Category: Rants
August 19, 2006
Well, well; isn’t this nice? It seems that the gay male community, or “men who have sex with men or MSM (sorry, boys but that one’s already taken),” as they seem to want to be called these days, is feeling awfully left out after the big AIDS chinwag that just wrapped up in TO.
What’s the matter, boys? Feeling all bummed out (no pun, of course) that AIDS isn’t your personal little blanket of victimhood anymore? Did all those mean, nasty, dying Africans stick a big ol’ pin in your precious little Munchausen balloon? Well, tough shit. Get over it.
As most people that know me will tell you, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the AIDS crowd to begin with. Personally, I could never see why AIDS was so special in the first place, especially when you consider that cancer, heart disease and a host of others kill a whole lot more people.
And let’s face it: unlike most other diseases, AIDS can be solved by personal behaviour more than medical science. I’m not one to waste time being politically correct when lives are at stake (not that I am at any other time), so I’ll come right out and say it. The answer, as columnist Michael Coren pointed out recently, is simple: QUIT FORNICATING.
Yes, you read that right. And get used to it, because it’s the truth. Don’t go whoring yourself around (regardless of gender; there are plenty of he-whores in the world and I’m sure we all know one or two) and you won’t get AIDS. Unless you’re raped, of course, in which case the bastard isn’t just a rapist, he’s a murderer too. That, and don’t stick needles full of drugs in your arms.
Yes, there are exceptions to this. Children are born with the disease every day through no fault of their own (the sins of the parent visited upon the child) and men who don’t know that they have it pass it on to their faithful wives (your past coming back to haunt you, chum).
Throwing money at this will not help, especially when the money finances so many lies. Rubbers may slow the advance of AIDS but they will not stop it. Only proper behaviour will. And until we get that through our heads, nothing will get better. Nothing at all.
August 17, 2006
AHA! I knew that this wouldn’t take long. I’ve been getting quite a bit of email in the past 24 hours, some of it reasoned but most just the usual “EEK! FASCIST!” panicspeak from the left, all about the question of what to do with little criminal brats young offenders aged 10 and 11. The howling left says that social services are the ultimate answer and the justice system has no business going there.
Well, a story from today’s Freeps proves my point better than I ever could. If this doesn’t prove that our “youth criminal justice system” needs a major overhaul, nothing will. Because it’s so good, I’m putting the whole damn thing right here. Go ahead, ya squawkin’ moonbats; make excuses for these ones if you can:
430 times later, youths in trouble
Thu, August 17, 2006
Three London teens — two of whom police have dealt with an eye-popping 430 times combined — were detained yesterday after an overnight chase of a car reported stolen.
The pursuit lasted about 35 minutes before the car lost a tire and rammed into two cruisers at Commissioners Road and Springbank Drive.
No one was hurt, but damage to the cars was put at $5,000.
All three teen suspects — two 16-year-olds and a 13-year-old — were being held in custody until a court appearance.
No charges had been laid.
A suspect in the car chased acknowledged police with obscene gestures, police said.
Police say they’ve had more than 430 so-called “contacts” with the 16-year-olds, a number that one youth justice expert called “extraordinary.”
“In all of my (30) years, I have rarely come up against young people that have that many occurrences,” said London psychologist Alan Leschied, an education professor at the University of Western Ontario.
The 13-year-old also has an extensive police background, police said.
Leschied said it’s likely the teens have been in custody, on probation or monitored by police before.
“It sounds like these young people will have a high probability of continuing into the adult criminal justice system,” he said.
Leschied said chronic persistent offenders usually begin their criminal careers before their 10th birthday.
Treatment programs are more effective the younger the offender, he noted.
“Those programs typically work on a vast majority of young people, but there’s a certain percentage of young people who defy even the best programs,” said Leschied.
Four hundred and thirty times. Let me say that again: FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY TIMES!! Is there anybody out there that really believes that a little exertion of firm, well-defined and absolute boundaries would have been no help at all if it had been applied to these brats earlier in life?
Toews is on the right track, whether the deluded hug-a-thug handwringers on the left want to admit it or not.
August 14, 2006
Well, it’s not like anybody can really say that they didn’t see this coming. In a brazen display over the weekend, a pack of thugs (no doubt emboldened by the impotent response to the anarchy at Caledonia) openly attacked police officers on Walpole Island.
The Walpole cops were tracking a stolen car at about 4am Saturday morning when the thieving arsehole behind the wheel decided to pull a U-turn and ram the cruiser. An OPP cruiser was called in to help and was driven into the ditch by a van (probably hauling ass to help their buddies) that tried to ram them.
The first cruiser was “extensively damaged” and the car that rammed it crashed later (big surprise there). The van took another run at the OPP cruiser before hauling ass to the scene of the first crash, where it repeatedly rammed the first cruiser before buggering off. Cops did eventually find the van, but not before the arsehole driving it set it on fire and screwed off. They still don’t know who was driving. Anyone who knows anything can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Fortunately, none of the cops were hurt. A 23-year-old Walpole Island man in the stolen car was “ejected from the vehicle” (funny how that phrase can have a nice ring to it sometimes, isn’t it?) in the first crash and is still in critical condition in a London hospital.
Boo hoo. Poor him.
Get used to hearing about stuff like this, folks. I said it before and I’ll say it again: the Provincial Government’s impotent response to lawlessness by natives is going to do nothing but encourage more of the same. But thanks to the Grits’ case of terminal political correctitude, we’re probably going to have to wait until some Grit politician’s kid gets hurt before anything real gets done to get tough on crime.
August 8, 2006
The burbling from the flower-power fluteheads is like that God damned pink rabbit, it just keeps going, and going, and going, and… well, you get the idea. And it’s (you guessed it) gettin’ on my nerves.
Criticism after criticism after criticism is heaped on Israel for anything and everything that they do in the current war with Hezbullshit and yet, nobody seems to get around to badmouthing the gutless pricks who started it in the first place. Don’t fool yourselves, boys and girls; this is a war, no doubt about it. And whether you like it or not, Israel is fighting it exactly the way that it should. So why the hell is it that nobody seems to get it??
I have a theory. I think that part of the problem is that people in the West in general, and North America in particular, have no idea whatsoever what it’s like to live with the threat of attack hanging over their heads. Americans may say that they do, after the 9/11 attacks but seriously, how many Americans spend their days watching the sky wondering when (not if) something is going to come screaming over the horizon and kill a bunch of people they know? None that I’ve ever met. No war has been fought on our soil since 1812 and the last enemy the US fought on American soil was itself (1861-65).
So let’s try something, shall we? Close your eyes and try to imagine something like this:
Some bunch of paramilitary types in the US (let’s say the Michigan Militia) arms themselves to the teeth, gets a bunch of their members elected to the state legislature, and starts lobbing rockets into southwestern Ontario on a regular basis. Whenever anyone asks, they loudly proclaim that the only thing that they want is for all Canadians to die. That’s it, nothing else. It even says in their charter that they only exist to destroy Canada. What they intend to do with themselves afterwards, if they succeed, never seems to have occurred to them.
[And, before the flaming even starts: Yes, I know the Michigan Militia isn’t really as whacked as most of the media would have people believe. The few of them that I’ve met have actually been rather nice people, even if a little brash for my liking. But hey, I’ve got to use somebody for this scenario, and the MM’s as good as any. Next time I’ll use the NDP. I promise. -Admin]
So, the MM’s gotten their paws on a bunch of old Soviet-era BM-21 Grads and are lobbing 122mm rockets on our heads at an absolutely annoying rate. Canadians are getting killed and maimed on a daily basis whilst they do nothing other than go about their normal business. Maybe you’ve even lost some family or friends to one of these nasty little things. Maybe your mother spent her last years as a shattered woman because what was left of your little sister died in her arms.
So, what would we do? We ask the Michigan authorities to interviene, but the MM mouthpieces in the legislature block anything that might interfere with their agenda and the MM is too well armed for the Michigan State Police to deal with (assume, for the sake of this example, that there is no US federal government with a bigass army to deal with this mess). The international community has had observers on the Canada/Michigan border for years, but those damn rockets are still coming, so the smurfs don’t seem to be getting much done.
The rockets keep coming and Canadians keep dying.
We appeal to the international community for help, but all they ever do is talk while our people die. Meanwhile, Alberta (which has become increasingly more militant ever since separating from Canada after NDP PM Andre Abruti passed the Screwalbertaagain Act) has been funneling more and more of its oil money into the MM and using all its influence to keep the UN too flimflammed to do anything.
The rockets keep coming and Canadians keep dying. Maybe it was your house that got hit today. The MM will never negotiate a real peace, all they want is for us to die. The international community won’t do jack shit to help us. Canadians are getting killed each and every day. This has been going on for years. So what do we do? Come on, you leftist smartasses (you know who you are), WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO? I’ll tell you what we do. We take the only reasonable action that we have left available to us:
We invade.
We mass our forces along the Micigan border and move in to destroy every MM asset that we can find. Air strikes, armour, infantry, we use everything we’ve got. The purpose is not just to stop the current attacks, but also to deter such behaviour in the future.
The problem is that the MM has a habit of positioning its military assets in the middle of local populations. So what? We hit them anyway, because Michigan civilian casualties are better than the Canadian civilian casualties we’ll be getting if we don’t take the MM out of comission.
Finally, finally, the international community starts to stand up and condemn the slaughter in the region. The problem is, they’re condemning us! They’re complaining that our actions are inflicting civilian casualties! Where the hell was their indignation when it was Canadian civilians who were dying?
Screw the UN, screw the EU, and screw anybody else, for that matter. We’ll do what we have to to survive.
THAT‘s what we’d do. And that’s what Israel is doing right now.
August 7, 2006
Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson Mel Gibson.
Give it a goddamn rest, already.
Okay, buddy; I heard you the forty-eighth time, no need to go over it all again. What the hell’s all the fuss about, anyway? Yes, he made an ass of himself, but nowhere near anything that would justify the perfect shitstorm we’ve been forced to ride out over a drunken rant. You want a headline? Here’s your headline:
Holy shit. Stop the presses. Yes, he said something nasty about Jews. So did Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, remember? But that blew over pretty quick. Just about everyone on the planet has said something crappy about someone else at one point in time or another but somehow the world seems to just keep on spinning along llike nothing happened. It seems at times that the only groups in the world that it’s safe to slag these days are white people and Christians. But that’s another rant altogether.
So Mel got tanked and barfed up a PR hairball. Get on with your lives already. There are a lot of worse things going on that could use all the attention this is eating up.
August 3, 2006
Hey, Judgie. Yeah, you; the one in the funny dress.
What’s that? Robe? Yeah, okay; whatever.
Lookie here, yer Hoitytoityness, the only reason I’m even bothering to talk to you is because you’ve been up to some pretty stupid stuff and I think it’s time somebody smacked you with a brainstick. Or something.
Why is it that every time you get some alleged pedophile child-molesting sack of shit in front of you, whatever passes for your brain suddenly heads south for the winter? You start mumbling on about “rehabilitation” and the “rights of the accused” and all the other warm, fuzzy bafflegab that the social worker types are always tossing around like a cranky caged ape flinging poop at rubberneckers. Dudley the Diddler looks up at you with a long face and yurps up some hairball about getting treatment and you get so open minded that your brain falls right the fuck out.
Now look what you did. You went and made me say fuck in my blog. Thanks a lot, scramblehead.
Can it really be that you just don’t get it? Are you really that dense? Everybody else knows that child molestors can’t be fixed, so I find the idea that you don’t know too kind of hard to swallow. It’s not rocket science. Michele Mandel gets it; so does Linda Williamson. And these two come from the politically correct la-la land of TO. People in Brandon get it, so do people in Hamilton, Edmonton, Halifax and Montreal. Even the damned Globe and Mail seems to have clued in. Vic Toews definitely gets it. So why don’t you?
And don’t go giving me any of that “I’m limited by the law” bullcrap, either. We both know that guys like you bugger about with the law all the time when it suits you, and then say that the Charter gives you the authority to do it. But when it comes to actually protecting our society’s children, buttheads like you are always missing in action. Why is that, I wonder?
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