Category: Video
May 3, 2007
After tripping over Katey’s “firearms facts” video yesterday, I decided to do a little more poking around on her dad Bruce’s website ( and learn some more about how he came to find himself in his fracas with the CFC zombies.
Anybody who’s spent any time at all reading any of my rants likely has already figured out that I’m a firm supporter of the rights of law-abiding gun owners — I happen to be one myself — and so won’t be surprised to hear that I did have a passing familiarity with Bruce’s case. Yeah, that translates into “I knew what I read in the papers.” How unlike me 😳 is that?
Anyways… Bruce’s site has all the info you could want on how he’s been getting screwed over. He also has a page of audio and video downloads available describing what he and his family have been forced to put up with over the last couple of years, all of them definitely worth the time to check out.
Since I don’t know who hosts Bruce’s site or how much bandwidth he gets — and since I don’t think he’s going to mind getting his message spread around a little bit more — I’ve decided to pilfer the best media files from his site and post them here for my legions of adoring fans.
Screw off; I can dream.
We’ll start off today with a 15-minute fund-raiser/information vid that tells of how Bruce found himself in his predicament and what you can do to help. Be warned: it’s kind of a big video (about 14MB), so if you don’t want to stop your surfing to wait for it to load, you can just download it here (just right-click the link and save) and watch it later.
May 2, 2007
Wow. Don’t you just love it when you’re bopping around, not really looking for anything in particular, and stumble on something that just manages to make your day? I love it when that happens. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, kinda like how Liberals must feel when they piss my money away.
Anyways, movin’ right along… I was poking about over at the LUFA site (no, not that sponge-thing, bonehead; the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association… check it out) and stumbled on this little gem that put a grin on my ugly mug so big that it damn near met in the back and toppled the top half of my skull off. Yeah, it was messy. But I digress…
This here is Katey. Katey lives someplace in Canada (I don’t know where but if I find out she’s from around here, I am totally gonna try and set her up with Edward… 😉 ) and, for a thirteen year old, she is sharp as a tack. Yeah, she’s blonde and talks like a total airhead. Don’t be fooled. This kid’s smarter than a good-sized chunk of the House of Commons. See for yourself:
[UPDATE: After a little more poking around, I found out that Katey is Bruce Montague’s daughter. Some of you might remember Bruce as the law-abiding hunter and gunsmith from northern Ontario who has been fighting the good fight against our country’s bullshit Firearms Act since he was arrested and jailed under it on September 11, 2004. For more information on Bruce and his quest to have the Firearms Act declared unconstitutional, and what you can do to help, see his website.]
May 1, 2007
Here, at long last, is the final and conclusive proof that several of those old adages that your mom, dad, grandma and grandpa were flinging about for all those years were really right after all. I’m talking about those little homilies that left you scratching your youthful head in utter befuddlement, wondering whether or not the old folks had finally reached that point that people referred to as “ready for a home,” whatever the heck that was supposed to have meant. Those little nuggets of wisdom that so often only make any sense at all in hindsight.
You know the ones I’m talking about:
“Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”
“Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.”
You can now add another one to that list:
“Even the CBC will broadcast some sense sometimes.”
I even found proof…
Okay, show of hands now… Who would have ever guessed that the Ministry Of What You Should Think’s redeeming virtue would be found in Rex Murphy??? 😯
Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Once again it’s that time of year. It’s now officially May first (has been for a few hours now) and just on the off chance that you might have somehow (gee, I dunno, maybe you were abandoned in the wilderness as a child and raised in a cave by wild rednecks or something) forgotten just what that means, here’s both a little reminder and the most honest explanation possible.
Ah, the simple pleasures of spring, eh?
April 23, 2007
Let’s go out on a limb here. Just this once. Here it is. With NO commentary whatsoever. Make of it what you will.
April 14, 2007
Well, since I seem to be in a video kind of mood today, let’s add this one to the pile. SDA had this earlier and it’s pretty damned dumb.
Ah, ecotourism, isn’t it just wonderful? Happy little tree-hugging granola-grinders getting themselves back to the loving, gentle embrace of Mother Nature, where nothing nasty ever happens, there is never any violence, and all the goddess’s happy creatures live in perfect harmony with one another. Probably because there’s no conservatives around.
Memo to the Ecotardsâ„¢:
Nature isn’t politically correct. Nature isn’t pacifist. Nature is downright violent. Nature has a word for vegans and that word is: “FOOD.” Animals fall into two categories: those that eat other animals and those that get eaten by other animals. Neither one gives a shit about you, how many petitions you signed in college, or how much you hate the east coast seal hunt. They do, however, give a damn about their young. And ELEPHANTS are something that, if you had two brain cells to rub together, you would stick right up near the top of your “I don’t wanna screw with that” column.
These idjits aren’t that smart, though. The price of their stupidity? I’m not 100% sure, but the quoted stat of “two were injured and one was killed” doesn’t stretch the imagination too much. Can you say “Darwin Award,” boys and girls?
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