Category: Rants
July 5, 2007
Holy crap, Batman! It seems that there actually is a Lefty someplace in this country that isn’t waiting on a brain donor. Mr. Cameron Campbell, apparently from somewhere in La Belle Province, is a regular commentor over at The Torch and a guy with a serious social pedigree, has gone and gotten utterly sick and tired of Jumpin’ Jack! Jerkweed. In a recent Torch post, he shares a letter that he recently sent the little smirkin’ gherkin and I gotta tell ya, this is one damn smart Lefty…
Mr. Jack Layton,
On your biography page it says that you believe in practical solutions for problems. And yet you keep saying things like “The strategy being followed by NATO right now is producing the precise opposite effect to the one that the promoters of this mission are suggesting should be the goal,” Layton said. “In other words, growth of support for the Taliban because of these air strikes.”
Only a comprehensive peace process — not armed conflict — can resolve the crisis in Afghanistan, he argued, noting that “students of history will know that all major conflicts are resolved ultimately through peace-oriented discussions.””
Actually history shows us that peace happens when several conditions exist, not the least of which being that one side feels like they’ve lost, so your argument, respectfully, is utter crap.
I’m being quite serious, “peace-oriented discussions” (also known as peace negotiations or talks – who writes for you? They should be fired.) require that 1) everyone wants peace 2) there is a central authority to negotiate with 3) that the end of conflict will not immediately be replaced with some new, different kind of conflict (like, say, a series of genocidal massacres based on, say, supporting democracy and western style ideals of same).
So your thesis fails on point one horribly, on point two it’s laughable, and on point three you’re displaying a callousness towards human life that makes me want to vomit.
The reality is that there is no peace to keep, no peace to negotiate for, no one to negotiate with and no secure area to negotiate within. Pretending that these conditions exist is a fantasy.
Once the left was populated by people like my Uncles who fought in WW2, by people like Orwell and Trumbo, who could tell wrong from right and could figure out that something had to be done about it.
Now it’s populated by people like you who believe in a pacifist unilateralism that appears to me to be suicidal. Certainly we don’t get to negotiate peace with allies, but suggesting that the way forward in Afghanistan is via a policy of unidimensional ” peace-oriented discussions” (still thinking that someone should loose their job over that..) ignores the reality and the complexity of the situation. This knee jerk reaction towards anything involving the US (and increasingly, NATO) is, frankly, childish and simplistic.
I think the current regime in the US are a pack of corrupt, right wing demagogues, most of whom need a good sending to bed without dinner (and/or jail time) but in my read, that has bugger all to do with the fact that the Canadian Forces presence in the reconstruction and (horrors) combat operations in Afghanistan is accomplishing good.
Additionally sir, the tying of Canadian troops, even tangentially, to what you seem to believe is a NATO policy of bombing civilians for sport is disgusting. It does your position utterly no good at all. It’s wrong.
I know that journalists seek you out every time a Canadian is killed in Afghanistan and why not? You give good clip. But the constant sight of you scoring cheap political points with the deaths of our military personal? It wears sir. A suggestion, one that would ratchet up many peoples respect for you by something like 100%, would be to tell the journalists a variation on “There will be time to discuss the mission later, today our thoughts are with our brave soldiers and their families.” Trite? Maybe. Lacking in the fun oomph of scoring cheap shots? Oh yes. Respectful and classy? Indeed.
I come from a family who’s political views range from red Tory all the way to charter members of the CCF (my Great Aunt and Uncle were XXXX and XXXX), with stops along the way in trade unionism, full on communists and just about every other colour of the socially progressive rainbow. I’ve voted for your party in the past (and in the absence of your party running a viable candidate in my riding, for M. Duceppe), so it pains me to say this: I will never vote for the NDP while you are at it’s helm.
I’ll vote for a fringe party, the Monarchists, the Communist party, whatever local looney has managed to get together the deposit by borrowing the money from his friend, but never ever again the NDP.
I expect no response to this letter, I expect that you won’t even see it or have it read to you (Hello, by the way, to the intern reading this. I hope you’re having a great summer, my jobs always sucked and involved lifting boxes or digging holes, good on you for scoring a good one. Enjoy it, and good luck next semester. Stay in school.), I know that democracy no longer works that way but it felt like the least I could do.
With great regret,
Cameron Campbell
Now just how the hell am I supposed to convincingly explain to people what idiots socialists are, when one of them goes around saying stuff like that?? 😕
And a big ol’ top o’ the chapeau to Babbling Brooks, who is the one that I got word of this from. His own commentary was pretty damned good, too, so check it out.
July 4, 2007
Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised by this. At all.
I may have been a little hesitant at first — and there were plenty of people emailing in to call me on it — but after the early revelations, my mind got changed in a hurry and what we have here now should surprise absolutely no one. I’ve gotten quite a few emails speculating about just how the murders of the Richardson family in Medicine hat were carried out, and most of them shared a common theory: Steinke killed the parents and Jasmine killed her 8-year old brother herself.
Well, so much for that being a wild theory:
MEDICINE HAT, Alta. – A 13-year-old girl accused of killing a Medicine Hat family broke down twice on the witness stand yesterday while admitting to stabbing an eight-year-old boy who was begging for his life.
Speaking in a barely audible voice, she admitted to stabbing eight-year-old Jacob Richardson in the upper part of his body.
“I’m scared, I’m too young to die,” the girl told the court, recalling what the boy said during the April 23, 2006, massacre.
There you have it. Sweet, innocent little Jasmine Richardson stuck a knife in her little brother while he begged for his life. Of course, she’s trying to hang it all on Steinke, but that’s not the way the evidence is piling up:
After three weeks of Crown evidence about the grisly crime scene and a rebellious adolescent who hated her parents and the rules they tried to impose, Tuesday’s testimony was the first time the jury heard full details of the murderous encounter.
She was angry because her parents grounded her and took away her computer privileges in an attempt to cool her relationship with the 23-year-old Steinke. She told the jury she often “vented” to her boyfriend as they talked on the phone late at night after her family had gone to sleep and admitted she’d had several “hypothetical conversations” with him about killing her parents.
As if all this weren’t bad enough, little Jasmine isn’t ever going to be held really accountable, regardless of the verdict. Thanks to the piece-of-shit YCJA that the Shawinigan Strangler saddled us with, she can’t possibly be handed a sentence of more than 10 years. And thanks to other idiocies like statutory release, she won’t do any more than six years inside, likely living with more creature comforts while she’s in there than most of you do out in the working world. Tack onto that the fact that she’s going to get 2-for-1 credit for the “dead time” that she’s served before her final sentencing, and she’ll be back on the streets before she’s old enough to drink.
And here’s the kicker: all the social-worker/hug-a-thug shitheads out there that think the YCJA is so lovely are going to try to tell you that you have no right to know who she is!
That’s right. In the all-too-near future, Jasmine’s going to be out on the same streets as your kids. Maybe, like my boy, your kids are about Jasmine’s age. And those sanctimonious assholes have the gall to try and tell me that I can’t warn him about this future Squeaky Fromme that’s going to be prowling the streets.
Like hell I can’t. My kids and my grandkids (whenever they show up) have a right to know if there’s a murderer in their midst.
Your kids have that right, too.
Oh, yeah; last but not least:
MEDICINE HAT, Alta. – A 13-year-old girl says she showed little emotion after stabbing her terrified little brother – knowing her parents were also dead – because the enormity of the act was “too big to cry about.”
Just one more thing to chew on…
July 3, 2007
Okay, the hangover’s worn off and I’m ready to get back to presenting my opinions like a cranky caged ape flinging poop at a gaggle of rubberneckers.
I have no idea exactly how it happened, but here’s how it went:
I got into it with one of those playdoh-skulled peaceniks on Friday night. You know the type; the ones that never met anything military that wouldn’t make ’em open a fudge factory in their Stanfields. This particular twerp was going on and on about how we shouldn’t be Fighting Dubya’s War For Oil© and oppressing the nice terrorists in Afghanistan and all the other usual bullshit. He was also űberpissed about how we were making our soldiers go and fight a war they wanted no part in.
That’s where my bullshitometer redlined. I pulled the emergency brake on his little chatter choochoo and gave him the bad news that service in Afghanistan is purely voluntary for CAF personnel. In other words, if you don’t ask, you don’t go. Of course, he tried to argue that with me (a doomed effort if ever there was one) but when that failed, he fell back on wondering “what kind of person volunteers for something like that.”
And that’s when it happened.
I had a profundity; right there in the middle of the pub. I imagine they’ve probably cleaned it up by now (it was one of those kinds of places) but it still happened, nonetheless…
“What kind of person does that?” I asked, still shaking off the incredulity. “Lemme ask ya something, bozo: do you own a dog?”
“Um, yeah,” he answered, wondering where the hell I was going with that.
“Has your dog ever gotten sick?”
“What the hell does that have to do with anything?” This bonehead clearly had no idea what was coming.
“Just answer the damn question: has your dog ever gotten sick?”
“Well, yeah; once or twice.”
“Did you hake him to the vet?”
“Of course.”
“So you took your sick dog to the vet?”
“Yes, I took my sick f#%!ing dog to the f#%!ing vet, what the hell’s your point?” He was probably wondering if we were having the same conversation by now.
“So you treat your dog better than the Taliban treated women?”
“WHAT?!?!?” Where’s a camera when you need one? 🙄
“If your dog gets sick, you take it to the vet. Under the Taliban, if a woman gets sick, she can’t be examined by a male doctor, only by a woman doctor. But ther aren’t any women doctors, are there? Because women aren’t allowed to have jobs. And even if they could get jobs, they aren’t allowed to go to school. So that woman sits in the house — because she isn’t allowed to leave or she risks getting the shit beat out of her in the streets by the local “guardians of virtue” — with the disease or whatever it is working its way through her, and she either lives or she dies. Period. That’s it. And you can’t get your pissant little brain around the idea that some people might volunteer to do their part to put an end to something like that??”
After that, he quickly retreated back to burbling about colonialism, oil and Dubya until I popped him in the smeller and he went away. Not my proudest moment, perhaps, but one that I won’t be ashamed to share with my son one day when he’s older. (And before some knob out there starts accusing me of “advocating violence” or some other such bullshit, remember that I put a cute little kitten graphic to the right, so that makes it all okay )
Because I know, in my bones, something that waffling little snot will spend the rest of his life trying to avoid knowing: Without men like me, men like him are an evolutionary dead end.
June 25, 2007
Goddamnit, what the hell does it take to finally get over this crap? It’s been damn near a year and a half since we kicked their sorry arses to the curb and we’re still having to deal with the fallout from the Liebrals’ willful neglect of our Canadian Armed Forces! Everybody from the Freeps, to CTV, to the Ministry Of What You Should Think, and everyone in between has been telling about how the Librano$ were, as usual, too damned busy buggering things up to take care of our men and women in uniform (the Snowbirds, this time):
The air force was urged in no uncertain terms four years ago to quickly replace the aging Tutor jets belonging to the prized Snowbird demonstration squadron.
The study by the Defence Department’s director of major service delivery procurement warned that the life expectancy of the 1960s-vintage aircraft was 2010, but could be pushed out for another decade if absolutely necessary.
“With each passing year, the technical, safety and financial risk associated with extending the Tutor into its fifth decade and beyond, will escalate,” said the review, written in August 2003.
And just what did the Grits do when they were given that information? Why, they did DICK ALL, of course! Just like they always do whenever something concerns the safety, wellbeing, morale, image or the very lives of our soldiers. After all, these are the same assholes that gave us Sea Kings In The Sun, the flying caskets that are older than most of the pilots that fly them, fer Chrissakes.
Granted, the Tutor isn’t as bad as the Sea Kings, but these things are starting to show their age. In the 35-year history of the Snowbirds, only six pilots have died, but half of those have been in the last nine years.
So here we are, with yet another Grit mess to clean up. Don’t expect them to take the blame, though. Hell, NO!! That ain’t the Lieberal way. Just like they twiddled their thumbs for years over the Kyotology Kult and then had the gall to demand that the Tories implement it within months (likely hoping that such an implementation would tank the economy, making the Conservatives look like assholes, and thereby get the Librano$ back high on the public hog), look for the Grits to screech away to anyone that will listen about how the mean, nasty, Stephen-Dubya-Harper® Tories are the ones that aren’t looking after the military.
Sometimes I wonder if those bozos don’t deliberately bugger up, just so they have a failsafe to fall back on whenever they get the boot: blame the Tories for not fixing their mistakes and then act like the screwup happened on their watch instead of the Liberals’. Just a thought.
June 21, 2007
Some of you might find this post a little befuddling, especially in light of my opinions on the Farmer Bob Varmint Gun Registryâ„¢ and other idiocies that the anti-gun wackos puke up from time to time. The fact of the matter is that, contrary to what some of my friends and coworkers might tell you, I actually do believe in having some gun control under the law.
No, I haven’t changed my mind. Registration is still useless but licensing makes sense. Registration only kicks in after you have a gun. It’s a licensing that keeps guns out of the hands of the wrong people in the first place, or at least makes it harder for them to get one.
A lot of states in the US have the right idea: if you have a felony conviction, you can’t get a gun. Waiting times make sense, too. Seriously now, just what the hell can be going on in your day that you need a gun right now?? Smells fishy to me.
But just having a licensing regimen isn’t enough; it has to be done right. Which makes the story on the front page of today’s Freeps all that much more disturbing:
ST. THOMAS — Factory worker Nelson Merritt has struggled for years with mental health problems and drug dependency.
He has an anxiety and bi-polar disorder. He’s been depressed and had suicidal thoughts.
And when he emptied the clip of his Glock 9 mm handgun into Bobby Thorpe Jr., shooting him 10 times, Merritt was the licensed owner of three handguns, two rifles and two shotguns.
I’m going to resist the temptation to go on a complete rant about how this is yet another murder that the Long Gun Registry failed to do anything about. The real question here is: how the hell did someone with a long history of drug abuse and mental illness get a PAL for not one but THREE, COUNT ‘EM: THREE RESTRICTED WEAPONS!?!? 😯 If that doesn’t redline your WTF-o-meter, nothing will.
I’ve said it before and, you guessed it, I’m saying it again: the problem isn’t guns, the problem is PEOPLE. You want to curb gun crime? First, you have a licensing system that is based on common sense (if you have trouble figuring out what that is, just go to your local sportsman’s or hunters’ & anglers’ association and ask around) instead of moonbattery. Second you need to really punish gun crime. As in: use a gun, do ten years BEHIND BARS and make it REAL TIME. That means:
- No TV
- No radio
- No gym
- No yard
- No Club Fed
- No smokes
- No methodone or other such bullshit
- And no Goddamn trailer where your ol’ lady can come in and grease your pole on the weekends.
You don’t stop gun crime by hassling law-abiding people. You do it by demanding responsible access and by going after the troublemakers — with a damned big stick.
June 20, 2007
More today on the asshattery from the Arsehole Of The Universeâ„¢. You might recall from yesterday’s post that the chickendoves down at TO’s Silly Hall have decided, in their infinite wimpdom, that it would be a grand jolly idea to yank the yellow “Support Out Troops” ribbons off all the city’s firetrucks and ambulances.
Yeah, those ribbons. The ones that send the antiwar (read “anti-military utopian, la-la-land-dwelling”) crowd into fits.
The same boneheads that amongst other things, keep the wheels of TO’s homeless industry greased to the tune of over $100 million a year want to get rid of them. Their reasoning for such full-blown fiddlyfriggery were thoroughly astonishing:
The reason? It depends on who you talk to. And there are lots of contradictions.
Some say it is because it was not brought to council for proper approval, others say protocol was not followed. Another reason given is it was a one-year project.
But many City Hall sources tell me it has everything to do with some complaints from a few anti-war citizens who have the ear of some leftist councillors — and felt the ribbons were in support of the war in Afghanistan and not just in support of the troops.
“It was a decision I made in conversations I had with the two chiefs,†said city manager Shirley Hoy, who was good enough to return a call yesterday on this and own up.
Several members of council did not extend the courtesy. Having said that, Hoy, though, still attempted to dance around this by saying it was a “one-year support program†and that the decision was made to remove the decals when the vehicles were scheduled for “regular maintenance.â€
Surely, Shirley, every vehicle is not going in on the same day for repairs?
Well, it looks like their buffoonery has come back and bitten them on their little peacenik asses. Right quick…
Councillor Frances Nunziata said yesterday she would call on council to extend the yellow ribbon campaign after receiving calls from veterans who were “outraged and insulted” after reading a Sun report about the decals being removed from the emergency vehicles.
Mayor David Miller expressed support for Canadian troops but refused yesterday to intervene in the local battle that has erupted over plans to take yellow ribbon decals — a sign of support for the troops — off 170 fire trucks, 147 ambulances and 25 of that department’s emergency response cars and SUVs.
Well, isn’t that just cute? He supports the troops, as long as he doesn’t have to take a stand on anything.
Dear Dave,
NEWS FLASH, you little socialist weasel: if you support the troops, that means actually DOING something about it! You never have any problem with throwing your office’s weight around when it comes to one of your little Lefty feel-good, do-nothing projects or causes, do you? But when it comes to standing up for the very men and women that put their asses on the line to earn all the freedoms that you take for granted, you tuck tail and do dick all like the good little sniveling Leftist lapdog that you are. Yeah, you talk, but talk is cheap:
“There are calls from people saying, ‘Why are you expressing support for the war in Afghanistan’? My perspective is that troops — once they are put in harm’s way — everybody has to support them,” said Miller, whose uncle served in the British and Canadian navies.
SO WHY THE HELL AREN’T YOU SUPPORTING THEM, DAVE?? Without men like your uncle, men like you and your anti-military playmates are an evolutionary dead end, you little shit! Get off your worthless, no-balls-havin’ ass put a stop to this bullshit! You say that you support our troops, I say PROVE IT! Put the damn things back and leave ’em there until our troops come home.
Looks like de Tocqueville was right about people in democracies getting the government they deserve… 🙄
At least not everyone in TO is a blathering idiot:
“When you have families already living in anticipatory grief, it’s a bit of a slap in the face,” said Katherine Hodgson-McMahon, executive director of the Toronto Military Family Resource Centre.
As usual, “Scrawler” Joe Warmington nailed it:
I dare you, Mr. Mayor!
I dare you, David Miller, to vote against the Canadian troops today.
And if you do, I then dare you to resign in disgrace and dishonour.
I would then dare you to face the families of the 57 soldiers already brought home in flag-draped coffins. Shame on you for even letting this get this far!
Amen to that.
== UPDATE ==
It seems that TO’s city council has proven that you actually can count on them to do the right thing. Whenever they’re cornered like rats in a trap, that is…
City councillors voted unanimously today in favour of keeping the “Support Our Troops” decals on fire trucks and ambulances. The issue became a political hot potato after Mayor David Miller backed a plan by fire and ambulance officials to have the stickers removed, starting in September.
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