Category: Rants

July 31, 2006

UNrelenting Nonsense

Filed under: Cluebat,Dithering,Politics,Rants,Security,Skullduggery,UN — Dennis @ 4:32 pm

It's true

I am about to commit a great heresy. I’m going to get a lot of hate mail in the next couple of days because I am about to speak the unspeakable, violate the inviolable, and generally be a mean, nasty, right-winger. Here goes:

The United Nations is a completely useless body that has long since outlasted its intended purpose and Canada should withdraw from it altogeather.

RantsBetter yet, scrap the whole damned thing and start from scratch with a new league where dictatorships and countries with abyssmal human rights records are not welcome. Half the reason that nothing ever gets done at the UN is because dictatorships vote on many issues as a bloc. And giving China veto power was just plain stupid to begin with.

I’m not the only one who has noticed this. Over at the Calgary Sun, Ezra “the Lip” Levant had his own little rant about the Un today while Peter Worthington in TO had his own thoughts about the futility of diplomacy and other such weapons of mass discussion.

What useful purpose has the UN actually served since the collapse of the Soviet Union? None whatsoever that I can see. Its list of failures, however, is absolutely staggering in its scope:

  1. Utter failure to prevent the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.
  2. Deafening silence in response to slavery in Sudan.
  3. They take over in East Timor and drop the ball.
  4. The Dutch government resigned en masse as a result of UN “peacekeeping” failures.
  5. The UN did nothing when Mugabe expunged all white farmers and caused a famine that threatens to kill 8 million. Now the UN is talking with Mugabe about solutions.
  6. The UN frequently fails to condemn human rights abuses in countries such as Iran.
  7. Speaking of human rights, remember when they let Libya run that show?
  8. They failed in Somalia.
  9. They failed in Bosnia.
  10. They failed in Kashmir.
  11. They failed in Angola.
  12. They failed in Iraq.
  13. They failed in Afghanistan.
  14. Hell, they’re even a joke in Sierra Leone.

Just one screwup after another, and these are only the ones off the top of my head. Type “UN failures” into any search box and see what you get. When I googled it, I got 15,300,000 results. A search for “UN successes” gets about half that number.

So why is this colossal widget society still around? What does it actually do, other than to provide money to buraucrats and other assorted windbags that wouldn’t be able to find a job anywhere else? The answers are: wishful thinking and nothing, in that order. And that’s why we should get out.

Canada’s exit from this farce would also serve to throw some much needed cold water on the wishful thinkers of the world who still cling to the belief that this toothless tiger is of any use. The blueprint for the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written by Canadian John Humphrey, and if Canada decides it’s time for something else, the rest of the world will have no choice but to take notice and start asking some hard questions that should have been posed over a decade ago.

July 27, 2006

Time for a reality check

Filed under: BS,Israel,Lebanon,Mideast,Rants,Security,Stupidity,Terrorism,Traditions — Dennis @ 2:38 pm

RantsOkay, maybe check isn’t the right word here. Some dunderheads lately seem more to be in dire need of a reality enema. That’s right, a good, cold blast of can’t-deny-this right up where the sun don’t shine. They wouldn’t be the only ones to benefit, either. The rest of us would then be spared their harebrained hyperbole and assorted other incongruous ignis fatuus clattering about in their cavernous craniums.

Damn. There goes my fancy word apportionment for the day. Oh, well. Pull up a chair, this is gonna take a while.

Nope, nothing to see here...The latest honkings from the usual goofy gaggle of disagreeable geese is, as you can likely guess, all about Lebanon, Israel, Hezbollah and Harper. It seems that they all want to shove their two cents into the juke box and expect the whole damn world to hop into their little conga line of conceit. Well, guess what, birdbrains? Bleep off I ain’t dancing.

The bulk of all this blathering can pretty much be summed up like this:

  1. Utter BullshitCanada should not get involved in this fracas (unless the UN wants us to send in peacekeepers) and should stay as neutral as possible and not side with anyone. That’s our tradition.
  2. Israel may have been provoked but they’ve totally gone off the deep end and their reaction is completely overboard and out of proportion.
  3. Whatever Hezbollah has done, there must be some logical reason for it. They’re victims.
  4. Israel should back down because “violence only breeds more violence,” and their current course of action will only further provoke islamic nutjobs everywhere, not just in the Middle East.
  5. The whole “war against islamofascism” thing is doomed from the get-go anyway because you can’t fight ideas with bullets or bombs.
  6. There is no moral difference between the two sides and what they’re doing; Israel is just as wrong as Hezbollah.
  7. The PM is just plain nuts and embarrassing the entire country by making no bones about where he and his government stand on this issue and saying exactly who he thinks is responsible for this latest Mideastern turd typhoon.

And just where the hell am I to start kicking over this little sandcastle of sanctimony?? Well, I guess the beginning’s as nice a place as any this time of year…

No way1: Don’t go mistaking years of Grit antimilitary neglect and spineless foreign policy for tradition. We weren’t neutral in the World Wars, Korea, the Cold War or the Gulf War and we’re not neutral now. When we’re led by a government with its head clear of its colon, we decide who is right and who is wrong and take sides appropriately. That’s a Canadian tradition. And as far as sending peacekeepers goes, all I can say is, were you born that stupid or did you have to take a course? You don’t send in peacekeepers when there is no peace to keep! The results of that kind of thinking became plain earlier this week. Southern Lebanon is an all-out war zone right now and any peacekeepers, UN or otherwise, are just going to get caught in the crossfire.

Reach out and touch someone2: Just what the hell do these extra-foam-latte-snorters expect Israel to do? Doing nothing when a bully slaps you only encourages him to slap you again. He does it because you showed him that he can. Groups like Hammas, Hezbollah the PLO and too many others to mention have been murdering Israeli civillians for decades with nowhere near the outcry that the international community regurgitates every time that Israel pushes back. A sovereign nation surrounded by implacably hostile enemies does not secure the safety of its citizens by engaging in mere tit-for-tat responses. Israel must, through sheer necessity, heed the observations of Brigadier James Wolfe and see the enemy for what they are. Whenever they “are in a scrape they are ready to cry out in behalf of the human species; when fortune favours them, none more bloody, more inhuman,” but that islamofascism “has changed the very nature of war, and has forced us, in some measure, to a deterring and dreadful vengeance.

Don't look like victims to me3: Bullshit. The eggheads would have you think that there’s a reason for everything. Well, guess what? Blind hatred doesn’t need a reason for jack shit; all it needs is a handy target to vent on (preferrably one that won’t hit back). Hezbollah was created by Iran so that it could wage a little proxy war with Israel without having to risk doing any of the actual fighting anywhere near Iran. And if you think that there can ever be any peace so long as these lunatic organisations exist, consider this little nugget from their charter: “The necessity for the destruction of Israel … It is the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones get what they deserve … Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated.” You cannot reason with someone, say to them “what do you want?” when the only thing they want is for you to be dead.

don't look too smart, does he?4: This is one of the dumbest Goddamned things I’ve ever heard. They’re even dumber than Bubbles looks if they think this is going to save their butts. Backing down in the face of aggression does not get you peace (see 2, above), it just tells the other side that they can screw with you and get away with it. A more honest statement would be that “inadequate violence breeds more violence.” The only way to hold homicidal screwballs like these in check is to give them the same treatment that we gave the Soviet Union: make the consequences of aggression utterly unthinkable. And as for provoking these looney toons in other parts of the world, just what kind of provocation do you think they need? Even if there was no Israel, they’d still find an excuse because a society like that desperately needs an external enemy to distract from its own failings.

5: Like hell we can’t. Nazism was an idea, remember? DUH!

Please take your seat6: Moral relativism like this makes me want to take a long lean over the port side. I mean, where the hell do you even start with this kind of idiocy?? Islamic nutjobs target civilians deliberately; Israelis target militants. Hezbolla “fighters” hide amongst dense populations of civilians to use as human shields and propaganda tools when they inevitably get hurt; Israeli soldiers gather togeather in large groups that you would think enemies would find tempting but never seem to go after (they’re called military bases, in case you’re wondering). Islamic screwheads want nothing short of the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews; Israel wants to be left alone. If I keep this up, I’ll never finish this rant…

Not screwing around7: No, he isn’t. Have all those years of gutless waffling and fence sitting by the Grits really left us so utterly unprepared for a leader who actually takes a stand on something? I like to think not. The only ones being embarrassed by the PM’s uncompromising stand are the Liberals. Where they fiddly-farted about for decades, bleating about “soft diplomacy,” often while Canadians like Bill Samson were tortured by despotic regimes, Harper has been clear and decisive and made it plain that Canada isn’t going to sit down and shut up for that kind of crap as long as he’s in charge.

Which should be for quite a while, from the look of things.

July 26, 2006

Deal with the root, already

Filed under: Iran,Mideast,Rants,Stupidity — Dennis @ 5:03 pm

Is it just me, or is anybody else getting damned fed up with the latte-lifters and their sanctimonious excusemongering and blamegaming over all the crap that’s happening in Lebanon right now? The conceit and moral relativism of these rodents is enough to make me want to puke.

They blame Israel for having the nerve to go after terrorists who have basically muscled in on the Lebanese government. They blame Harper for having the brass to point out that Hezbollah started this latest fracas and should have known better. They blame Big Nanny over at the UN for not “doing enough.” They blame the US (hey, why not?) for … well, for being the US, I guess. They tsk-tsk and tut-tut about saying what a shame it all is and laying blame everywhere but where it belongs.

Hezbollah are a gutless bunch of murderers who deliberately target nothing in Israel but civilians and gleefully use the Lebanese as human shields when their preferred whipping boy decides to swing back. Don’t fool yourselves; there will never be any peace as long as Hezbollah exists. It was founded solely for the purpose of destroying Israel and killing as many jews as possible. Period. But these homocidal harebrains are still nothing but puppets whose strings are pulled by the real threat to peace in the Middle East as well as the world.

Iran has been frantically trying to get its hands on nukes for years now and in the last couple of years they have been coming dangerously close. The rest of the world, however, isn’t deep enough in denial to think that an unstable theocracy led by a former terrorist can ever be trusted with the bomb.

Iran has also been waging a proxy war with the West for decades, creating Hezbollah in 1983 to act as its junkyard dog agains Israel while sitting back and putting on an innocent “what? me?” act. The fact of the matter is that Iran funnels hundreds of millions of dollars to these terrorists through Syria. Iranian “volunteers” are even now preparing to waddle off to jihad in Lebanon, as if the Lebanese want them there. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also called repeatedly for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” When is the world going to wake up and deal with this lunatic?

July 21, 2006


Filed under: BS,Politicorrect,Rants,Society/Culture,Stupidity — Dennis @ 5:04 pm

RantsIs it just me, or is anyone else getting pretty damned sick and tired of hearing so-called gay “rights” activists calling anyone who disagrees with them on anything at all a “homophobe“? They whip that little slur out like a gun, don’t they?

And it’s not like there really is any such thing as homophobia in the first place, is there? A phobia (from the Greek phobos, meaning “fear”) is an abnormal, irrational, persistent, overpowering and often debilitating fear of a particular situation, activity, person or thing. A phobia is a legitimate mental disorder which frequently affects those who suffer from it to such an overpowering degree that it can trigger a primal “fight or flight” response when the subject encounters the object of the phobia. Those who suffer from a phobia will therefore often got to extreme, even obsessive/compulsive, lengths to avoid any contact with or proximity to the object of their fear. I know an arachnophobe who will literally run screaming from the room at the sight of the tiniest spider. Another individual I know is prone to uncontrolled outbursts of violence when confronted with rodents. I have never in my life seen anyone respond to a homosexual individual with the intensity of someone confronted with the object of a specific phobia. Clearly, homophobia just… isn’t.

Utter BullshitSo why do they so gleefully fling this clanger about at the drop of a hat? The answer is simple: to give themselves an over-inflated sense of power by painting a picture of their opponents as inferior and fearful. They seem to hope (in the typical reality-impaired manner of the wantonly politically correct) that if they just tell us often enough that we are afraid, sooner or later we will start to be.

Good luck with that one, kids. Bleep off

The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as homophobia, at least not in the sense that homosexuality advicates use it (According to the OED, the word homophobia was originally used to mean “fear of men, or aversion towards the male sex”) so please keep that little fantasy to yourselves, thank you very much, and quit demanding that the rest of stick our heads in the sand along with you.

July 20, 2006

Citizens of convenience

Filed under: BS,Canada,Lebanon,Politicorrect,Rants,Rights,Society/Culture — Dennis @ 2:26 pm

RantsFirst off, I’d like to thank all the lovely people for all the nice emails I’ve been getting over the last couple of days. You are very clever little boys and girls and I can’t ever recall such creative speculations as to my ancestry. Did you come up with all those clever quips all by yourselves or did your mommies help you out? Bleep off Birdbrains.

Moving right along, I’ve been doing some thinking (yes, a dangerous pastime, but I have so much time on my hands these days) and a bit of math and I’ve come smack up against a rather interesting question: how is it that the US, with over 10 times our population, has only half as many people to evacuate from Lebanon as we do? There are estimated to be about 25,000 Americans getting out of Dodge while there are supposedly up to 50,000 “Canadians” trapped in the same country. Is it just me, or do these numbers not seem to add up?

The answer, sadly, is that they do add up; and for a very simple reason: dual citizenship. Now there’s an idea whose best before date passed long ago. It is far more common than many folks think for some to immigrate to Canada, stay just long enough to get citizenship (so that they can get all the benefits of being Canadian), and then bugger off back “home” to live out their lives with all the advantages of Canadian citizenship while contributing absolutely nothing in return.

What I would like to know is this: how many of those who are bitching and whining about the government taking too long to get their sorry arses out of Lebanon are people who haven’t been in this country in decades? Why should Canada be obligated to look after them after they deliberately chose to live in a country where terrorist organizations like Hezbolla have more clout than the government of the country?

No more Mr Nice GuyIt is time to seriously re-examine the whole idea of dual citizenship. Too many are merely “paper Canadians,” citizens of convenience and nothing more. They have no loyalty to Canada whatsoever and Canada shouldn’t be seen as owing them a damned thing. And don’t even bother trying to give me any of that multicult “but they contribute to our great cultural mosaic” bullshit. What kind of contribution are they making when they aren’t even here, and haven’t been for decades?

When first-generation immigrants who became Canadian citizens choose to return to live permanently to their country of origin, they should be stripped of Canadian citizenship, period. Canada should not be a country of convenience for anyone. These people were never really Canadian in the first place and it’s high time that we stopped calling them such.

July 19, 2006

Who made your bed?

Filed under: Canada,Cluebat,Grits,Lebanon,Military,Politicorrect,Rants,Stupidity — Dennis @ 8:37 pm

RantsThe bitching continues. Howls of outrage are ringing out, mostly from Lebanese Canadians but also from the usual motley crew of leftist suspects, that the government isn’t doing enough to evacuate Canadians currently trapped in Lebanon. Bullshit.

What really gnaws at me is that, out of all the complainers that I’ve heard from (and there were quite a few after yesterday’s post), over 70% said that they vote Liberal. The actual number may be even higher; I haven’t managed to reach all of them back yet. That’s right: the same people that propped up a corrupt party (that sucked up to the “immigrant vote” in order to keep their grip on power and decimated our military) are now whining at the top of their lungs that the current government isn’t doing enough.

Well guess what, you whiny little shits? You reap what you sow. Don’t go boo-hooing to the nearest television camera about how the Tories aren’t helping anyone; they’re doing the best that they can with what they were left to work with, which isn’t too damned much. Hell, the PM himself has diverted his own plane to pick up evacuees (for American readers: imagine the President of the United States flying in on Air Force One to personally pull Americans out of some foreign hot spot and you’ve got the idea), what more do you think can be done??

Send in planes? What planes? The biggest things we’ve got are Hercs. When we went to Afghanistan, we had to rent aircraft from the Russians and that’s not going to happen this time because they’re too busy getting their own people out.

Send in ships? We had to charter the ones that we’re already sending, remember? We have no heavy transport vessels anymore; thank you very much, Grits.

Send in troops to protect our people? What troops? The Canadian Armed Forces has been whittled down to barely 60,000 men, most not in combat positions. And how the hell would we get them there (see above)?

So my advice is: If you spent the last several elections voting Liberal and now have family trapped in Lebanon, shut the hell up. You made your bed, now you can lie in it.

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