[The following post contains language which is not suitable for children. I try to keep the site relatively clean (as clean as a trashmouth like me gets, anyway) but there are times when soft language is just plain dishonest. Parents are STRONGLY advised to preview for themselves before allowing their kids access to this post. Better yet; don’t even let your kids read it at all. -Dennis]
…and walk out with a human rights complaint cash cow. Only in Canada. And guess what else? It’s in uber-leftist British Californicate, no less. What are the odds, eh?
Why, why, WHY can I never be making this shit up??? As if none of us saw this bullshit coming, here’s the gist of it: two shitfaced slit-slurpers shuffle into a club, don’t like what the comic on stage is saying, and haul ass to the nearest HRC to piss and moan and collect a free bankroll. That’s what it boils down to.
The rules change from case to case, as needed to ensure that the accused’s rights are properly violated.
Truth is not a defense.
And now, we can add another one to the list: They have no sense of humour…
A Canadian stand-up comedian will face a human rights tribunal hearing after a woman complained she and her friends faced a “tirade of homophobic and sexist comments” while attending one of his shows.
In a decision released this week, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal ruled there is enough evidence to hear the case of Vancouver woman Lorna Pardy against Toronto comedian Guy Earle. Zesty’s Restaurant in Vancouver, where the May 22, 2007, show took place, was also named in the complaint. The restaurant has since closed.
But Guy Earle stresses the comments he made last year to Lorna Pardy and her partner at Zesty’s Restaurant (now known as Zawa) were not motivated by sexual discrimination but out of his hatred for hecklers.
In the video, the comedian says he doesn’t “hate anybody based on sexual orientation” but does “hate hecklers.”
HOLY SHIT!!! A comedian that hates hecklers! WHAT ARE THE ODDS OD THAT????? 😯 I wonder what this little Canadian Michael Richards has to say for himself…?
Heads up, boys and girls; Wendy, from Girl On The Right and Brass Balls Radio, needs your help! She doesn’t like it, but she needs it. Hell, this girl’s raised hundreds of bucks for the USO, now let’s help her out for a change.
We keep hearing over and over again about how conservatives are more generous and giving than the Leftbots, so here’s our chance to put our cash where our yaps are. Hell, you know me… if nothing else, I’d just do it for the boobs! 😀
… from a very personable guy named Fred, who works for the Conservative Party of Canada’s fundraising office (one of them, anyway). He was calling to say that they noticed that I’d made a pledge of support a few months back and, well, it seems to have slipped my mind.
“Nope, Fred, it didn’t,” said I. “I remember it quite well and, to tell you the truth, I have no intention whatsoever of sending the Conservative Party any money at all for the foreseeable future. I’ll even tell you why, if you like.”
Fred said that, sure, he’d be happy to hear what’s on my mind; so I told him. I was nice about it, mind you. After all, Fred didn’t set this malignant machine in motion, he’s just a guy working on the phone, trying to do his job and do it right. He doesn’t need cranky SOBs like me taking a bite out of his ass for things that aren’t his fault. Besides, like I said at the start, Fred’s a pretty personable kind of guy. Sounded a lot like me when I’m not pissed off about anything.
So I told Fred that I’ve had a bit of a burr under my saddle lately; bee in my bonnet, if you will. Actually, more like a whole hive of the damned things. I told him that the (laughably called) “human rights commissions” of this country, every last one of them, have long since gone rogue and that they are, in fact, in the business of trampling people’s rights, not protecting them. I told him that these show trials and the censorious legislation they auspiciously operate under look more like something I would expect to find in the Weimar Republic than in Canada.
“Ah,” said Fred, “section 13.1.”
Did I mention before what a smart guy Fred is? He knew, right off the hop, what I was talking about and he didn’t sound too happy about it, either. Gee, I wonder if he’d heard it before?
I told Fred that these commissions need to be scrapped altogether. Not reformed, not given new mandates, not restaffed; SCRAPPED. They are abominations in a country like mine, which has given so much blood for the cause of freedom. The laws that allow such things must also be scrapped altogether. They must be replaced with amendments to our Constitution which truly protect the real rights of people, things worded more along the line of “The Government Shall Not” than of trying to tell the people of this great nation how they should or should not think.
I told him that, while all these things bother me, what I have heard from the Conservative Party of Canada has bothered me even more: a silence as profound as when the whale swallowed Jonah. This is NOT how a party which believes in people’s freedoms, rights and liberty behaves.
I told Fred that until something real and concrete is actually done by the Conservatives about these Machiavellian thumbscrews, all the money that I would normally be giving them will be going elsewhere (see a few of the places at the bottom of this post). I told him that I wasn’t alone in this. Fred sounded about as surprised as a guy who wakes up in the morning and finds that his head is still there on his shoulders where he left it.
“Well,” said Fred, “part of what I do here is that I keep a list on my desk of everything that I hear about that irks the folks I talk to. At the end of the day, I pass it on up so that this higher-ups actually have an idea of what’s on peoples’ minds.”
“Well, Fred, now you know what’s been irking me. Have yourself a good day, now.” And that was about it (DAMNIT! …forgot to plug my blog to him. Oh, well). I hope the rest of Fred’s day goes better. Fred’s a nice guy, I like him.
What You Can Do To Help
If you want to help out, too, all you need to do is just go to one of the links below and hit one of their “donate” buttons. Remember now, folks, the Canuck Six could use all the help they can get.
… Let the sorry son of a bitch have it with both barrels. Again.
As a little follow-up to one of yesterday’s posts, it’s interesting to see that Tarek Fatah isn’t the only one polishing up the cluebat to beat would-be jihadi uber-censor Mohamed Elmasry over the head with. The Waterloo Record, from Elmasry’s hometown of Waterloo, Ontario, let the arrogant prick have it from their trenches too, the other day (tip o’ the chapeau to Ezra for this one). You know that you’re really buggering something up when even the paper in your home town is ripping you a new one.
[Exegesis: My apologies to the good folks of Waterloo. I know that your city isn’t really his hometown, Cairo is. Waterloo’s just a place where he has a house. In fact, no place in Canada is Elmasry’s home. If it were, he wouldn’t be giving one of our most cherished liberties the back of his hand. Sorry for any offense at being lumped in with that turd. -D]
For five depressing days in a nondescript courtroom in Vancouver last week, one of the most important rights in Canada — the right to free speech — was repeatedly kicked in the head.
It was a shocking, demeaning and unsettling spectacle that would be more at home in a totalitarian state than a country that claims to be a liberal democracy. But the attack on Maclean’s magazine for daring to publish the Oct. 20, 2006 article, The Future Belongs To Islam, was entirely permissible under British Columbia’s human rights laws. It is time those regulations, indeed the nation’s human rights regulations, are rewritten. Much depends on this.
The hearing before the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal came in direct response to complaints made against Maclean’s by two members of the Canadian Islamic Congress. It is obvious that those two individuals, one of whom is congress president Mohamed Elmasry of Waterloo, were sincerely offended by the article in question.
Meanwhile, the National Post took a little time out of its busy schedule to deliver a good swift kick in the nuts to Elmasry’s favourite sockpuppet / sith apprentice for his peculiar notions about what value freedom of speech should have:
Apparently, Khurrum Awan doesn’t have much respect for those ideals. A recent graduate of Osgoode Hall law school in Toronto, Mr. Awan has put his name to various human-rights complaints against Maclean’s magazine and writer Mark Steyn, whom the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) accuses of Islamophobia. Mr. Awan and his coplaintiffs demand that the magazine provide a pro-Islamist writer with space equal to the amount devoted to Mr. Steyn’s work.
At a conference over the weekend, Mr. Awan betrayed just how thoroughly he and his fellow travellers misunderstand the concept of freedom of speech. He told the Canadian Arab Federation that Muslims must “demand [the] right to participate” in national media. “And we have to tell them, you know what, if you’re not going to allow us to do that, there will be consequences. You will be taken to the human rights commission, you will be taken to the press council, and you know what? If you manage to get rid of the human rights code provisions [on hate speech], we will then take you to the civil courts system. And you know what? Some judge out there might just think that perhaps it’s time to have a tort of group defamation, and you might be liable for a few million dollars.”
Can you say “ambulance-chasing shakedown artist,” boys and girls? I knew you could. Favourite parts right here:
Perhaps what truly irks Mr. Awan is that the CIC’s position — pro-censorship, pro-Islamist, anti-free speech — has been so roundly disparaged in the mainstream media. He doesn’t just want his ideas floated in the general Canadian marketplace of ideas: He wants uncritical acceptance.
Sorry, but that’s not the way things work in Canada — or any other democracy: People with bad ideas are mocked, ignored or refuted. You have no “human right” to get your bad ideas taken seriously. […]
If someone were actively seeking to stir up the worst stereotypes Canadians hold in regard to the repressive political cultures being imported into Canada by Arab and Muslim immigrants, it’s hard to imagine anyone doing a better job than Khurrum Awan.
Aw, don’t feel too bad, little sockpuppet. You’ve still got some friends out there. Yes you do. Quite the fan club…
When you see us, you think that you are superior to us. Even a prostitute thinks she is superior to us because she is white. You don’t know the real initial. I mean you don’t know the real man who played to your mother, but you think you are superior to us. You say you are rich. How did you become rich? By steeling our oil and the third world. Right?
Your men (army) are fighting oversees, and you say their wives are waiting for their husbands. Do they really wait for their husbands? I don’t think so. Why? Because she has her neighbor or the dog to look after her. Yes, the dog will do the husband’s job until he comes back from the mission. This is why many white women have dogs to have sex with or to clean the front part. You know what I mean (p—y).
For those of you that don’t go there much, pop on over to the National Post’s Full Comment blog and get a good look at Tarek Fatah letting Machiavellian maggot Mohamed Elmasry — and “his political apprentice Khurrum Awan” — have it with both barrels. Fatah, for those of you that don’t know, is one of the few Muslims in Canadian media (Salim Mansur is the only other one that I know of) who has absolutely zero tolerance for Islamofascist bullshit. His basic message: if you have some kind of problem with freedom of speech… don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
When Mohamed Elmasry declared a few years ago that there was more press freedom in Egypt than in Canada, it took me some time and effort to lift my jaw up from the floor. However, since then I have become accustomed to the outlandish statements and claims of the good science professor from Egypt.
Here we have a vid from Dartmouth, NS, showing how three of these little YCJA-shielded pricks ganged up on and robbed a lone kid. They’re always brave in packs, aren’t they? No doubt, the usual suspects will bleat away that they’re just misunderstood, they didn’t have a basketball court nearby, Mike Harris is to blame (even though this is NS, we’re talking about), the little dears shouldn’t have their lives ruined over this, blahblahblah… Tough.
After leaving the victim the three older attackers are joined by four more young boys, the smallest of whom appears to be younger than 10.
The group can be seen quite clearly, hanging out at the corner of Mountain Avenue and Lakeview Drive.
But police say without hearing from the victim, it’s hard to say exactly what happened. Halifax Regional Police spokesman Const. Jeff Carr said the call came in at 7:26 p.m. but the victim was gone from the scene when officers arrived.
“It’s not clear whether it was a robbery,†Const. Carr said. “It’s clearly an assault, but whether it resulted in injuries, you just can’t jump to conclusions.â€
Of course you can’t. After all, it’s not like there’s any friggin’ EVIDENCE or anything now, is it? Well, the vid is out there, everybody knows who they are, and the genie’s not going back in the bottle. All the thug-huggers on the planet aren’t a match for a few folks with camcorders. Suck it up.