Pat Condell …
… has a wee bit to say about our HLCs:
Category: VideoJuly 23, 2008July 16, 2008God Damned Gutless…… murdering sons of sluts. EVERY ONE OF THEM!! As if we needed any more proof that the MSM are nothing but shills for the enemy, AP has now gone and made a snuff film for the Taliban. Yeah, these assholes have great big balls against a couple of unarmed women, don’t they? Just try some of that shit anywhere with in range of ME, you chickenshit failed abortions, and I’ll kill your ass in a way that will ensure that none of your precious 72 virgins will want to touch you with a ten foot pole. Read the damned story here. I’m entirely too pissed off to go into any more of this shit… July 5, 2008June 26, 2008Two Dykes Walk Into A Bar…[The following post contains language which is not suitable for children. I try to keep the site relatively clean (as clean as a trashmouth like me gets, anyway) but there are times when soft language is just plain dishonest. Parents are STRONGLY advised to preview for themselves before allowing their kids access to this post. Better yet; don’t even let your kids read it at all. -Dennis] …and walk out with a human rights complaint cash cow. Only in Canada. And guess what else? It’s in uber-leftist British Californicate, no less. What are the odds, eh? Why, why, WHY can I never be making this shit up??? As if none of us saw this bullshit coming, here’s the gist of it: two shitfaced slit-slurpers shuffle into a club, don’t like what the comic on stage is saying, and haul ass to the nearest HRC to piss and moan and collect a free bankroll. That’s what it boils down to. Naturally, the BC Human Lefts Commission (of “I wanna commandeer McLean’s Magazine” fame) has agreed to hear the case. Because well, you know… we can’t have anybody offended in this country. Unless they happen to be Christian; in which case, screw them and their tight-ass sensibilities. They can all just shut the fuck up and do as they’re damned well told. In case you need some sort of recap about why we need to get rid of these Stalinist show trials, here it is:
And now, we can add another one to the list: They have no sense of humour…
Gee whiz, I wonder what could have set the comedian off like that?
HOLY SHIT!!! A comedian that hates hecklers! WHAT ARE THE ODDS OD THAT????? 😯 I wonder what this little Canadian Michael Richards has to say for himself…? June 10, 2008Anyone Care To Guess…… what the odds are that we’re not allowed to have the first clue who these little bastards are? Not that people haven’t known for a long time what a farce the YCJA is… Here we have a vid from Dartmouth, NS, showing how three of these little YCJA-shielded pricks ganged up on and robbed a lone kid. They’re always brave in packs, aren’t they? No doubt, the usual suspects will bleat away that they’re just misunderstood, they didn’t have a basketball court nearby, Mike Harris is to blame (even though this is NS, we’re talking about), the little dears shouldn’t have their lives ruined over this, blahblahblah… Tough.
Of course you can’t. After all, it’s not like there’s any friggin’ EVIDENCE or anything now, is it? Well, the vid is out there, everybody knows who they are, and the genie’s not going back in the bottle. All the thug-huggers on the planet aren’t a match for a few folks with camcorders. Suck it up. June 6, 2008AHA!This was driving me absolutely batshit. Really, it was. No, I don’t mean the Human Lefts Commissions (although they do drive me batshit). I’m talking about that nagging, gnawing, “where the hell have I seen this before” deja drive-you-outta-yer-skull vu sensation. It bugged me for damned near two full days. It all started when I tripped over this vid in the first place. It shows Ezra Levant taking a bit out of Ian Fine’s little weasel ass. Check it out: That’s where it started. And nevermind, just for now, the sheer and utter hypocrisy of what the son of a bitch keeps saying. Forget that, just for a few. I kept looking at Fine mewling about how they didn’t do this and they didn’t do that, with Ezra beating him over the head with the evidence the whole time, and part of my brain was screaming, over and over and over again, “YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!” It was a pain in the ass, believe me. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me… |
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