Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Liberal
In a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share.
Category: Society/CultureSeptember 11, 2008Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote LiberalIn a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share. Enjoy. Day 5: Word From The NormalsIt’s still Thursday and the election is still chugging along. On the one hand, I’m tempted to bitch about it; on the other hand, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. 😆 One thing that I like about times like this is that some interesting folks tend to pop by and say howdy. I’m not talking about politicians or pundits or such. I’m talking about what King Ralph would call “severely normal people.” Joe and Jane Lunchbox. I like those people. They’re the reason why I have the comments enabled on this site. Here’s two from today so far: Shawn stopped by to give us a heads-up on what Elly May seems to think about us:
Always nice to know what the EnviroElitesâ„¢ think of the rest of us. Pyper stopped by to, but she seemed to have something specific on her mind…
Well Pyper, I have no idea what your politics are and guess what? I don’t care, either. If you’re interested in getting people off their butts and out to the polls, I’ll give you a hand. Nope, no strings. After all, it’s not like it would be the first time I gave space here to another point of view. Reply to the email I sent you and we’ll see what I can set up for you. September 9, 2008Day 3And on the third day, the Steffster had himself a “road to Damascus” kind of experience. Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that li’l Stephane has gone and seen the light when it comes to the Tories’ 1,200-buck-a-year child care allowance. Never mind that his party fought it tooth and nail when the Conservatives first brought the idea forward (can you say “beer and popcorn,” boys and girls?). Like carbon taxes, this is just another bad-idea-become-good. Oh, yeah… he also wants to resurrect up the CCP and give it give it a little jolt of juice while he’s at it:
Um, Stef? You do remember, don’t you, that there was a reason why that damned thing was killed in the first place, right? Oh, wait… the reason they were killed was pretty much because they were a Lieberal end-run around parliament, weren’t they? Yes, they were:
But hey, since when do the Librano$ like democracy? After all, if they’re left to their own devices, the unwashed masses might vote wrong (ie, un-Liberal). Pomo gets to start it offAs you’ve likely figured out, I’m totally pissed about Dion’s blatant ass-kissing of the gun-grabber crowd lately. You’re likely wondering when I’m going to sound off about it. Don’t worry, I will… just as soon as I cool off. In the meantime, PomoChristian does a nice job of keeping a cooler head than I:
Read the whole thing, he does a pretty good job. Whaddafu…..???I have NO bloody idea what they’re trying to get across with this, but it creepily reminds me of the axe-clanking cult in that Stallone movie, Cobra (anybody else remember that one?)… Elly May boo-hoo du jourWell, so much for putting all the blame on that big bully Stephen Harper for locking the Blathering Boogers® out of the leaders’ debate. Turns out that the Smirkin’ Gherkin® didn’t want her in the room, either. BTW, there, Elly: bawling that old “it’s all because I’m a woman” line is likely to come back and bite you on your Yankee-born ass… And now, the latest enviro-hairball……from the Gang That Couldn’t Stay In Office. I’m not 100% certain, off the top of my head, but I’m pretty sure that if you lined all these bozos up nose to arsehole, they wouldn’t stretch to a full four-year term in 24 Sussex. These clowns represent some of, if not the, most disappointing PMs in Canadian history. And they’re presuming to lecture anybody on anything????
Seriously, you twits; we couldn’t stand you before (that’s why we dumped your sorry asses) and we can’t stand you now. Go away. September 8, 2008Day 2Ta-da! Day two of the lovely ’08 federal campaign. Are we having fun yet? If you’re aren’t by now, you’re in trouble. Gawd knows, we’re stuck with all this buffoonery for the next five… long… weeks. Oh, my achin’ head. Well then, let’s see what we have here…
Some folks think this makes sense, some think it’s an anomaly, others think this is just a poll designed to rally the Grits. You decide.
See the rest, if you like. There’s three French ones, too.
Sucks to be Elly May today, eh? Speaking of things missing, the Quebec landscape looks interesting. The Tories and the BQ have full slates in Quebec but the Dippers are missing about 30 candidates and the Grits are short by 4. Look for the Blocheads to panic soon.
No idea who they think they’re fooling.
September 5, 2008I’ve Always Liked…… cartoonists. Really, I do. Not just because they can make me have a good chuckle from time to time, but also because it can be downright eerie sometimes how they can give you a peek behind the curtain of what’s on the collective mind. They can be complimentary or insulting (sometimes both simultaneously), insightful or oblivious, highbrow or crude. They can be impartial observations or blatantly partisan hackery. Yes some, like the much-missed team of Cox and Forkum that we lost in January of this year, are better than others. But one thing that all the good ones manage to do, whether you like it or not, is to get you to think. That’s been on my mind lately. Soooooooo… with that in mind (because, God knows, we could all use a little light something before the Election Anvilâ„¢ clobbers us all like Wile E. Coyote), let’s have a quick look at what the little scamps have been up to (click to bigulate, of course)… (more…) |
Will banning handguns in Canada reduce crime?