Category: Islam
March 7, 2007
That seems to be CAIR‘s message to the organizers and participants of the recently-held first Secular Islam Summit held in St. Petersburg, Florida and ended on Sunday (and liveblogged by the Jawa Report). It seems that CAIR (militant Islam’s North American PR arm) is in a total snit about even the idea of somebody, especially Muslims, debating the merits or lack thereof, of Jihad. So, naturally, they reacted just like you likely guessed they would. As an article at puts it:
The Washington-based group that boycotts airlines and bullies radio personalities and politicians into toeing the Islamist line is clearly worried about the message from Muslim reformers.
It dispatched its henchmen to Florida to shout the reformers down at their confab earlier this week. CAIR also posted on its Web site no fewer than four stories bashing the event and its courageous speakers, many of whom are women calling for an end to inequality and mistreatment under radical Islam.
CAIR declared the summit illegitimate because few of the participants are “practicing Muslims,” and those who are, it claims, are merely pawns playing into the hands of “Islamophobes.”
“In order to have legitimate reform, you need to have the right messengers,” asserted CAIR spokesman Ahmed Bedier.
To give some credit where it’s due, the article then wastes no time asking the obvious questions:
And who might that be? The four CAIR executives who have been successfully prosecuted on terrorism-related charges? The CAIR co-founder who said the Quran should replace the U.S. Constitution as “the highest authority in America”?
Standard Islamonutjob reaction procedure step 1: blame da Jooz…
Yes, Bedier argued, but the summit’s “funding is coming from the neoconservatives.” An article posted by CAIR suggests “Israeli intelligence” is behind the movement.
Step 2: play the islamophobia/race card:
“Islamophobia, the fear of Islam, which we fear is the root of events like this has unfortunately become an increasing concern in our society,” said Rabiah Ahmed, council spokeswoman. “It seems to be evolving into an accepted form of racism.”
Step 3: blame Bush:
Just pick a bloody time, already…
Those who have been paying attention know that the Canadian version of this terrorists’ apologist organization isn’t any better.
As for me, I say hats off to the organizers and participants of the Secular Islam Summit. I’ve never made any bones about taking the seemingly mythical “moderate Muslim majority” to task for its complicity of silence towards Islamofascism. It’s nice, for a change, to see at least some evidence that I just could be wrong…
January 17, 2007
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to part two of my run for that li’l old fatwa brass ring. In case you missed yesterday’s post on this, I’m putting up a few YouTube vids that were filmed inside some British mosques by an undercover reporter with Channel 4.
So far, so good. Keep that hate mail rolling in because, you know, that’s the best way to get a guy like me to toe the line.
Because it needs it, that’s why. Yeah, you heard that right. We get told over and over and over again about how Islam is “the religion of peace,” it’s not a threat to us, the majority of muslims just want to live and let live. And if you can’t get that through your head, then you must just not be tolerant enough. You’re just a mean, nasty, Islamophobic bigot who either, at best, is just too ignorant to know any better or, at worst, has some malevolant George-Bushesque hatred rooted deep in your worm-ridden heart.
In all my years of listening to the acolytes of the multicult dogma who relentlessly bludgeon us with the claim that we can’t judge people by this or that or the other thing, there is one question that I have never, not even once, heard answered:
Just how God damned many times does a man have to see the same thing happen over and over and over and over and over and over again… before he’s allowed to say that he can see it coming?
Any takers? I didn’t think so. Muslims fly planes into buildings, we are told it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims turn a country into a medieval hellhole, we are told it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims blow themselves up on busses in London, it has nothing to do with Islam. Muslims (women, too) come out in support of a rape advocate, nothing to do with Islam. Muslims plot to murder Canadians and behead our Prime Minister, no Islam there.
Then why the hell do the perpetrators howl so long and loud that it IS all about Islam, and nothing else? (Except for those nasty Jews, of course…)
And don’t give me any of that “those are just a few bad apples” bullshit. Spare me the myth of the vast, moderate muslim majority. I’ll stick with the evidence of my own eyes. Where was the “moderate muslim” outpouring of outrage when the TO17 got busted? I didn’t hear a peep. But they sure as hell came out in droves to get their knickers in a twist (and threaten violence in the name of their “peaceful religion”) over a few cartoons, didn’t they?
Britain’s independent Channel 4’s respected Dispatches programme sent a reporter undercover in several major and influential British mosques to see just what was being said behind Jack Q. Briton’s back. Some of what they found will be posted here, in three parts.
Today we start off with:
- Terrorists are innocent, because all kuffaar (that’s you and me) are liars; lying is part of their religion. They are the terrorists, not muslims, and all muslims should hate them.
- Sharia should be obeyed; not the law of the land.
- Muslim terrorists (who are all innocent) are better than non-muslims.
- Muslims should settle for nothing less than a total Islamic state.
- Apostates and homosexuals should be killed outright.
- Free speech is evil unless it incites violence against people muslims don’t like.
- Holy war is coming and you’d better be on the right side.
- Kuffaar schools corrupt your children.
- Women are inferior; beat them if they don’t do as they’re told.
- Pedophilia is fine and dandy.
- Be a bigot, but be two-faced about it so that your ass is covered.
You know, all that good, wholesome religion-of-peace that we have nothing to worry about kind of stuff. Think I’m making this shit up, do you? Well then, smartass, play the vid and see for yourself. And while you’re at it, ask yourself this:
If it can happen in England, just why can’t it happen here?
Part 2 tomorrow…
January 8, 2007
Yeesh. File this one under “why can I never be making this crap up,” if you will. Hat’s off to DMB, by the way, since that’s where I stumbled over this in the first place. What we have here is Sheik Abdullah Aal Mahmud, in a televised lecture given on the Bahrain boob toob, explaining the Religion-of-Perpetual-Outrage-approved method of slapping your missus around if she gets out of line. Because, after all, beating on women is all fine and dandy as long as it’s done the Islamic way, right?
January 3, 2007
Well, now; doesn’t this just look like it has all kinds of interesting little possibilities? Gee, whiz, I wonder how long it will be before the religion of perpetual outrage gets wind of this and starts cranking out fatwas calling for Andy Donato‘s head? After all, if it’s good enough for Jyllands-Posten, then why not for the Toronto Sun? Yes indeed, they should be rioting like chimps any day now because, remember, if you draw a picture of Mohammed, his peace-loving followers are going to want to saw your melon off on one of Baghdad’s unfunniest home videos.
Let the indignation begin…
December 21, 2006
As we sit here in our nice comfortable and safe nation, complaining about what some bozo judge did to a Christmas tree, or about Christmas concerts in school getting renamed “winter festivals,” or people saying “happy holidays,” or any of the other gripes and groans that surface at this time of year, perhaps we should take just a minute or two to think about just how good we have it. There are plenty of people in the world who have one hell of a worse time of it than we do.
The Winterpeg Sun’s John Gleeson relates one such story today as he describes the plight of the oldest sect in Christendom, the one million Assyrian Christians currently living in Iraq:
Christians thrown to the lions in Iraq
While Canada’s self-appointed guardians of Christmas dig up new evidence of persecution — a tree moved down the hall, a greeting without “merry” dutifully attached — real persecution against Christians is going on daily and is being largely ignored.
Nowhere is the situation as grave as in Iraq.
Since the U.S. invasion in 2003, Iraq’s one million Assyrian Christians — the oldest sect in Christendom — have been the target of a campaign of terror and ethnic cleansing at the hands of Islamic extremists and Kurdish nationalists. Tens of thousands have fled the country for Syria, Jordan or Turkey.
This year has been the worst since the invasion. Church bombings, car bombings, kidnappings and killings have become commonplace.
In August, 13 Assyrian women in Baghdad were kidnapped and murdered. In October, a 14-year-old boy in Albasra was crucified and stabbed in the stomach in mockery of the death of Christ. Another 14-year-old boy in Baquba was decapitated in his workplace by veiled Muslims chanting “Allahu, Akbar! Allahu, Akbar!” Also that month, a priest was kidnapped, tortured and beheaded, supposedly over the Pope’s comments critical of Islam.
Indeed, in the wake of Benedict XVI’s September speech, extremists threatened to kill all Christians in Iraq unless the Pope apologized.
Except for a few Christian relief agencies and the Assyrians’ own news service, the bloodletting has been virtually unreported — lost in the sea of carnage that is today’s Iraq.
Assyrians themselves are calling on the western world to create a “safe zone” for Christians on the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq (the Canadian-based Council of Assyrian Research and Development has posted a petition at The European Parliament passed a resolution to that effect in April, but so far nothing has been done.
Meanwhile, Christmas has understandably gone underground in Iraq.
Due to “the grave security situation in the country,” Iraq’s Chaldean patriarch Emmanuel Delly has “appealed on safety grounds to Christians … to refrain from any public celebrations for Christmas.”
Christians hide in their homes and pray in secret. Priests are afraid to appear in public in their clerical robes, lest they be indiscriminately attacked. Schoolgirls have been warned by Muslim extremists to wear the hijab, and boys to dress in a “sombre manner,” or face the consequences under sharia law.
Truly a sad fate for a Christian community that traces its foundation back to 33 AD and St. Thomas and where most of the people still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus and the Apostles.
It’s ironic, but not really surprising, that the American-led occupation under President George W. Bush would usher in an era of atrocities against Iraq’s Christian minority. They were an easy revenge target for the majority Muslims, who have only been emboldened by the U.S. government’s apparent disregard for the Assyrians’ plight.
With more important geopolitical alliances to forge with the warring Muslim factions and the Kurds, you could say the Americans have thrown the Christians to the lions.
And remember, the same calamity could befall Pakistan’s three million Christians, already a persecuted minority, if things were to get really ugly in neighbouring Afghanistan.
Persecution? We don’t know the half of it.
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