Category: Society/Culture

June 25, 2011

Rioters: STFU


Is this real,  or just another internet hoax?  (No, not the picture above — we all know who Bert Easterbrook is by now, right?)  I’m not sure and snopes doesn’t have anything yet.  Either way, it’s still good:

Dear 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Rioters,

Please stop saying you’re sorry. Stop posting YouTube videos begging for forgiveness. Stop writing letters asking that society cut you some slack and leave you alone. (more…)

June 24, 2011

Maize Minutia (updated)

Filed under: 'Toons,Africa,Cluebat,International,Soc. Engineering,Y2Kyoto — Dennis @ 2:01 pm

Talk about pots and kettles...6/24
UPDATE: Isn’t it funny how things work their way along sometimes?

Here’s a few things that you might not know:

  1. Rice is not the #1 food crop in the world; that would be corn.  Rice is second and wheat comes in third.
  2. The planet produced 817,000,000 tonnes of corn in 2009.
  3. Maize (aka corn) is Africa’s most important staple food.
  4. North America is the world’s largest producer of corn, producing about half the worldwide yield.
  5. 40% of North America’s corn production gets made into biofuel to satisfy the yuppie need for a masturbatory sense of enviro-self-satisfaction.
  6. The price of corn has more than doubled in the last year.

But hey, that’s gotta be just a coincidence, right?  The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization doesn’t think so(more…)

April 24, 2011

Boo the Boob

Filed under: Hockey,John Q Public,Ontario,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 11:41 am

Some things really do just speak for themselves, don’t they? 😀

Gee whiz, I wonder what it can be that they have against him? (more…)

April 13, 2011

Little things we know

Filed under: Canada,Cluebat,ELECTION??,John Q Public,Parties — Dennis @ 1:47 pm

Well, the debate is in the rearview mirror.  The good news is that Iggy has now attended 50% of the leaders’ debates, surpassing his attendance record in the House, where he missed 70% of all the votes.

“You had an option, sir; you could have showed up for work.”

The irksome thing about the whole affair was the sheer mass of stuff that Iffy, Jack & Gilles seemed to think we’re just too dumb to know.  I say this because they kept harping (no pun, of course) on about them as if they actually had something to go on about.  So, for their edification, here’s a short list of things that us dumb ol’ Canuckleheads actually have in our tuque-wrapped melons: (more…)

February 14, 2011

Blatant Plug

Filed under: Good Books,Good Stuff,Media,Nanny State,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 10:08 am

FilmI can NOT wait to see this!  Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel is hitting the screens April 15th (if you’re American and know anything about Rand, you’ll get the joke)

Now I’m going to have to read the book again… (more…)

October 11, 2010

Beating the crap out of Mary Poppins

Filed under: Cluebat,Moonbattery,Politicorrect,Society/Culture,Video — Dennis @ 8:12 pm

It’s Monday; time to provoke the feminists…

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