Category: Video

September 12, 2008

Speaking Of Americans…

Filed under: Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 12:26 am

Now THIS is what I call an attack ad…

September 11, 2008

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Liberal

In a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share.


To Our American Friends

Filed under: Faith,USA,Video — Dennis @ 1:11 pm

For the fallenThings were quieter on the American campaign today. No pot shots, no partisan sniping, no “I endorse this message” commercials on the radio or TV… anywhere. They have more important things on their minds.

Both McCain and Obama have declared today to be off-limits for their respective campaigns. I don’t know about you, but I consider that to be an act of class… on both their parts. Some things are more important than taking swings at each other for a day. Things like the memory of the thousands who were murdered and the brave souls who dashed into the inferno while others ran. Things like the hearts of those who continue to grieve to this day, and the sacrifices of those who have been called to their country’s service in the aftermath.

This is no day for the crass minutiae of politics.

On this day, may the Lord offer his comfort to you all.

Though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, be not afraid, for He is with you.
And they are with Him now.

September 8, 2008

Day 2

Filed under: Canada,Gun Control,John Q Public,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 9:53 pm


Ta-da! Day two of the lovely ’08 federal campaign.

Are we having fun yet?

If you’re aren’t by now, you’re in trouble.  Gawd knows, we’re stuck with all this buffoonery for the next five… long… weeks.  Oh, my achin’ head.

Well then, let’s see what we have here…

OTTAWA (Reuters) – A Canadian poll released on Monday predicted for the first time that Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper would be able to transform his minority government into a strong majority in the October 14 election. The Segma poll, taken for La Presse newspaper, put support for the Conservatives at 43 percent, which the pollsters said would translate into 183 of the 308 seats in the House of Commons.

Some folks think this makes sense, some think it’s an anomaly, others think this is just a poll designed to rally the Grits. You decide.

  • The attack ads have come out. No surprise there, God knows the Grits loved using them. Now look for them to whine about how nasty the Tories are behaving. Me, I kinda like them, especially this one…

See the rest, if you like. There’s three French ones, too.

  • Meanwhile, the Boogers want in the debates but it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen…

“This is anti-democratic, closed-door, backroom decision making by four national party leaders who are all men and five television executives – who are all men – to keep out the one woman leader of a federal party,” Ms. May told reporters on Parliament Hill, where she responded to the announcement that she will not be invited to the debates. “And I don’t think many Canadians will think that was fair.”

Ms. May said the party has decided to pursue legal action against the broadcasters in Federal Court. She criticized the consortium for not spelling out clear criteria as to what hurdles the Greens must meet to be included.

Ms. May was reacting to a statement from the consortium of broadcasters that control the televised debates, who said there might not have been a debate at all if they invited Ms. May.

Sucks to be Elly May today, eh? Speaking of things missing, the Quebec landscape looks interesting. The Tories and the BQ have full slates in Quebec but the Dippers are missing about 30 candidates and the Grits are short by 4. Look for the Blocheads to panic soon.

Mr. Dion made his statements just hours after two Tory ministers, Jason Kenney and Lawrence Cannon, held an almost pre-dawn press conference — at 6 a.m. — in Ottawa to address the so-called Dion “triple-threat”, which they say includes Mr. Dion wanting to raise the GST.

The Liberals are denying this.

No idea who they think they’re fooling.

Bring On The HRC Complaints

Go on, you know you want to…

(tip o’ the hat to Paul)

September 4, 2008

Palin Pummels ’em From The Podium

Filed under: Parties,Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 10:08 am

So I’m sitting around last night, having me a nice cold beer, when the phone rings. It’s Debbie calling from down in Houston. Some of you who have been around long enough might remember her as a pretty regular commentor, back when she had more free time on her hands.

“Did you just see that??”

Well, since we obviously weren’t looking out the same window, the answer would likely be no; but whatever it was, she sounded pretty happy. Turns out she’d just finished watching VP nominee Sarah Palin addressing the RNC and she was pretty damned impressed.

“I can’t believe that a politics junkie like you missed that! You have so got to get your ass online and check it out; you’ll love it!”

I explained that American politics are pretty easy to miss when we likely have an election of our own coming up (she had no idea), but she was pretty adamant. She kept insisting that I’d love watching this. Turns out she was right. Now, I had already suspected that Palin was my kinda gal: gun-totin’, great gams, knows how to field dress a moose – what’s not to like? But I had no idea that she also had a wit like the barb on a fishhook! Check it out for yourself in the vids below:

Meet the family…

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