Category: Video

March 28, 2008

Let The Hissy Fitna Begin

Filed under: Cluebat,Europe,Islam,Politicorrect,Terrorism,Video — Dennis @ 11:23 am

Militant IslamWell, it’s out there now. And yes, I have no doubt whatsoever that the assorted jihadiots around the globe are even now preparing their collective hissy fit over it. Well, tough titty; it’s out there and, like those cartoons that you got your panties all in a knot over, it’s not going to uninvent itself.

In spite of the fact that nobody wanted to show it (likely afraid that they’d end up on one of Islam’s Funniest Home Beheadings®), Geert Wilders has managed to release his work, Fitna, into that great untamed frontier of the information age. That would be the internet, of course. And, as Paul over at Celestial Junk put it, all the apeshit stunts aren’t going to have quite the desired effect…

And now, more people … millions more … will see Fitna than would’ve seen it had the barbarians and their “progressive” appeasers just simply kept their damned mouths shut.

Pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? Here’s the flick:

March 23, 2008

Trust In Nanny

Filed under: Cluebat,Gun Control,Nanny State,Rights,Security,Video — Dennis @ 6:18 pm

Spouting offNot a lot of time for shooting my mouth off right now, I’m afraid. Not that that’s likely to shut me up, of course. 😉

I stumbled over a thread over at CGN the other day that brought to mind an argument that I got into with one of those anti-gun lamebrains. You know the kind of bonehead I’m talking about: “guns are the problem; less guns and more laws will fix everything.” Trust in Big Nanny®. Big Nanny® will take care of everything for you; you don’t need to look after yourself.

Yeah, those idiots. I, on the other hand, am one of those ones that believes that the solution isn’t less guns, it’s more guns… and give ’em to the right people.

So, since I’m too damned lazy to put up a whole post right now, here’s a few vids to watch and think about.

Yup, “gun-free zones” will solve it for ya.


Home invasion: no gun (no embedding for some reason?)…

Click here

Home invasion, got gun…

March 18, 2008

Just A Little Message…

Filed under: Canada,Government,John Q Public,Nanny State,Rights,Video — Dennis @ 5:22 pm

… for any MPs that happen to stop by here.

No further commentary needed, really. This guy says it quite well all on his own.

March 16, 2008

Son Of A…

Filed under: Politics,Twisting Faith,USA,Video — Dennis @ 11:36 pm


And here I thought that CANADIAN politics was full of some low-down, nasty crap! The HypoGrits, Blocheads and Dippers may be capable of some cheapass shots but, I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never heard any of ’em spewing anything quite like this.

I’ve honestly got no idea who this bellowing gargoyle is and at this hour of the night, I’m not likely to give a crap, either. I’m no fan of Obambi, but this Froot Loop® is just absolutely over the top.

I recommend Thorozine; and a hell of a lot of it…

h/t to Paul

March 15, 2008

Better Than Ezra

Filed under: Canada,Funny,HRCs,Nanny State,Rights,Soc. Engineering,Video — Dennis @ 11:40 pm

Hey, its funny…No, not the band; ME! That’s right, I’m better than Ezra!

Chew on this, Levant… 😛

Ezra Levant seems to think he’s all hot stuff just because he managed to video tape a little interview that he had with an HLC Inquisitorâ„¢ somewheres out in Wild Rose Country and managed to slap it up in bits and pieces on YouTube. Well, la-dee-da. Isn’t that special?

Sit back and relax, ladies & gents, as I prove once and for all that I am, in fact, Better Than Ezra. It’s my very first real scoop, dontcha know? Unlike Ezra — who just managed to tape a little preliminary thingamawhatever — I have gotten my hands on… wait for it…HOLY COW!!!

Actual footage of a complete Human Lefts Commission hearing!!

Yes, you read that right; the entire proceedings from beginning to end! If this doesn’t convince people that we need to get rid of these things, nothing will. And yes, the footage is authentic. I have personally conducted exhaustive research and fact-checking on this (20 minutes of surfing and 11 hours, 40 minutes to get through 3/4 of a case of Moosehead) and I can assure you that that is, in fact, Richard Warman. Don’t take my word for it, though; see it for yourself and gasp in awe of my journalistic sleuthing skills:

March 12, 2008

Biased? The MSM?? Naaaww…

Filed under: Blogosphere,Good Stuff,Moonbattery,Skullduggery,The MSM,Video — Dennis @ 8:49 pm

Mainstream Media

The idiot box

Anybody that’s spent any time poking around here at all probably knows by now that I’m not much of a fan of the MSM (MainStream Media). Yes, there are a few (a very few) publications and networks that are finally realizing that there are more audiences out there than just the aging hippy boomers but they’re still the exception, not the rule. Whether it be newspapers, television, magazines, blogs (yes, I’m aware of what I do for a hobby, thank you) or whatever else have you, I find them to be — almost exclusively — rabidly leftist, with an almost pathological need to misrepresent anyone and anything even vaguely conservative.

Some of them, however, I don’t consider to be as bad as others. Glenn Beck’s a guy like that. Hell, you gotta admire a guy with the stones to take his own profession to task like he does here. I especially like the optimistic way that he tries to see the bright side in all this skulduggery (at about the7:05 mark) 😀

Cheers to Bleatmop over at Right Thinking for finding this first.

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