Category: Society/Culture

July 14, 2008

Gun-Grabber Mentality Strikes In Vancouver

What a complete and utter crock of God damned bullshit! The Vancouver Sun had the story yesterday about 4 guys on their way to the range, minding their own business, and the abuse that they were subjected to, all in the name of our Great Anti-Gun Nanny State®.

This is a perfect example of just what the hell is wrong with all the anti-gun propaganda that proliferates throughout our country after too damned many years of meddling Letfbot rule in Ottawa and elsewhere. These guys did everything — EVERYTHING — by the book; right down to going along with the idiotic gun registry and taking more care than needed in transporting their firearms (see the photos below).

In spite of all this; what the hell happens? Some hoplophobic (son of a?) bitch sees a gun, shits his/her pants and, the next thing you know, four guys who were doing nothing but heading out for a nice, relaxing afternoon are staring down the business ends of a bunch of 12-gauges with a gaggle of jittery cops at the triggers. Just friggin’ wonderful, eh? Read the story (with my emphasis and commentary added) for yourself and then tell me: is this bullshit or is this bullshit:

VANCOUVER – Police seized five rifles and arrested four men Sunday in a dramatic takedown in the city’s West End after someone called 911 complaining about seeing a gun on the street.

Get a fucking clue, assholeBecause, as any sane person knows, just seeing a firearm can sear the soul and damn you to the Eternal Hellfires of Redneckdomâ„¢. Save me, Mister Policeman! Save my little liberal eyeballs from being violated so! Shitskulls…

Police later determined, however, that the guns were legally registered to one of the arrested men and released the four.

The weapons will remain with police until it’s determined if charges are warranted under the Firearms Act.

Oh, gee whiz, will you lookit that? Everything’s in order. Well, screw you anyway; we’re still going to shit on your rights and keep your rightful property … because we can. Heil Chretien! Viva C-68! Move along comrades, nothing to see here…

The 11 a.m. incident on Haro Street, just east of Denman, shocked residents.

“It was a little freaky, I have to say,” said Paul Kay, a supervisor at a nearby confection shop who witnessed the scene.

During the incident, police, with shotguns drawn, pulled over a black four-door SUV and ordered the men inside the vehicle to come out.

Witness Jack Simpson said he saw two young men, both Caucasians in their mid to late 20s, being taken into custody.

Police also removed four weapons from the vehicle, as well as several black boxes, Simpson said. In a media statement issued shortly after 1 p.m., Vancouver police department spokeswoman Const. Jana McGuinness said the four arrested men were released pending further investigation.

Further investigation of WHAT?!?!??? A few guys on their way to shoot some paper and clays?? See some pics from the Sun for yourself (just click on any of ’em to get a better look):

And to think, it was supposed to be a nice fun day at the range…

Never mind that your paperwork’s in order, just get in the back and STFU

Looks like proper transport to me. Hell, the guy’s even got nicer cases than I do

Eek! A gun! Scary Scary Scary! Run away before it jumps up and shoots you!

Complete and utter bullshit. Gangbangers and assorted other scumbags routinely carry concealed and otherwise flout the law but would the cops take them down just for looking suspicious? HELL NO! It’s profiling if they’re not white. But hey, obey all the rules and try to be a law-abiding citizen and you risk getting shot by the cops.

Being the Leftbot patsies that they are, CTV puts an even worse spin on it:

The incident began when an “alert citizen” called police after the person saw two men standing at the rear of a vehicle on Haro Street, holding a long-barreled gun, said Vancouver Const. Jana McGuinness.


But after checking police found out that the guns were legally registered to one of the men.

That doesn’t mean that the men won’t be charged

Hey, CTV: GO BUGGER YOURSELVES! Friggin’ moonbats… CP was just as bad:

Witness Walter Muller says he saw the guns on the sidewalk, and one looked like a machine gun.

Yeah, nice going assholes. Way to scare the shit outta the sheeple. Never mind that there wasn’t a single God damned automatic weapon there! Why let a little detail like that get in the way of the Great Glorious Gun Grabber Agenda®?

But the worst — the absolute worst — had to be The Province. Dripping with fearmongering goodness, it’s enough to make Landslide Annie reach for her vibrator…

“One of them looked like a machine-gun, and some of them had super scopes on them,” said West End resident Walter Muller. “The scary part is we could be caught in the crossfire.

Really, Walter? And just what kind of “machine gun” did it look like? And just WTF is a “super scope??” Why is this alleged media outlet quoting some dumbass who clearly doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground? Oh, but it gets better…

“With those weapons, serious things were going to happen.”

Like WHAT, you hoplophobic, agenda-driven son of a bitch?

Oh, wait, I get it now. How could I have missed it before? I must be getting old. I didn’t catch it at first but, now that I’ve had another look at all those photos, I see it plain as day:

They’re all white. With crewcuts or even (gasp!) shaved heads! And at least one of them even has tattoos!! Clearly, such men are the bane of civilization and we can never be too vigilant, whether it be in keeping an eye on them or just plain arbitrarily confiscating their stuff. After all, it’s not as if they have RIGHTS or anything.

We are NOT criminalsWhen is this bullshit going to stop, you ask? Simple: when gun owners across the country finally stand up and shout, in one voice: “Enough! We are SICK and TIRED of being your God damned scapegoats! You want our guns? Well, SCREW YOU! ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!!”

Am I being radical? Am I being scary? Tough shit. We’ve been getting screwed in the arse by the do-nothings of this country — and for crimes we didn’t even commit!— for decades so that those parasitic bastards could give the illusion that they’re doing something to make us safe. I, for one, am nearing the end of my rope.

No more Mr Nice Guy...Every time some Leftbot special interest group holds a “protest rally” where the media outnumber the “protesters,” it’s national news and the Nanny State acolytes flock to it like maggots to a dead fish. What do you think would happen if just one percent of us were to hold a march, proudly displaying our guns? What would those totalitarian bastards do in the face of twenty thousand armed citizens?

Just wondering… 😉

July 13, 2008


Those of you who read here, know that I have some mixed feelings about La Belle Province. Sometimes, I really, really want to just bitch-slap Quebec, en masse. Other times, I just love the hell outta the little buggers.

This is one of the latter.

On the one hand, they can be like the surly teenager who lives in the basement, demanding to be let do his own thing but refusing to live by the rules of the parents who actually pay the damned bills. On the other hand, they are capable of some astounding antibullshit from time to time. Today’s editorial in the Montreal Gazette is one such example (my emphasis, of course):

The way Canadians and their government deal with refugee claimants is still, as it has long been, an incoherent muddle of exceptions, special pleading, unverifiable claims, activism, confusion and foolishness.

Politically unpalatable though it might be, somebody needs to drain this swamp, and that somebody will have to be the federal government.

Several recent cases illustrate the problem:

U.S. Army Private Joshua Key deserted, came to Canada, and claimed refugee status, saying that in Iraq he had witnessed looting and violations of human rights. His refugee claim was rejected, but a judge allowed him to stay in Canada anyway.

An un-named Colombian denied refugee status in the U.S. said the “r” word here. Despite the fact that Canada and the U.S. have a “safe haven” agreement governing such cases, a Canadian court said he could stay. Last week a higher court overruled this validation of “asylum shopping,” but activist groups are complaining; the case may not be over.

Even when a bogus claimant loses his appeals, he can find a way to stay.

In British Columbia, Laibar Singh, an Indian who entered Canada with false papers, remains holed up in a Sikh temple. After the laborious hearing and appeals process, he was ordered deported from Canada, but ignored the order. In Canada he became ill and is now paralyzed. Immigration officials have been unable to summon the courage to arrest and deport him, even though he moves frequently from one refuge to another.

In Montreal, another failed refugee claimant, Algerian Abdelkader Belaouni, remains holed up in St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church despite an expulsion order, having slipped into Canada after his U.S. visa expired. Here again, immigration officials defer to the medieval superstition that a place of worship should provide immunity from the law.

At least those two say where they are. An alarming 41,000 people ordered deported from this country – many of them criminals – have just vanished.

There are far too many cases such as those mentioned above, and each time a judge, a pastor, or anyone else puts knee-jerk “compassion” above the rule of law, Canada loses something.

Canadians like to think of ourselves as generous and compassionate people, but where can we draw the line between being welcoming and being suckers? If our refugee-determinations come to be based on simply accepting everyone who gets here and wants to stay, what will the consequences be? Do we want to accept deserters into Canada? From the U.S. alone, or from everywhere? If we do that, how can we think of imposing any penalty on deserters from the Canadian Forces?

Do we really want to allow the unpopularity of the Iraq war in Canada to lead us to treat the U.S. armed forces as somehow illegitimate? Even if we did, shouldn’t this be articulated and regulated by Parliament, rather than by anyone with room in his church basement?

Immigration, including refugee policy, must be based on rules, not on individuals. If it’s not based on rules, then it’s not law.

It’s past time for Canadian refugee law to be clarified, improved, and then enforced with determination and vigour.

Yup; sometimes ya just gotta love the li’l French bastards… 😉

July 6, 2008


Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,Good Stuff,John Q Public,Military,Traditions — Dennis @ 11:40 pm

Contrasts are amazing things. They’re good things, too. They enlighten us to the things that are both wrong and right about who and what we are. They are not things to be ignored.

Take, for example, two women who have lost sons in war. Such a loss is tragic by any measure but how we deal with it… well, that is another matter, isn’t it?

The Yanks have that Sheehan bitch; we have Maureen Eykelenboom

“Canadians need to wake up and realize who they have in their military,” she said. The soldiers she meets “feel they can make a difference, and they are making a difference, and we need to show them that respect, and as a country we need to support them in their missions.”

You’ll notice that she didn’t add that “by bringing them home” bullshit line. Gawd damn, I LOVE this country… Last word:

The military lawyers said it wouldn’t be acceptable for civilians to raise money and partner soldiers to carry out humanitarian assistance, but just-retired Chief of Defense Staff Gen. Rick Hillier told them to make it happen anyway. The Assistance to Afghanistan Trust Fund was established in 2006 and part of it is made up of donations from the Boomer’s Legacy Fund created a year ago. This week, Maureen Eykelenboom presented the latest $80,000 cheque to Canada’s Joint Task Force Kandahar.

July 3, 2008

Looks Like I’m Not The Only One …

Filed under: Good Stuff,John Q Public,Lotusland,Outdoors — Dennis @ 6:20 pm

Thumbs up!… who thinks that Marc Patterson is one impressive sonuvabitch.

Some of you out there might remember Marc from the last time that I wrote about him. For those of you that don’t, here it is in a nutshell:

Marc was out on a camping trip with his wife and kids. They brought a friend of the family along; 12-year old Colton Reeb. Colton was on his way to the thundershack one evening when he ran into a cougar. The kind that doesn’t wear lipstick. According to what was on the CBC website at the time, “Colton Reeb was bitten on the head, face, neck and upper chest before a family friend wrestled the big cat off the boy, but his parents told CBC News on Thursday evening their son is resting and in good condition.

That’s right: “wrestled the big cat off the boy.” Now THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how you define “balls.”

Marc PattersonWell, it looks like I’m not the only one that thinks Marc is the kind of guy I wouldn’t mind buying a round or three for. It turns out that Marc’s getting himself a Carnegie medal for heroism! Canoe had the story today:

That’s when the 45-year-old decided to place the cougar in a choke hold, throttling the animal until it was forced to release Colton, who ran to safety. The cougar shook free and turned on Patterson, snarling at him and preparing to pounce.

Instead, the animal ran off when Patterson started growling back […]

Like any 13-year-old boy, Colton Reeb displays his scars like war medals, the proud evidence of his life-or-death battle with a hungry cougar last summer.

And now the man who made sure Colton didn’t become a fast supper for the massive cat will have his own prestigious decoration to show for the scrap in the forest near Kamloops — a Carnegie medal for heroism.

“When I heard about it, I thought, wow, that’s pretty sweet — I’d like to win one of those someday,” said Colton, who ended up with 300 stitches after being mauled by the mountain lion.

“I’d like to win one of those someday.” Dontcha just love kids? 😀

I wonder what Marc has to say about all this?

“Am I a hero? Well, my wife keeps calling me one and when your wife says you’re a hero, I guess you must be.”

July 1, 2008

Noobs & Guns: Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

Contrary to what the gun-grabbers will tell you, going out to the range and spending a day eating through a box or twelve of ammo is actually relaxing, enjoyable, and downright fun. And sometimes, part of that fun is introducing someone to the sport who’s never tried it before. So, with that in mind, my buddy and I, along with his girlfriend, hit the range the other weekend. Neither one of them had fired anything before. Ever. Malcolm had shot a pellet gun when he was a kid, but Bonnie hadn’t even done that.

That’s right: me, two noobs, one beat-up old Cooey, half a brick of .22, and an afternoon to kill. Three people with a deadly weapon and over 200 rounds of ammunition. And guess what? Nobody got shot, nobody got robbed, no drug deals went bad, no liberals exploded (bit of a pity, that one), nobody hopped into a bell tower… nothing. We even left that place cleaner than when we found it. Bonnie got a little sunburnt, though.

Did ya hear that, mister so-called “Mayor of The Arsehole Of The Universe?” People went to a shooting range and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

And yup, it was fun! (BTW: It wasn’t my camera, so I have no bloody idea what was up with the date display function…) (more…)

June 29, 2008

Lorna Lambasted

Oh, dear. Thin-skinned thespian lesbian Lorna Pardy doesn’t seem to be garnering any sympathy from the expected quarters.

You might be wondering to yourself, “who the hell is Lorna Pardy?” Well, Lorna’s a dyke with no sense of humour. Apparently, she’s also a heckler; and not a very good one.  You see, Lorna’s the whiny little bitch that went scurrying off to the BC Human Lefts Commission after she and a fellow muff-diver got a verbal smackdown from a comedian that they were heckling.  Lorna likely reckoned that she’d have some kind of “wall of sisterhood” type shit backing her up on her idiocy.  Doesn’t look like it.

It seems Lorna has become something of a pariah among many in the gay community (maybe they remember when they were on the other end of the stick?  who knows…).  Whatever the reason, she doesn’t seem to be making many friends.  Here’s who we’re talking about:

She's in the middle

Lorna’s the one in the middle.  And, judging by some of what’s in the comments on the site that I filched this from, she’s gonna be on the outside soon.  We’ll start off with what M_WORD had to say:

shame on you Lorna Pardy.
shame on you for single-handedly lending the credibility of our community to the near fascist BC Human Rights Council, and thus allowing our causes and passions to be hijacked by these thinly veiled thought-crime police.

Has it occurred to you that instead of filing a human rights complaint, the right thing to do would have been to grow a pair and stop being so thin skinned!? [yeah, I know; I nearly laughed my balls off, too, when I read that part -D] Has our community, nee our lovely and liberal Canadian society as a whole become what it is today by crying wolf every time someone said something that hurt our feelings? It has not. Even the US, with it’s terrifyingly litigious tendencies does not encourage the prosecution of thought crime in the way that your petty and pathetic actions have.

I am so discouraged at your small minded and immature foolishness ms lorna pardy that should we ever meet, you can expect me to bitch slap some damn sense into that air-filled head of yours.. stupid woman. stupid stupid woman. shame on you for implicating all of us in this shameless dance with the insatiable beast of censorship. I still remember a time not that long ago when books deemed to have explicit gay and lesbian content were not allowed into Canada, and now, thanks to the foolish and shortsighted tantrum of one sadly insecure little lesbian hipster, we can all look forward to another walk down that dark path.

thank you for bringing this distinctly fascist distortion of liberal thought into our community.

Seems that EYES_ARE_LISTENING doesn’t have much sympathy, either:

You pathetic drunk!!! You make out with your girlfriend like some 15 year old in front of an adult audience. You then behave like some drunken heterosexual male at a strip joint and whine when you get a taste of your own medicine. This will never leave you. A bit of advice sweetheart: stay away from booze cuz you can’t control your big fat mouth. Oh, and say goodbye to your career.

Hm.  Maybe this could explain why Lorna seems to be wanting a low profile, even on gay-friendly sites:

“I can’t even give you my name [to be] printed,” said one of the women, who would only confirm her first name as Lorna.

Heh.  Too late, buttercup; everybody already knows who you are.

One more tidbit from The Province:

Did you hear the one about the two lesbians who walked into a comedy club and started heckling the comedian? He turned the tables on them, so they complained to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. And now the joke is on the taxpayers forced to pay for this kangaroo court.

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