Category: Islam
November 29, 2006
Yes, I did. Silly me thought that just because the byelection in London North Centre was a done deal, Pearson won and all that, that was going to be the last that we heard of it. We could get on with the rest of our lives. Man, but I can be naive sometimes.
It seems that the London cops have decided to open an investigation into something of a rather unsavoury incident that occurred a few days before we went to the polls:
At the request of London’s Muslim and Jewish communities, police are probing a fake flyer left at doors of several Jewish homes days before the federal London-North-Centre byelection, Chief Murray Faulkner said yesterday.
Disguised as a political endorsement of Liberal candidate Glen Pearson by the Canadian Islamic Congress, the back of the flyer had three cartoons reflecting a close link between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Israel.
The CIC has denied involvement with the flyer, which seems to suggest Muslims should support Pearson because the Harper government is pro-Israel.
Somebody, anybody, I don’t care who… give me a God damned break. We in London have better things to do with our time than sit back and watch the spectacular turd typhoon that this will no doubt kick up.
No doubt, it will be only a matter of time before the usual suspects pop up to begin the monomaniacal debate over who should be most offended; Muslims or Jews? “Hate crime” and all the other favourite buzzwords will fly fast and furious and we’ll all be gawking at our bellybuttons till our eyes pop out. 🙄
All this — and much, much more — because of what, more likely than not, was nothing more than a couple of little shit-disturbers with a dumbass sense of humour, access to daddy’s PC and printer and too damned much time on their hands…
November 7, 2006
It begins. Personally, I was wondering not if it would happen, but only when and where. It now seems that the Aussies’ collective bullshitometer has now hit the redline over the turd typhoon currently swirling around Sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilaly and hanging in the air like a bad fart.
Hilaly, as some of you already know, is the misogynist dink that stirred decent Australians to uproar when he said that immodestly dressed women were like “uncovered meat” and that they invited rape. Specifically:
“If one puts uncovered meat out in the street then the cats come and eat it, is it the fault of the cat or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem.”
The comments sparked a thunderous “just who the hell do you think you are?!” across Australia. Hilaly, like seemingly all bigoted Muslim leaders who manage to finally rouse the outrage of the non-Islamofascist populations that they manage to infiltrate, promptly developed timely chest pains, did a faceplant, and had to be whisked away to hospital.
Right on cue, all the apologists and other usual suspects popped up to wag their fingers at the rest of us and regurgitate the old tried and true “moderate Muslim majority” bullcrap. Well, the Muslim community did come out to voice their opinion this time… in support of the bigot. And Australians, it seems, have had just about enough of this bullshit:
Excuses over. The disgraced mufti of Australia set Muslims a test last month and they failed.
That test couldn’t have been easier: make Sheik Taj el-Din al-Hilaly pay for preaching that unveiled women invited rape.
Prove that Muslims can’t be led by a man who says raped women must be “jailed for life”. Prove we have nothing to fear from your faith.
Simple? Yet yesterday 34 Muslim groups signed a petition backing this bigot, while others plan a big rally for Sydney tomorrow, denouncing not Hilaly but the non-Muslims who criticise him.
The results are in: Islam here — as represented by many of its leaders — is now a threat.
Welcome to the real world, ladies and gents. As I said at the beginning of this post, it has begun. The only question is: just what is “it?” Are we going to continue to behave like some abused child, continually asking what it could have been that we did wrong, while our enemies strive relentlessly to undermine the very foundations of our civilisation? Or will we, the West as a whole, finally lose our patience with all these lies and say, “either get rid of your medieval machinations, or we are going to start getting rid of you.”
Islam is a bully. And there’s only one way to deal with a bully, isn’t there?
October 20, 2006
So, just what would Ronald Reagan do if he were around now and having to deal with the terrorist lunatics that currently threaten our way of life? Over at the Brussels Journal, Joshua Trevino has an interesting take on that very question, examining some of the similarities between the threats of Communism and Islamofascism. I can’t say that I agree with everything in the article, but it points out some harsh truths and asks some equally harsh questions that, sooner or later, are going to have to be answered.
It seems that, even in oh-so-tolerant Europe, the tolerance for the malicious stifling of any and all criticism of Islam or frank discussion of it’s impact on Western society is coming to an end.
In dealing with Islamism in the present day, we make the very error that Reagan eschewed with the Communists. We proceed from Islamist premises — namely, that Islam is inherently peaceful; that it is inherently sane; that it is inherently just; and that it is a welcome and benign participant in our post-modern public square. One may not accuse George W. Bush in particular of failing to render a full obeisance on these points. Attendant to this are all manner of details that somehow fall outside the bounds of acceptable discourse in Muslim eyes, and hence in the eyes of any who fear violence. Most recently, we see the shutting-down, by murder and by fire, of any critique or perceived disrespect of the Muslim founder. Reasonable people of any faith may find Muhammed an admirable figure. Or they may examine the historical record and conclude that Muhammed was a violent visionary who slaughtered the defenseless and violated a nine-year old; but state these things in public, and deathly ire stalks the speaker — or, if he is not available, his co-religionists. What victory may we aspire to so long as the most basic freedoms are thus quelled?
Hat’s off to Dave for the heads-up on this.
September 26, 2006
I didn’t catch it at the time (better late than never, I guess) but last Saturday, the National Post published an article by George Jonas in which, among other things, he comes right out and gives voice so several facts that must be on a lot of minds these days:
Why do some Muslims have such an uncanny talent for proving the case of their critics? When accused of violence, they threaten violence. Better still, they engage in it. “Call us unruly and we riot,” they say, in essence. “Call us murderers, and we kill you.” Don’t they see that this makes them a joke?
Well, no, they don’t — and they’re right. Saying such things may make someone a joke in a debating society, but Islamofascists fight in a different arena. They don’t care about winning the debate; what they want to win is their Kampf, better known these days as Jihad.
Lo and behold, they’re winning it. By now the whole world tiptoes around the sensibilities of medieval fanatics. We take pains not to offend ululating fossils who cheer suicide bombers. Or raise them. We prop up rickety regimes whose sole contribution to modern times is to nurture ancient grievances and revive barbaric customs. We worry about the feelings — feelings! — of people who stone their loved ones for sexual missteps. We pussyfoot to protect the delicate psyche of oily ogres who amputate the hands of petty thieves, issue fatwas on novelists and cover up their hapless wives and sisters to the eyeballs.
The full article is here and it’s a definite must-read for anyone harbouring any delusions about being able to “negotiate” or “find common ground” with the Islamofascists of the world.
September 24, 2006
The original story appeared in the Ottawa Citizen. Several blogs have already put this one out there, all being very careful to say that there is nothing in the article to indicate that the individuals involved are Muslims but seriously, look at the names. It doesn’t require any huge leap of logic.
Either way, Muslim or not, this does not bode well for the direction this country is heading in:
The brutal shooting death of a 20-year-old Ottawa woman and the wounding of her fiance early Tuesday morning provided one more shock yesterday: the suspect is the bride-to-be’s brother.
Police said yesterday they are on the hunt for 20-year-old Hasibullah Sadiqi of Ottawa in connection with the death of his sister, identified by her fiance’s family as Khatera Sadiqi, and the wounding of the fiance, Feroz Mangal, 23.
The full article can be found here.
UPDATE: More of the disturbing details of this case have been posted by Steve over at Angry In the Great White North:
A young Muslim woman was murdered by her brother in Ottawa. He was upset about her engagement. An honour killing? Very possibly, especially when you dig a bit deeper into the background of this particular community.
Complete post here. Just who (and, more importantly, WHAT?) are we allowing into our country these days?
September 20, 2006
Just a quick something that I’ve been wondering about here… The cartoon below was drawn by Muslim cartoonist Emad Hajjaj, for the Al-Ghad Newspaper in Amman, Jordan. So, can anybody tell me: how long it will be before the Jordanians start rioting like chimps, burning stuff down, and threatening this Muslim cartoonist’s life for depicting the prophet Mohammed in a cartoon? Just wondering.
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