Category: Video

October 13, 2008

Doing It Right

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Good Stuff,Military,Traditions,Video — Dennis @ 1:10 pm

Some in the media have elected to piss and moan (surprise, surprise) about Prime Minister Harper having decided on the course of having “suspended news conferences for the duration of the election campaign.”  They act like he’s somehow gone and shut them out.  Poor babies.

I disagree.  I think there is really only one interview left to give in this campaign, and the PM damned well gave it:

October 10, 2008

This Gift …

Filed under: Canada,Grits,Spin,Stupidity,Video — Dennis @ 9:58 am

… Just keeps on giving. And I’m lovin’ it.

As more and more people are finding out about The Absent-minded Professor®’s little deer-in-the-headlights moment on CTV the other day (even the Red Star couldn’t clam up about it), they are starting to get a really creepy feeling at the thought of this guy running the national till.

As if that wasn’t good enough, little Grit tadpole Geoff Regan had a chance to put the whole thing to bed and totally blew it. He could have said something like, “yeah, that was embarrassing; but the poor guy’s jet-lagged stupid these days, so what can you do, eh?” That could have been the end of it right there. People would have just assumed that Dion’s all tuckered out from dashing back and forth across the country for a month now and just had himself a brainfart. Could have happened to anybody.

But nope.

When Duff pointed out that this was reminiscent of Bob Stanfield and the football (best analogy so far, BTW), Regan fell back on the favourite HypoGrit tactic of ad hominem faux indignation, so beloved by them whenever they’ve been caught piddling on the rug and don’t think they should have their noses rubbed in it.

“Mister Dion has mentioned before that he has a hearing problem and that’s clearly what happened here,” he harrumphed. “I don’t think that we should spend a lot of time talking about someone’s physical impairment.”

When Duff quizzes him if it’s an impairment or just “a failure to comprehend,” Regan first sulks in silence, then tries to play dumb, and finally just goes all to hell in a handbasket amidst trying to deny that he just said what he just said when Duff calls bullshit on him.

Does it get better than this?

This Clown…

Filed under: Dithering,Grits,Video — Dennis @ 1:10 am

… wants to be Prime Minister. He actually thinks that he somehow deserves your vote. 😯

For those of you that just come here but not to the BT website: that’s where I found this (thanks guys).

You know, I actually don’t know how to go with this one. Really, I don’t. Half of me wants to wallow in partisan glee at his idiocy, but the other half of me actually feels… what the hell is that, anyway? Sympathy???

Any fool knows I’ve never had any love for Dion, not by a long shot. But the poor bastard just seems so… utterly out of his depth here that I almost can’t help but feel sorry for him. Yes, I know; I’m a poor excuse for a partisan SOB. Tough.

But I gotta tell ya, after seeing this, the thought of this guy holding the levers gives me the willies now more then ever (and I didn’t think that was possible)…

And he wants us to trust him to steer our economy through what is likely an upcoming global recession. God help us…

October 9, 2008

A Good Interview

Filed under: Antistupidity,Canada,CBC,CPC,Good Stuff,Government,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 12:11 pm

If anybody out there is still wondering whether or not Stephen Harper is the best man to guide the economy through the coming uncertainty, just watch this.

Yes, I know it’s the Ceeb, but it’s still good. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut some days, right?

Now, I’ll be the first one to admit that Harper (surprise, surprise) doesn’t come off as even remotely warm and fuzzy here. Mansbridge also hits him with a few curve balls as well but the PM handles them damned well.

October 8, 2008

Some Messages For Gun Owners

A couple of quick vids for gun owners out there. The first one comes from Tony Bernardo of the CSSA/CILA:

The second one comes from Katey Montague. You remember Katey, don’t you? Well, here’s what she has to say now:

Kinda compelling for a kid, isn’t she?

A Lesson In Viral Messaging

This isn’t Pat Condell‘s first appearance here. Most folks already know that he’s one opinionated sonofabitch by any standards. Like him or hate him (and I’ve done both), the man does say what’s on his mind and if his YouTube channel is any indication, he’s got a lot on his melon. But then, what can you expect from a guy whose website starts off with “Hi, I’m Pat Condell. I don’t respect your beliefs and I don’t care if you’re offended. Cheers.”

Well, some folks would prefer that Pat just put a cork in it and would like to stick it in themselves, if at all possible. In case you hadn’t heard, one of his recent rants, a little something called “Welcome to Saudi Britain” got yanked from YouTube:

However YouTube, which is owned by the internet search engine giant Google, has removed the video from its site because of “terms of use violation”.

It had been watched more than 40,000 times in the 24 hours after Condell uploaded it.

YouTube has also threatened to disable his entire account if he commits “additional violations”.

A spokesman for the website said: “YouTube has clear policies that prohibit inappropriate content on the site, such as pornography, gratuitous violence or hate speech. Our community understands the rules and polices the site for inappropriate material. When users feel content is inappropriate they can flag it and our staff then review it as quickly as possible to see if it violates our Terms of Use. If users repeatedly break these rules we disable their accounts.”

Surprise, surprise, the net community and others went apeshit over this kind of censorship. Within hours, copies of the vid were all over OhNoYouDontTube and — surprise, surprise, again — YouTube caved and let the damn thing be. Here’s Pat’s take on the whole kerfuffle:

And, of course, what would this post be without the little rant that started the whole big stink in the first place?

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