Well I’ll Be Damned… Wendy Wins??
I can’t believe it. After all this time, it’s actually finally happened. You have no idea how much I hate like hell to say this, but I really do have no choice.
The gun grabbers were right!
You have no idea how disgusted I am with myself right now.
Every time some jurisdiction down in the US loosened its gun control laws, organizations like the Brady Campaign fought those reforms tooth and nail. And I ridiculed them.
They warned us over and over and over again that ONLY SOLDIERS AND COPS CAN BE TRUSTED WITH GUNS and putting guns in the hands of the average citizen would lead to mayhem — violence in the streets, shootings over the most insignificant perceived slight, gunfights over fender benders.
Yes, they warned us. They did everything they could. And we … I … didn’t listen. Now it’s happened. Many of you have doubtless heard of the historic “Heller decision” of the US Supreme Court that struck down the District of Columbia’s wise and well-thought-out gun ban that had stood for more than 30 years, making sure DC stayed as safe as it was. I remember it quite well. I, fool that I was, rejoiced at it. (more…)