Category: Society/Culture

September 2, 2008

Well Now, This Changes Everything

Filed under: Celebrities,Politics,USA,Video,WTF? — Dennis @ 8:28 pm

I’m totally an Obamassiah booster now. Really.

Okay, maybe not. I have no idea at all how this ends. I got as far as “You shoulda got Michelle Obama ta be yo’ runnin’ mate, now that woulda been somethin’ strategic and fly” and had to go change my pants. No idea when was the last time I laughed that hard.

Thanks, Diddy-doodle, I needed that. 😆

And Nothing Has Changed.

Militant IslamYou’d never see this in Canada, but jolly old England actually has a TV broadcaster with the balls to do this sort of thing.  First there was Undercover Mosque. Then the predictable stink followed:



How dare you catch us in the act of being assholes, and then put it on TV!

Blah, blah, blah, three bags full. When they finally got it through their little medieval skulls that they’d been caught red-handed, nobody gave a damn if they were offended or not, and their faux indignation was only going to piss people off more, they promised that they’d clean up their act.

Fat chance. Now, we have Undercover Mosque: The Return, and it’s all nothing but same shit, different day…

I’ll put the other parts up as I get the time…

August 27, 2008

Well, Now…

Filed under: Mideast,Society/Culture — Dennis @ 1:42 pm

this just might go a bit of a ways towards explaining how they seem to have a seemingly inexhaustible supply of boneheads willing to blow themselves to confetti…

BEIT AWWA, West Bank – A mentally disabled brother and sister are seeing the outside world after being kept in isolated rooms in a West Bank house for about 40 years.

Palestinian police found the two during a raid aimed at finding Hamas militants and criminals.

A police officer said Wednesday they heard unusual noises. When they investigated, they found the brother and sister. Villagers did not know they were there.

The family said they hid the two away because of the stigma a family faces if it has mentally disabled children. Also, they said, there were no institutions that could take them in.

A disabled rights activist said there are probably many other such cases, partly because of the common practice among Palestinians of first cousins marrying each other.

August 13, 2008

A Public Service Announcement From…

Just a little something for those boneheads out there who just don’t get it yet (are ya listening, Wendy?)

August 10, 2008

Just Who The Hell ARE These Dolts??

Filed under: Canada,Law & Order,Nanny State,Stupidity — Dennis @ 12:20 pm

AsshatteryI know, I know… I barked about this the other day, but it doesn’t seem to be going away like I thought it would. How can it still be alive? I don’t know. But even for the Loopy Left, this is a new acme of asshattery.

The idea of a “national knife registry” used to be what us mean, nasty, gun-totin’ rednecks would bring up to ridicule the idiocy of the multi-billion waste of time known as the Farmer Bob Varmint Gun Registry®. That’s ALL it was. That’s all it was supposed to be! Period.

Well, it’s starting to look like some shitheads on the far left in parliament don’t even have the good sense to know when they’re being made fun of

Some of our parliamentarians have been getting a bit too much sun during their summer holidays.

That’s the only explanation for the discussion by some opposition MPs about the possible introduction of a knife registry, following the gruesome, fatal attack on a Greyhound bus passenger late last month.

A knife registry? Really? What would I have to declare, paring knives, a bread knife, the plastic knife I used to put tuna on crackers while I was having lunch at work the other day?

Sweet jumpin’ Jesus… It’s not just the TO Sun, either. It’s here and here and… you get the idea. 🙄

“Some of our parliamentarians.” “Some opposition MPs.” Who, damnit? WHO??? Who are these boneheads? Tell us who they are so we can give ’em the treatment they deserve. NOW.

August 9, 2008

“Don’t Look At Me…

Filed under: Canada,ELECTION??,Grits,Politics,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 9:53 am

… I don’t want a damn thing to do with it!”

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how, for a Natural Governing Party®, the danged Grits just can’t seem to find enough schmucks that want to… er, naturally govern? It seems that there are yet two more little Gritlets that want nothing to do with the Eternally Imminent Downfall Of The Aberration Of Conservative Government In Canada©. Oops.

Stephane Dion’s Green Shift may not have specific targets or goals on how it will impact reductions in greenhouse gases, according to critics of the plan, but the Conservatives are suggesting that the Liberal plan is reducing the number of Liberal candidates prepared to run in the next federal election.

In Prince Edward Island, one of the Liberal’s star candidates, Robert Morrissey has stepped aside as the candidate. A spokesperson for the Conservative Party Robin Sparrow stated today, ““The Liberals can deliver their talking points all they want but everyone knows the deal. You don’t win a hotly contested nomination meeting for a long-held Liberal riding and then just quit,’’ Sparrow said from Ottawa. Morrissey is clearly feeling the heat on the carbon tax and doesn’t want to campaign on raising the price of gas, home heating fuel and groceries.”

Both seem to be causing a bit of a micro-kerfuffle, but the one in Spudland seems to be the most interesting.

Long story short: the potential candidate basically said, “thanks; I’m honoured and all, but I’ve got business opportunities that I’m chasing down right now.” Some other folks, like Peter MacKay, have wondered if maybe when faced with the thought of trying to spoonfeed a new bullshit tax to the Canadian public, he came up with other things that he’d rather do. Like sitting naked in a field in Skinner’s Pond in February, bashing his dingleberries with a claw hammer.

I think Peter’s got it figured out. Some guys just aren’t Liberal enough for that kind of masochism.

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