Bullshit #1!
Something else I pilfered from elsewhere in the blogosphere. Damn, this blogger’s block thing is getting easier…
Category: VideoJanuary 3, 2008Bullshit #1!Something else I pilfered from elsewhere in the blogosphere. Damn, this blogger’s block thing is getting easier… Still StuckWell, boys and girls, the brain blockage continues unabated. I’m still sitting at my keyboard for a bit every day, shaking my head like a thinking man at a Greenpeace rally, and nothing’s popped loose. Is there such a thing as ExLax for the brain? So, since the only original stuff I seem able to write these days is Jack and shit (and Jack’s busy running the Dippers), kick back and soak this up for now. A big ol’ tip o’ the toque to Paul over at CJ for finding this first. December 25, 2007A Merry Christmas To AllA merry and joyous Christmas to you and all of yours, no matter who you are nor where you may be, as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May the new year bring you peace and His blessings… December 1, 2007This Is…… just too damned funny not to share. I know that I haven’t been posting worth a crap lately. Call it writer’s block, blogger burnout or whatever the hell else it might be but lately, it just hasn’t been coming out for some reason. It’s not that there hasn’t been anything pissing me off or that I haven’t had anything on my mind; it just doesn’t seem to want to get from my brain to the keyboard… This, though, was just too damned good not to pass along. A big ol’ tip o’ the tuque to Damian for bringing this to my attention in the first place… September 25, 2007The Problem With Messing With A Good Kid……is that there might be someone around willing to stick up for him. This guy is getting excoriated in the media lately. Naturally. Nothing pisses the media off more than getting called on the carpet for their bullying misdeeds. Yeah, that’s right: I’m talking about Oklahoma State University’s head football coach, Mike “screw with my kids and I’ll rip ya a new one” Gundy. What did he do? Well, it’s simple: he had the gall to take the media to task for the cheap shots that they were taking at one of his players. The media, naturally, are calling it a “meltdown.” Of biblical proportions, no less. But what should we expect? The media have always been bullies, eager to dish out the most vicious criticism of anyone and anything and then squealing like stuck pigs whenever someone so much as looks sideways at them. So… did Gundy, nave a “meltdown?” Pete Schrager doesn’t think so, and neither do I. All I see is a coach sticking up for one of his players who’s been kicked when he’s down. But hey, why take my word for it? See for yourself and make up your own mind… August 20, 2007« Previous Page — Next Page » |
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