Okay, maybe not. I have no idea at all how this ends. I got as far as “You shoulda got Michelle Obama ta be yo’ runnin’ mate, now that woulda been somethin’ strategic and fly” and had to go change my pants. No idea when was the last time I laughed that hard.
You’d never see this in Canada, but jolly old England actually has a TV broadcaster with the balls to do this sort of thing. First there was Undercover Mosque. Then the predictable stink followed:
How dare you catch us in the act of being assholes, and then put it on TV!
Blah, blah, blah, three bags full. When they finally got it through their little medieval skulls that they’d been caught red-handed, nobody gave a damn if they were offended or not, and their faux indignation was only going to piss people off more, they promised that they’d clean up their act.
Fat chance. Now, we have Undercover Mosque: The Return, and it’s all nothing but same shit, different day…
By now, everybody and their dog knows that US Presidential hopefuls McCain and The Obamassiah® put in appearances at the “Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency” at Pastor Rick Warren’s southern California mega-church. Just about everybody figured that Obambi would be the one coming out of it looking, if not particularly good (he’s always in dangerous waters when not sticking to a script), at least better than McCain.
As much as I loathe him, I have so far found myself forced to concede that Senator O-Bananafanafofama almost always put on a better, more polished presentation before an audience than the grittier McCain. And the nature of the audience — a large crowd of Evangelical Christians — seemed to give the Obamassiah another advantage. As Byron York put it:
Obama can be remarkably polished in this sort of situation. Unlike other Democrats, he’s not afraid to hang out with evangelicals. McCain, on the other hand, can at times be cranky and take pleasure in irritating his base.
True words, but not gonna happen this time. In my opinion, McCain definitely came away with one in the win column last night.
Things kicked off with Obama first, and he performed pretty much like I expected him to: every question met with a slow-motion tap-dance of an answer custom tailored to what he thought the audience would want to hear. McCain, on the other hand, gave such rapid, shoot-from-the-hip answers that he drove Warren to quip that he was in danger of running out of questions. Where Obama tried to wiggle away from the subject, McCain charged in balls-first.
The bottom line: Obama came off as hesitant, stilted and rehearsed, while McCain looked like a man who didn’t need to think things over because he was saying exactly what is on his mind.
Not surprisingly, the whole damned world seems to be dissecting the entrails of last night’s event (most of them underwhelmed by Obambi), but I think I’ll just let you have a look and make up your own minds:
Obama Pt 1
McCain Pt 1
Just click the “more” link to see the rest of the vids… (more…)