Category: Video

May 19, 2008

Sagely Advice

Filed under: Funny,Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 12:17 pm

Like I mentioned in my earlier post today, one of the things I like about McCain is his sense of humour and his willingness to take as good as he gives. After all, if you can’t take it, you shouldn’t dish it out, right? That’s what my daddy always told me, anyway.

But McCain’s not all jokes, nosiree. A little more poking around after the last post led me to trip over another clip that shows that McCain’s a man of fairness, too. And he’s more than willing to share his experience and wisdom, even with his opponents!

Now, I ask you: how many politicians can boast that kind of class? Not too damned many; you can bet on that.

Who’s Got The Oldness?

Filed under: Funny,Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 11:49 am

He does!

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: one of the things I like best about this guy is his sense of humour. I’m not too big on some of his policies, but anybody that can make good-natured fun of himself with such a straight face can’t be all that bad. Most politicians (especially Republicans, it seems, for some reason) don’t have the guts to lampoon themselves like this…

May 15, 2008

Meds Required, STAT!

Filed under: Moonbattery,The MSM,USA,Video — Dennis @ 2:55 pm

This has got to be, without any doubt, the worst damned case of BDS I’ve ever seen. But then, I’m not an American, so I might not see it as often.

This dude though, and I’ll freely admit that I don’t have a clue in hell as to who he actually is — I don’t watch MSNBC and I don’t think I’m likely to if this is the quality of programming they offer — totally kooks out over the American President in a way that I thought was usually reserved for lifelong Gritlets wailing about the Impending Doom Under The Evil Government Of Scary Stephen Harper®. Ah, hell, just take a look at this idiot and see for yourself.

I recommend antipsychotics. Strong ones. In bigass doses…

May 8, 2008

Steyn On The Agenda

I’d been looking for this for a day or so now and finally managed to find it on YouTube, thanks to SDAMatt (nice job, mate). Mark Steyn was on TVO’s The Agenda the other day, having a go at Mohamed Elmasry’s SP3. As you can likely imagine, ol’ Mark comes out of the gate, practically barking his head off at the end of his chain, wanting to get right to it.

I have to admit that I felt kind of sorry for Steve Paikin at several points throughout the show — the poor bugger must have felt like he was trying to herd feral cats on angel dust at some points — but overall, especially under the circumstances, I think he did rather well. The sock puppets, as you can imagine, were outdone from the start. What I can’t quite figure out, though, is Steyn. He’s nowhere near in full form in this little fracas, apparently going deliberately easy on them at some points? Maybe he just figured that they were just a bunch of kids, being used as shills — the general tone of his post-show post would seem to support this — who had no idea what they were really stirring up (which is clearly what they are, particularly the sputtering Khurrum).

At any rate, have a look and see for yourselves. The whole thing’s chopped up into six chunks of about 10 minutes each, with a little tie-up at the end. Grab a cuppa joe and enjoy… (more…)

May 1, 2008

Not Totally Stoopid, After All

Okay, here we go. Gravol? Check. Barf bucket? Check. Piggies on the runway? Check. I sooooo don’t wanna do this…

Everybody who spends any time here already knows that I have no love whatsoever for Billary “I love country music” Clinton (google it if you can’t figure it out). I agree with Gary Hubbell when he says that the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock.” I had no idea that Gary even knew me. 😛 The real problem here is that I also like to think of myself as someone who acknowledges common sense, regardless of whose mouth it comes out of.

So you can imagine the conundrum that I find myself in when Billary up has herself a “don’t Falk with me, Argentina” moment and blurts out the only realistic answer on the question of how to deal with a potentially nuke-packing Iran: (more…)

April 22, 2008

Reeking To The Rafters

Filed under: BS,Canada,CPC,Government,Grits,News,Politics,Skullduggery,Video — Dennis @ 12:07 am

The hat’s off once again to Edmonton’s favourite Elmer Fuddette, Hunter, for posting this ahead of me (along with a knowing wink to frmgrl, one of her regular commentators who clued her in to it in the first place).

Some folks have been asking why I haven’t sounded off about the Great Raid That Wasn’tâ„¢, which was supposedly carried out by the RCMP on the Conservative Party of Canada. The simple answer is, that I haven’t had the time lately.

But I’ve got a few minutes now, and here’s what I think. The most important thing that was removed by Elections Canada from the CPC offices (and yes, it was Elections Canada doing the searching and not the RCMP) was something that had nothing whatsoever to do with Tory financing practices, but was also one thing that they could never have gotten their hands on otherwise. Are you ready? Here it is… (more…)

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