Category: Islam

April 12, 2008

Bunch O’ Stuff

I may not have had a lot of time for my usual practice of ranting my face off lately, but I have had time to be poking around the world wide weird and finding some good stuff by other folks out there.

Some of what I trip over is pretty good, some is kind of mediocre and some of it just plain pisses me off. Take a poke around and see for yourself…

Fjordman over at the Brussels Journal makes some good points about Eurabia and the colonization of Europe — with some hard questions for those in charge on the far side of the pond; some with tongue in cheek, some not so much:

Western Europeans have in recent years accepted more immigration in a shorter period of time than any society has ever done peacefully in human history. If we want a break we have the right to do so. What we are dealing with is not “immigration” but colonization, and in the case of Muslims, internationally organized attempts to conquer of our countries. If non-Europeans have the right to resist colonization then so do Europeans. Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Norway hardly have any colonial history at all. The Germans had a colony in Namibia. Why should they accept millions of Turkish Muslims, who have a thousand years of brutal colonial history of their own, because of this? There are hardly any Britons in Pakistan today, so why should the Brits allow huge numbers of Pakistanis to settle in Britain? And if the Algerians can demand independence from France, why can’t the French demand independence from Algerians?

[…] The one thing I will not do is surrender my land, which is not mine to give. I do not see anybody else quietly accept being turned into a minority in the country where their ancestors have lived since the end of the last Ice Age, and I cannot see why I should have to do so, either. I don’t care if white Westerners are “scared of being called a racist.” I will not leave a ruined land behind to my descendants because I was afraid of being called bad names. If you think it is “racist” for Europeans to preserve their heritage and protect their children from abuse, then I’m not the bigot here. You are.

Meanwhile, Rick The Dick has gone after a short chick (because short chicks are such a scary threat to our way of life, ya know):

Richard “The Boy Named Sue” Warman has finally filed his statement of claim.

Canada’s busiest litigant, serial “human rights” complainant and — the guy Mark Steyn has called “Canada’s most sensitive man” — Richard Warman is now suing his most vocal critics — including me.

Maybe he’s going after Kathy because going after Ezra’s turning out to be such a colossal pain in the ass (Kate’s pissed, too). Maybe he figures if he can just fling enough shit, some will stick and turn into gravy…(grab a coffee before you read this one; it’s longer than John Holmes):

Today I was sued by Richard Warman, Canada’s most prolific – and profitable – user of section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. As readers of this site know, Warman isn’t just a happy customer of section 13 and its 100% conviction rate, he’s a former CHRC employee, an investigator of section 13 thought crimes himself. In fact, he was often both a customer and an investigator at the same time.

[…] But, as I promised to do when I was first served with a Libel Notice by Warman, I can tell you that I’m not just going to play defence here – I’m going to use Warman’s lawsuit to put his conduct, and the very conduct of the CHRC itself, on trial.

March 28, 2008

Fitna Fatwa

Militant IslamWell now, that didn’t take too long, did it? As predictably as the tides, the goons of the Religion of Pieces® went into full gonna-chop-me-off-some-heads-for-Mohamed-(pbuh) mode and did the only thing they’ve ever shown any talent at all for. Less than two full days after it was posted on LiveLeak, the Geert Wilders short film, “Fitna” has been removed from the site following threats “of a very serious nature” to LiveLeak staff (its page over at Wikipedia is also getting edited at a frenzied pace; I wouldn’t be surprised if it got locked soon).

The Hague – The anti-Qur’an film Fitna made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders has once again been removed from LiveLeak, the British website where it was being shown. In its place is an official statement by the website saying the film was removed because of very serious threats to staff. The statement speaks of a sad day for freedom of speech but insists that the safety of the website’s staff has to come first.

Those trying to access the video are now met with LiveLeak’s official response in regard to the matter:

What kind of threats, I wonder?Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.
This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.

No more Mr Nice GuyChalking one up for medieval murderous thugs and their gutless apologists, are we? Not God damned yet, we aren’t. If these Islamic assholes think they’ve somehow managed to put a lid on this thing, they’re even crazier than I thought they were (and that’s pretty nucking futs).

This thing is out there and the genie’s damned well not going back into the bottle. And now that you’ve managed to work your usual magic of murderous intimidation, even more people are going to want to see it to find out what the hell all the fuss is over.  Here’s a list of some of the places where you can still download the video and see it for yourself:

AJM (dedicated server — very fast)
Bivouac-ID (French subtitles)
Czech Infidel (Czech subtitles)
Daily Motion (flagged as inappropriate — must register to see it)
Google video
Isohunt (links to torrent sites)
Rapid Share (flv format)
Rapid Share (wmv format)
The Pirate Bay (bit torrent)

If none of those work, just click here and download it from my server (about 35MB in .wmv format for now) to keep on your hard drive.  Here’s a torrent link, if that’s more your style.  And as soon as I can find it in a format that’ll embed good here, I’ll be doing that too.

These assholes are about to get a lesson in viral marketing…

Let The Hissy Fitna Begin

Filed under: Cluebat,Europe,Islam,Politicorrect,Terrorism,Video — Dennis @ 11:23 am

Militant IslamWell, it’s out there now. And yes, I have no doubt whatsoever that the assorted jihadiots around the globe are even now preparing their collective hissy fit over it. Well, tough titty; it’s out there and, like those cartoons that you got your panties all in a knot over, it’s not going to uninvent itself.

In spite of the fact that nobody wanted to show it (likely afraid that they’d end up on one of Islam’s Funniest Home Beheadings®), Geert Wilders has managed to release his work, Fitna, into that great untamed frontier of the information age. That would be the internet, of course. And, as Paul over at Celestial Junk put it, all the apeshit stunts aren’t going to have quite the desired effect…

And now, more people … millions more … will see Fitna than would’ve seen it had the barbarians and their “progressive” appeasers just simply kept their damned mouths shut.

Pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? Here’s the flick:

March 10, 2008

More Demands From Islam

Filed under: Antistupidity,Islam,Multicultism,UK,Video — Dennis @ 1:14 pm

Not sure if this vid will embed properly or not. Either way, it’s worth a look.

If the vid won’t play for you, you can always click here to see it anyway.

March 9, 2008

Wafa Sultan…

Filed under: Islam,Mideast,Society/Culture,Terrorism,Video — Dennis @ 10:46 pm

Militant Islam…bitch-slapping Al Jazeera.

I don’t write about this lady very often (maybe I should) but this is definitely one lady with a pair o’ tits that clank. Wafa Sultan (or “وفاء سلطان,” if you prefer) is a Syria-born shrink living in the US who has no problems whatso ever with banging heads with numbnut jihadi bullshit excuse-makers and their ilk.

Check her out as she locks horns with a couple of bullshit peddlers on Al Jazeera (tip o the toque to LGF for finding this first): (more…)

July 19, 2007

She Knows…

Ayaan Hirsi AliNo matter how you slice it, this is more good than bad. Yes, Avi Lewis is downright embarrassing in his blatant idiocy in comparing “fundamentalist Christianity” and the USA with countries that have the boot of Sharia law on their necks but hey, I got used to being embarrassed by the Ministry Of What You Should Think a looooong time ago…

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is, in all probability, more qualified to speak on the topic of Islam and Islamofascism than any other woman in the Western world. It’s absolutely wonderful watching her occasionally rolling her eyes while Lewis gets more and more flustered as she methodically picks his idiocy to its bones with a calm and grace that is all too often lacking in public discourse on this subject (and yes, I know I’m guilty of going off half-cocked myself, every couple of minutes now and then).

I think the best probably has to be her blunt statement, “there is no Islamophobia, it’s a myth.” Check out the vid for yourself (you can download it here, if you have trouble viewing it in your browser)… (more…)

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