through your thick skulls that smokers are going to go to some other place to smoke… and take their money with them? Just like bingo halls and charities said they would.

The casino plan quietly received the green light as revenues plummet because of the tough, new no-smoking law.

Well, DUH! The Grits hooted away that there would be no such drop in revenues because, with all those nasty smokers out of the way, non-smokers would start coming out in droves and smokers would still keep coming out, anyway. Well, that never happened, did it?

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF...  how can you tell?News flash, HypoGrits: I smoke. It’s MY CHOICE. And I don’t like going to places where I can’t. Given the choice between a) going out and having to freeze my ass off and b) staying in and having a few friends over to watch the game, have some brews, scarf back some BBQ, whatever… I’m choosing B 9 times out of 10. I used to go out a lot; not anymore. And that’s why so many pubs and restaurants are closing, even though you boneheads said they wouldn’t. You assholes annoyed a bunch of us and cost plenty of other people their jobs.

And, come election day, we aren’t going to forget that.

I Slam Islam (Part I)

Militant IslamBecause it needs it, that’s why. Yeah, you heard that right. We get told over and over and over again about how Islam is “the religion of peace,” it’s not a threat to us, the majority of muslims just want to live and let live. And if you can’t get that through your head, then you must just not be tolerant enough. You’re just a mean, nasty, Islamophobic bigot who either, at best, is just too ignorant to know any better or, at worst, has some malevolant George-Bushesque hatred rooted deep in your worm-ridden heart.


In all my years of listening to the acolytes of the multicult dogma who relentlessly bludgeon us with the claim that we can’t judge people by this or that or the other thing, there is one question that I have never, not even once, heard answered:

Just how God damned many times does a man have to see the same thing happen over and over and over and over and over and over again… before he’s allowed to say that he can see it coming?

9/11Any takers? I didn’t think so. Muslims fly planes into buildings, we are told it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims turn a country into a medieval hellhole, we are told it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims blow themselves up on busses in London, it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims (women, too) come out in support of a rape advocate, nothing to do with Islam. Muslims plot to murder Canadians and behead our Prime Minister, no Islam there.

Then why the hell do the perpetrators howl so long and loud that it IS all about Islam, and nothing else?  (Except for those nasty Jews, of course…)

Yes, VERY peaceful...And don’t give me any of that “those are just a few bad apples” bullshit. Spare me the myth of the vast, moderate muslim majority. I’ll stick with the evidence of my own eyes. Where was the “moderate muslim” outpouring of outrage when the TO17 got busted? I didn’t hear a peep. But they sure as hell came out in droves to get their knickers in a twist (and threaten violence in the name of their “peaceful religion”) over a few cartoons, didn’t they?

Britain’s independent Channel 4’s respected Dispatches programme sent a reporter undercover in several major and influential British mosques to see just what was being said behind Jack Q. Briton’s back. Some of what they found will be posted here, in three parts.

Today we start off with:

  • Terrorists are innocent, because all kuffaar (that’s you and me) are liars; lying is part of their religion. They are the terrorists, not muslims, and all muslims should hate them.
  • Sharia should be obeyed; not the law of the land.
  • Muslim terrorists (who are all innocent) are better than non-muslims.
  • Muslims should settle for nothing less than a total Islamic state.
  • Apostates and homosexuals should be killed outright.
  • Free speech is evil unless it incites violence against people muslims don’t like.
  • Holy war is coming and you’d better be on the right side.
  • Kuffaar schools corrupt your children.
  • Women are inferior; beat them if they don’t do as they’re told.
  • Pedophilia is fine and dandy.
  • Be a bigot, but be two-faced about it so that your ass is covered.

You know, all that good, wholesome religion-of-peace that we have nothing to worry about kind of stuff. Think I’m making this shit up, do you? Well then, smartass, play the vid and see for yourself. And while you’re at it, ask yourself this:

If it can happen in England, just why can’t it happen here?

Part 2 tomorrow…

January 2, 2007

Hocus MacPocus

Filed under: Canada,Rants — Dennis @ 4:03 pm

Oh, it knows, alright...Well, it’s that time of year, isn’t it? No, I don’t mean National Thank God That Hangover’s Finally Gone Day. I mean that it’s the time of year when journalists, pundits, cranks and crackpots the world over pipe up and risk making utter jackasses of themselves by telling all of us just what it is that they think is going to happen over the next 12 months.

You’d think that they’d learn by now. I mean seriously, folks, any predictions that you try to make about the direction that the planet’s affairs are going to head — in amidst the perfect storms of instability and political convenience that are currently blowing here and there across the globe — are one hell of a lot more likely to come back and bite you on the ass than they are to come true. Why someone would take such a risk of making an utter dolt of themselves in front of the whole world is beyond me.

So, here I go…

  • The Conservative Party of CanadaThe Tories will win… BIG time.
    I know, I know; I’m really risking sticking my balls in a bear trap by starting off with this one, but I can’t help it. In spite of what and how I usually rant and write, I really am an optimist. Stephie D, the new Grand Grit, will turn out to be a flop and disappointment on a scale that will rival Mr Dithers. His command of the English language will leave the ROC wistfully longing for the dulcet tones of Jonny Cretin. Dion and Duceppe will spend the election — which will likely come in March or April — sniping back and forth while the NDP and the Greens go after the eco-extremist loony Left vote like two seagulls squabbling over a dead fish. Harper will stand back, looking very Prime Ministerial in the wake of another tax-cutting budget, and pick up a majority. The CBC will totally blow a gasket.
  • Stringing up Saddam isn’t going to change things much.
    Saddam at the gallowsNot really. Putting the Butcher of Bagdad on the end of a rope may or may not have been justice (that’s another post entirely) but the fact is that the US seems to be slowly but surely running out of the political will to put the needed military resources into the Iraqi front. Without those resources, especially manpower, arms and fighters will continue to seep in from Syria, Iran and the likes, and anything even remotely resembling a US withdrawal will be seen as a victory for the extremists. And if the US does pull out, then you’ll see things really start to circle the bowl. Understanding this, look for the Yanks to start taking a serious look at reinstating the draft. On the bright side, at least American high school grads will finally be able to find Canada on a map. 🙄
  • CaledoniaCaledonia will go kablooie.
    This idiocy has been going on for nearly a year now and it’s only a matter of time before some damned hothead — on one side or the other — does something drastic. When that happens, look for the army to move in. Also look for Ditherin’ Dolt McWimpy to get knocked off his perch for his utter lack of leadership in this friggin’ fracas.
  • We’ll finally get hit.
    Militant Islam Canada has been on Osama bin Hidin’s Al-Quaeda shitlist for years now and let’s not fool ourselves folks, our continued namby-pamby, half-assed attitude towards security means that it’s only a matter of time before our luck runs out. The effectiveness of our troops in the field in the Afghan theatre is an ongoing source of frustration for the lunatics who want that country reduced to a medieval hellhole and if they can’t break our troops in the field, they’ll damn well make for a softer target; likely hoping that if they can’t break the resolve of our soldiers, they can make a try for the resolve of the country that sends them.
  • Conflict: A rioter in Oldham in May 2001Multicultism will begin to slide away.
    Until recently, anybody that dared to point out that multiculturalism has its flaws was instantly tarred and feathered as a closet — or not-so closet — racist and dismissed as a knuckle-dragging neocon redneck neanderthal. Not so anymore. That bullshit has run out of gas in Europe in the wake of attacks in London and Madrid, and (especially if the previous prediction pans out) the same debate will begin in earnest here. John Q Public is going to start asking the hard questions about just who and what we are and are not willing to tolerate in our country. Europe, meanwhile, will continue to see an escalation of multicult-related ethnic violence, particularly in France and possibly the Netherlands as well.
  • Lethal fighting will continue in Afghanistan.
    Our SoldiersThe question is not so much of “will we continue the mission” as it is of how many troops will we keep sending. If we do, in fact, have our first major domestic terrorist strike, look for the numbers of troops to swell, not dwindle. Canadians will be looking to send the message that such tactics will only accomplish the opposite of what the terrorists want. Look for Harper to dig in his heels, the Librano$ to stay divided and Smirkin’ Jack! to keep absurdly banging away on the bring-’em-home drum while he slides down into irrelevance.
  • Alberta will keep on booming.
  • EEK!!Chicken Little will keep at it.
    Every little cold snap, heat wave, blizzard, lack of blizzards, hurricane or lack of hurricanes will be said to point to global warming, regardless of whether there is any hard scientific evidence or not. Look for the Lefties to holler themselves green in the face about it and tell us that it’s all our fault, even though we make up less than 2% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Watch them try to turn you into a social leper for having a woodstove.
  • Same old same old from CBC.
    CBCwatchLook for the CBC to keep sounding the “scary Tories will be the end of the world” alarm, as usual. Also look for serious budget cuts to the Ministry of What You Should Think after Harper gets his majority.
  • The Leafs will win the Stanley Cup.
    Anyone caught laughing will be shot.

December 15, 2006

The Undead Campaign

Filed under: Canada,Grits,Politics,Rants,Skullduggery,Stupidity — Dennis @ 4:00 pm

I am not alive, nor am I dead. I am undead — forever.
Strahd von Zarovich

Campaigning It’s coming; everyone agrees on that. We aren’t likely to make it to Dominion Day without having to pinch our public proboscises and ponderously plod to the polls to put a plug in the pursuing pageant of platitudinous political punditry.

Don’t screw with me today; I have a thesaurus and I’m not afraid to use it.

So everybody and their pet beaver has figured out that — sometime in the none too distant future — we’re about to find ourselves up to our collective you-know-whats in a federal election campaign. Again. 🙄

Da Librano$You’d think that after the Fiberals’ Extreme Makeover in Montreal this month, they’d be looking for something new to hammer Harper over the head with in the upcoming campaign, but did they? Hell, no! They grabbed the nearest shovel, made a beeline to the Grit Graveyard of Tired Canardsâ„¢ and dug up the moldiest, rankest character-assassination cadaver they could find: The Vast Right Wing NeoCon Conspiracy® Hidden Agenda…

Dion gave every indication during a news conference yesterday he will resurrect the theme in the next campaign, expected early next year.

And he shrugged off a suggestion the hidden right-wing agenda theme might sound a little stale if trotted out yet again.

“It’s less and less hidden,” Dion said of the Conservatives’ plan for the country.

Get a CLUE alreadyLike we need this damned revenant shambling into our midst again. If anyone at all in the whole damn country was still itching away with some doubt or other about whether or not the HypoGrits were, indeed, just the “same old same old” that they’ve always been, those doubts should now be as dead as the “scary Conservative bogeyman under the national bed” tactic was thought to be.

You have GOT to be shitting meI mean, come on now; let’s be serious for just one God damned minute, okay?? Seriously, even the Liberals (yes, those Liberals) can’t possibly be THAT fucking STOOPID! Can they? As of this writing, Stephen Harper has been Her Majesty’s Prime Minister of Canada for 312 days and, as everyone has seen, none of the following has happened yet:

  1. Neither Stephen Harper nor any members of his caucus have eaten any babies.
  2. Quebec has not separated from Canada.
  3. The sun has not burned out.
  4. Our health care system has not collapsed.
  5. Homosexuals have not been rounded up into camps in the high arctic.
  6. Women have not been forced to get pregnant in order to be denied access to abortions.
  7. We have not become of 51st state of US of A.
  8. We have not sent troops to Iraq, either.
  9. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has not been scrapped.
  10. We have not withdrawn from the UN.
  11. The sky has not fallen.
  12. There have been no reliable reports (other than above) of the dead rising from their graves to feast upon the living.
  13. We have not declared war on puppies.
  14. Toronto has not been placed under martial law (although that might not be such a bad idea).
  15. The polar ice caps have not melted.
  16. The National Capital has not been moved to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump.
  17. The economy has not collapsed.
  18. We still have no official State Religion; Christian, Satanic or otherwise.
  19. Fun has not been outlawed.
  20. No one has been executed for anything.
  21. Banjo lessons are not a compulsory component of our educational curriculum.
  22. No angels have tooted any trumpets, cracked any seals, or done anything else worrysome.
  23. etc, etc, ad nauseum…

The more I hear this bullshit, the more the HypoGrits remind me of a doomsday cult: They keep predicting the end of the world but when the appointed day comes and goes (over and over again), they just move the goalposts. “Next time, it’ll happen.”

Yeah. Sure it will. Whatever. Bleep off

STFU, already.

December 7, 2006

The Real Shame

Man-bashingI was reading in the Freeps today about the annual National Never Hear The End Of It Day Montreal Massacre Memorial Antipenis Rally in Victoria Park yesterday and I got to thinking — which, my ex-wife will tell you, is always a rocky road for me — about the evolution (or should I say, devolution) of the male role in our society. Every sixth of December, women all over the country gather together to read out the names of 14 women, bemoan the “epidemic” of male violence against women and generally dump the sins of Marc Lepine and all the world’s other ills at the door of each and every Canadian that happened to win the Y chromosome lottery and end up born with a pecker. And, to be blunt, I’m getting God damned sick and tired of listening to my whole gender get badmouthed every year.

After reading the names of the 14 Montreal women, members of the vigil’s organizing committee also listed the names of women and children who have been killed by their intimate partners in Ontario.

'Becca HaneyI can’t help but wonder if Rebbecca Haney’s name ever got read out? You remember little Rebbecca, right? She was murdered by her mother’s abusive (what the hell’s the latest newspeak again?) “live-in partner,” on Christmas Eve almost three years ago. Did any of the “Take Back the Night” crowd howl their outrage and wail their grief over her? Of course not.

RantsAnd do you know just why not? It’s because these little shindigs and the “women’s groups” that drive them have precious little to do with violence against women or children and a great deal to do with the anti-male animosity that has been so carefully cultivated by the rabid acolytes of the feminist Left for decades and now seemingly permeates everything from our courts to popular culture. Don’t believe me? Well, then, just why are these events surrounded by so many misconceptions, omissions and even outright lies?

Baby-killer BabineauLet’s start with the omissions. Why was there so little feminist outrage over the death of little Rebbecca? You’d think it would be a no-brainer: innocent child killed by her mother’s vicious “live-in partner;” classic feminazi propaganda ammo. There’s just one little fly in the ointment of outrage: Rebecca wasn’t killed by a man. She was killed by her mother’s lesbian lover, Melissa Babineau, not a man. Oops. Babineau, it is interesting to note, didn’t even spend two years in max for killing Rebbecca. But the important thing is that the bad guy isn’t, well, a guy — so move along, folks; nothing to see here.

The start of the messThen there’s the sack of crap that set off this annual December 6 propaganda extravaganza in the first place: Gamil Gharbi. What do you mean, you’ve never heard of him?? Of course you have; he killed 14 young women and wounded 13 more with a Ruger Mini-14 at L’Ecole Polytechnic in Montreal in 1989. But you never hear that, do you? After all, a name like “Gamil Gharbi” might make it sound like the Montreal Massacre was done by the Algerian-born son of a Muslim wife-beater; and that would be very politically incorrect to point out, not to mention rather unwieldy as a PR tool. No, a much better name is the one that he took in 1977: Marc Lepine.

Utter BullshitWith a pur laine moniker like that, Lepine could be held up as the epitome of everything that was evil about the Canadian male. Besides not rolling off the tongue particularly easily, flinging the name “Gamil Gharbi” around might raise questions about Islam, Algerian culture, his ancestry and upbringing, etc etc etc, and all kinds of other potentially politically incorrect implications that could prove pretty problematic for the malingering malcontents in the man-hater menagerie.

Gamil GharbiBut “Marc Lepine?” Aaahh, that’s perfect: it just sounds soooo… so Canadian; so white; so safe to demonize. And for ten long years, that was the only name that we knew him by. It wasn’t until the TO Star published it that anybody knew. And so, every year, the sixth of December becomes a day not so much about honouring the dead as dishonouring the living, as Marc Lepine is held up as the symbol of the murderous misogyny that lurks within all men. He was held up as the perfect example of the evil — and, we were told, typical — Canadian male.

Hardly. After decades of grinding criticism and condemnation of all things masculine (you’re too aggressive; you’re not sensitive enough; you should get in touch with your feminine side; ad nauseum), the men at L’Ecole Polytechnic showed themselves to me the masterpieces of feminazi craftsmanship that day. As Mark Steyn put it:

[Lepine] shouldn’t be representative of anything — least of all, the best efforts of women’s groups and the convenient gloss of that pur laine name notwithstanding, Canadian manhood. If anything, the defining image of contemporary maleness is not M Lepine/Gharbi but the professors and the men in that classroom, who, ordered to leave by the lone gunman, meekly did so, and abandoned their female classmates to their fate — an act of abdication that would have been unthinkable in almost any other culture throughout human history. The “men” stood outside in the corridor and, even as they heard the first shots, they did nothing. And, when it was over and Gharbi walked out the room and past them, they still did nothing. Whatever its other defects, Canadian manhood does not suffer from an excess of testosterone…

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF...  how can you tell?We do have something to be ashamed of, but it’s not what we’ve been told it is. Too many of us have spent too many years trying to warp ourselves into something that we’re not. We’ve been handed a bill of goods that says that there is somehow something definitely wrong with our natural maleness

and we bought it.

December 6, 2006

He Done It Again

Filed under: Celebrities,Funny,Grits,Media,Rants,Skullduggery — Dennis @ 3:37 pm

They can fly???They can fly???Well, I’ll be danged, Rick Mercer went and did it again… If this keeps up, with him slamming the Librano$ as hard as he was the Tories for so long, I’m gonna start thinking that ol’ Ricky’s not so much biased as he is an equal-opportunity exasperation.

Too bad for the piggies, though; they’re gonna get real tired if that happens… 😆

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