Category: Video

April 15, 2008

Allies At Work – Part 2

Filed under: Afghanistan,Good Stuff,Military,UK,Video — Dennis @ 9:36 pm

Yesterday, I posted the five YouTube chunks of part one of Ross Kemp in Afghanistan. Several visitors have pointed out to me that there’s a hell of a lot more than just what I put up. So, in the interest of not having my sorry arse nagged right off, here’s the second part of the series (again, in five YouTube chunks).

From time to time, it gets too easy for us to get tied up with what we’re doing in Afghanistan and forget that we aren’t the only ones there…


April 14, 2008

Allies At Work

Filed under: Afghanistan,Good Stuff,Military,Traditions,UK,Video — Dennis @ 12:09 pm

It’s time, ladies and gentlemen, for one bigass tip of the hat to 16 Air Assault Brigade first showed up in Helmand province in 2006. Not a bad damned record at all, if I do say so myself.

These clips come from a documentary by a fellow named Ross Kemp, who you can see more about here. The YouTube of the first episode has been broken up into 5 parts. Check them out below and enjoy watching our oldest allies at work (CAUTION: strong language)…


April 9, 2008

Explain Vermont

And while you’re at it, explain the District of Columbia, too.

For those of you that might be just awakening from your winter hibernation, His Blondeness, Dave “Da Dork” Miller, the Lord High Asshat of The Arsehole Of The Universe has once again begun burbling up his own butthole about attacking law-abiding firearms owners with a nation-wide handgun ban in Canada.

Where the hell am I going to start with disassembling this shitskullery? Well, I guess the best place to start is with the idiocy from Daveyboy’s on piehole: (more…)

March 30, 2008

Post 501

Welcome, boys and girls, to my 501st post! 😀 How the hell did it ever get to this point?? 😕

Well, the upgrade to the software seems to have gone okay so far, so I’m going to get on with blabbing about what’s on my melon today: HLCs … again. If you’re one of those dimwits that is still having trouble figuring out why these things need to be gotten rid of, you really should read Lorne Gunter’s column in the Edmonton Journal today:

All you need to know about how rotten the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is — how undemocratic and anti-freedom it has become — is that in hate-speech complaints, the commission has a 100-per-cent conviction rate.

No one who has ever been hauled before it for allegedly uttering hate speech has ever been acquitted.


You can see this in the words of lead CHRC investigator Dean Steacy. Asked by Lemire’s lawyer, Beverley Kulaszka: “What value do you give freedom of speech when you investigate one of these complaints?” Steacy replied, “Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don’t give it any value. It’s not my job to give value to an American concept.” Pardon me? Freedom of speech is entrenched in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. And, of course, we inherited hundreds of years of English constitutional protection of free expression before that.

It gets a lot better than that. Read the whole thing here.

Meanwhile, even the Ministry Of What You Should Think has finally figured out that they can neither ignore this nor sweep it under the rug. CBC Sunday did themselves a mini-documentary on the out-of-control HLCs today (although, as you can imagine, it tries to put that typical CBC gloss over the ugliness of this Leftist farce). Grab a coffee and check out the vid (it’s about 15mins or so long): (more…)

March 29, 2008

What’s Good For The Goose…

Filed under: Celebrities,Funny,Politics,Random Junk,USA,Video — Dennis @ 9:09 am

Hey, its funny……is definitely good for the gander. 😀

I knew there was a reason why I liked this gal; every now and then she manages to come up with something that just plain gets my laughing my dingleberries right off. Hey, if Babs can dish it out, she should be able to take it too; don’t you think?

Now I’m going to have to send this to all my friends in the ‘States…


March 28, 2008

Fitna Fatwa

Militant IslamWell now, that didn’t take too long, did it? As predictably as the tides, the goons of the Religion of Pieces® went into full gonna-chop-me-off-some-heads-for-Mohamed-(pbuh) mode and did the only thing they’ve ever shown any talent at all for. Less than two full days after it was posted on LiveLeak, the Geert Wilders short film, “Fitna” has been removed from the site following threats “of a very serious nature” to LiveLeak staff (its page over at Wikipedia is also getting edited at a frenzied pace; I wouldn’t be surprised if it got locked soon).

The Hague – The anti-Qur’an film Fitna made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders has once again been removed from LiveLeak, the British website where it was being shown. In its place is an official statement by the website saying the film was removed because of very serious threats to staff. The statement speaks of a sad day for freedom of speech but insists that the safety of the website’s staff has to come first.

Those trying to access the video are now met with LiveLeak’s official response in regard to the matter:

What kind of threats, I wonder?Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.
This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.

No more Mr Nice GuyChalking one up for medieval murderous thugs and their gutless apologists, are we? Not God damned yet, we aren’t. If these Islamic assholes think they’ve somehow managed to put a lid on this thing, they’re even crazier than I thought they were (and that’s pretty nucking futs).

This thing is out there and the genie’s damned well not going back into the bottle. And now that you’ve managed to work your usual magic of murderous intimidation, even more people are going to want to see it to find out what the hell all the fuss is over.  Here’s a list of some of the places where you can still download the video and see it for yourself:

AJM (dedicated server — very fast)
Bivouac-ID (French subtitles)
Czech Infidel (Czech subtitles)
Daily Motion (flagged as inappropriate — must register to see it)
Google video
Isohunt (links to torrent sites)
Rapid Share (flv format)
Rapid Share (wmv format)
The Pirate Bay (bit torrent)

If none of those work, just click here and download it from my server (about 35MB in .wmv format for now) to keep on your hard drive.  Here’s a torrent link, if that’s more your style.  And as soon as I can find it in a format that’ll embed good here, I’ll be doing that too.

These assholes are about to get a lesson in viral marketing…

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