Category: John Q Public

April 9, 2008

Explain Vermont

And while you’re at it, explain the District of Columbia, too.

For those of you that might be just awakening from your winter hibernation, His Blondeness, Dave “Da Dork” Miller, the Lord High Asshat of The Arsehole Of The Universe has once again begun burbling up his own butthole about attacking law-abiding firearms owners with a nation-wide handgun ban in Canada.

Where the hell am I going to start with disassembling this shitskullery? Well, I guess the best place to start is with the idiocy from Daveyboy’s on piehole: (more…)

April 6, 2008

This Is Good

Filed under: Blogosphere,Good Stuff,John Q Public — Dennis @ 11:40 am

Time for me to give a tip o’ my toque to a fellow Blogging Tory — in this case, the lovely Spitfire over at A Step in the Right Direction. Let me start off by saying to her, don’t feel so bad; we seem to have been living under the same rock, so it’s definitely not just you. 😛

This guy is totally worth a read, though (especially if you have an abrasive sense of humour like I do). The blog root his here and and you can see his full list of Stuff White People Like right here. Grab a coffee, because it’s gonna take a while. 😀

March 18, 2008

Just A Little Message…

Filed under: Canada,Government,John Q Public,Nanny State,Rights,Video — Dennis @ 5:22 pm

… for any MPs that happen to stop by here.

No further commentary needed, really. This guy says it quite well all on his own.

March 3, 2008

Wanna Step Outside And Say That?

Filed under: BS,Canada,CPC,Government,Grits,John Q Public,Skullduggery,Spin — Dennis @ 2:38 pm

Don’t… poke… the bearI’m a happy conservative/Conservative today. Yup, I am indeed. Sure, it’s a kind of naughty, Schadenfreude sort of happy but I’ll take it anyway.

It seems that our man in charge in Ottawa, Steve, has finally had-it-up-to-wherever with the lyin’-ass HypoGrits slinging bullshit in their little drive-by smears. The kind that they try so hard to trump up every time they get collectively emasculated in the Commons (or lately, in their little Liberal-dominated, Senate sandbox, as well) by the Tories.

And guess what, boys & girls? This shit’s gettin’ reeeeaaall old.

I’m sure you all know the pattern that I’m talking about. It goes something like this:

  1. The Tories put forth a bill that, while good for Canadians, isn’t in line with the failed Grit Trudeaupian ideology.
  2. Dion threatens to bring down the government over the bill.
  3. Steve calls their bluff by whipping out his medicine ball-sized nuts and using them to pound Steffy into the ground like a tent peg.
  4. Steve’s Little Bitch® and his gang do as they’re told and let the legislation pass.
  5. Joe and Jane Canuck start to notice that the Liebrals have nothing to offer anyone: no ideas, no policies, no principles, no leadership, nothing.
  6. Utter BullshitDesperate to change the channel, the Librano$ make up a scandal and hope like hell that if they can just throw enough bullshit, some of it will stick. To someone. Somewhere. Anywhere. Just not them.
  7. Nothing becomes of the “scandal.”
  8. Rinse, repeat.

It’s turned into a pattern of events so predictable that Helen Keller could see it coming. It’s also a pattern of events that’s about to show the Grits just exactly where it is that ol’ Steve’s Bullshit-o-meterâ„¢ redlines.

The latest round of this little liberal circle jerk is being labelled “Cadscam.” To make a long story short, the Liebrals are trying to accuse Harper of bribing the late Chuck Cadman and saying that his widow backs them up (she doesn’t). In other words, the Grits are so damned desperate for some Adscam® payback, that they’re willing to drag a dead man through the mud.

Steve has had enough of their bullshit. Time to put up or shut up:

“The prime minister is not only suing the Liberal leader, he’s suing the deputy leader, Michael Ignatieff; Ralph Goodale, who is the House leader; and the Liberal Party of Canada,” Fife said.

“Mr. Harper’s notice of libel says they’ve accused him of knowing about Conservative bribery in the Cadman affair,” he said.

Harper said the allegations, made outside the House of Commons and on the Liberal party’s website, are false and misleading. He is asking for an immediate retraction, Fife said.

The notice asks for two allegedly defamatory articles to be removed from the website and provides wording for an apology to be read out by Dion in the House of Commons. The notice requests the apology be given in English and French.

If the Liberals don’t provide an apology, the Conservatives want the Liberals to preserve all records and email traffic, Fife said.

Translation: No more free punches. Read more here, here, here and here. Steffy, as usual, is pretending to come out swinging:

OTTAWA — Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion will not apologize to Prime Minister Stephen Harper over the Chuck Cadman affair despite the threat of a libel lawsuit, the Liberal Party says.

See the pattern described above. 🙄 Seriously, is there anybody in this country that doesn’t think that Dion’s going to do exactly what he always does: roll over, sit, and do as he’s told?

Go back home to your nice, safe, little university, Steffy. This is the real world, and politics is a contact sport.

January 15, 2008

Why Not Just Ban Homicide Instead?

Explains a lot…Oh, wait… that’s already been done.

To the surprise of absolutely no one who finds themselves in possession of two brain cells to rub together, Toronto Mayor David Miller has once again hopped up on the “blame the inanimate object” bandwagon and is bawling into every microphone he can find for a Canada-wide ban on handguns. Because, as everyone knows, criminal scumbags don’t shoot people, guns just jump up and fire themselves. Yup, one second they’ll just be sitting there and the next, they’re bustin’ caps all over the place. Happens all the time, right?

But Miller just can’t seem to get it through that spongy skull of his that we don’t have a gun control problem in this country; we have an asshole control problem. (more…)

January 5, 2008

WHAT Law??

Justice If you ever needed any proof that the HypoGrits and assorted other Leftbots have shoved this country through the looking glass, you got plenty of it lately. While the warm, fuzzy, colon-myopic “progressives” purr on and on about how wonderful our “justice” system is (inexhaustibly echoed by their fellow travelers in the MSM, such as the Ministry Of What You Should Think), the emperor’s dick is still swing in the wind. Two recent cases do more to make this argument than I ever could…

First, there is the tragic death of yet another innocent young girl in the Arsehole Of The Universeâ„¢. The senseless killing of Stefanie Rengel at the hands of some murdering little sonofabitch whose name we aren’t allowed to know, because the little bastard was FIVE DAYS shy of his eighteenth birthday, has brought about yet another chorus of “something must be done” from the sheeple in the Big Smoke.

RantsExcuse me all to hell for being the cynical asshole here, but I’ve heard all this shit before. I heard it when Jordan Manners died. I heard it when Jane Creba died. I heard it when [fill in the blank] died. Every time a kid gets killed, the City That Never Thinks® farts its indignation for a few days and then goes back to sleep. They moan on that “something should be done,” howl about how screwed up the system is, and demand that changes need to be made. Then they go back to sleep and vote for the same pricks that created the problem in the first place. Why the hell should this time be any different? Do any of us even bothering hoping that things will change this time, when they never did before? I’m not the only one asking this…

You can add the name Stefanie Rengel to the already enormous list of those stolen from us.

And what the heck are we going to do about it? Any outrage out there? Anybody planning a mass protest for tougher justice at Parliament Hill?

If we do nothing as usual, the next name to be added is out there right now, dreaming about his or her bright future.

Hopefully, it’s not your kid — but he or she will be somebody’s. In my 17 years as a reporter at this newspaper, there have been more than 1,000 homicides in Toronto, so I am pretty sure there will be more. Needless to say little has been learned — and even less done.

Well, maybe. Maybe, just maybe, this time just might be different…

The stabbing death of a 14-year-old girl in Toronto this week, and the subsequent murder charges against two teenage acquaintances, opens a year in which Canada’s youth justice law will come under intense legal and political scrutiny.

Parliament is expected to vote in 2008 on legislation to radically toughen the Youth Criminal Justice Act by increasing sentences for serious youth crimes and making it easier for judges to keep young people locked up before their trials if they are considered a risk to public safety.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has also promised this year a sweeping review of the entire YCJA, a controversial law long criticized for being too soft on teenagers who commit violent or repeat offences.

And the Supreme Court of Canada is expected to announce a decision on whether two clauses of the YCJA violate the Constitution. The clauses would put the onus on violent young offenders to prove why they shouldn’t be sentenced as adults, or to have their names published.

If the country’s highest court upholds those clauses, the Conservative government will likely be emboldened to press forward with an election promise to impose automatic adult jail terms on teenagers, 14 and older, convicted of serious crimes.

At least it would be a start. Now all we have to do is toughen up the treatment of the full-grown scumbags. Not that it will make much difference to the worthless sacks of shit that killed Stefanie, but at least it would be something.

Oh, but wait… all those partisan hack judges that the Grits stacked the courts with are still around to bugger up the works. Screw what the public wants or what’s good for the country, it’s the unelected judges that make the rules, right…?

But if the court strikes down the adult sentencing clauses, as many legal scholars expect it will, there could be a showdown between the court and the government on the subject of youth crime – a tricky political issue in what may become an election year.

“As we wait for the Supreme Court’s ruling on the case, Canada’s judiciary seems set on a collision course with the legislative branch of government,” says Rishi Hargovan, writing recently on The, an online Supreme Court discussion forum hosted by Osgoode Hall Law School.


Utter BullshitIn 2003, when prosecutors asked for an adult sentence for a 17-year-old Hamilton youth convicted of manslaughter, the lower courts said no. That case is currently before the Supreme Court.

The Ontario Court of Appeal, bolstered by a separate ruling by the Quebec Court of Appeal, said the law violated the Charter of Rights. It said the onus should be on the Crown to show evidence why an adult sentence is necessary, rather on the youth to prove otherwise.

The Ontario and Quebec courts also said the Constitution guarantees young offenders a separate system of youth justice, with its reduced set of penalties and its emphasis on rehabilitation.

And just where the FUCK does the Constitution say THAT???? Oh, wait… that must be one of those things that some shithead judge someplace “read into” the Constitution.

We’ll just have to wait and see (yet AGAIN) if anything gets done. I’m not holding my breath. But if you think that our “justice” is only busy looking out for the garbage in over-liberal Ontario, think again. Things are just as FUBAR out west…

HUH???It’s now getting reported that a guy from Langdon, Alberta might himself getting hauled before the Kangaroo Kourt for having the gall to defend himself and his girlfriend from a pair of masked assholes that burst into his bedroom in the middle of the night.

Why the hell can I never be making this stuff up? Just once, that’s all I’m asking for…

“It is a homicide; (the intruder) didn’t die accidentally. Whether or not it’s murder isn’t clear.”

Gang and drug ties have been ruled out as motives in the case, said Neely, and no one involved is a “well-known, hardened criminal,” she said.

Okay, lemme see if I’ve got all this happy bullshit straight in my wee, tiny, disadvantaged, non-leftbotuniversityeducated melon or not…

  • No drug ties? Check.
  • No gang ties? Check.
  • Nobody (especially the homeowner) a “well-known, hardened criminal?” Check.
  • Guy wakes up in the middle of the night to find a pair of masked shitbags in his bedroom with him and his sleeping girlfriend and does what any normal, non-testosterone-challenged human male would do? Check.

And still, he might be the one with his ass in the box?

“The two assailants entered the bedroom where the victims had been sleeping and a struggle ensued in the bedroom and that’s where (the body of) one assailant was discovered,” said Strathmore RCMP Cpl. Patty Neely.


The male occupant of the house was also injured and is listed in stable condition. Police say they are now trying to determine whether or not to lay murder charges against the him.

“Obviously, we know how he became deceased. Whether or not it’s a homicide or murder investigation or simply (a case of) protecting yourself will be determined,” said Neely.

AsshatteryUnder the law, people have the right to protect themselves and their property within certain limits. The criminal code states that the victim of an unprovoked attack is justified in repelling force by force if it is “not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm” and is no more than necessary for self defence.

WTF is that bullshit?? I don’t know if things have changed or not but there’s a principle that I learned back in the stone age when I was going to school. It went something like this: If a man attacks you with his hands, you can defend yourself with a stick. If he attacks you with a stick, you can defend yourself with a knife. If he attacks you with a knife, a gun isn’t an unreasonable means of defending yourself.

Apparently, if you wake up in the middle of the night and find a prair of masked malcontents standing over you, you’re expected to call a timeout so you can take the time to Monday morning quarterback yourself for an hour or two.

Yeah, right. Not this kid. Bleep off

Damned right!On the bright side, though: not everybody’s a friggin’ idiot in this country. While the Hug-A-Thug Brigade® pisses and moans about all the mean, nasty evil things that decent folks do to the poor, disadvantaged, misunderstood shitbags in our midst, Bob and Betty Lunchbox don’t seem to give a damn what those buggers are wailing about (tip o’ the hat to JR for the poll and pic). Click on the pic and you’ll see that a whopping 97% of people couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Leftbotâ„¢ bullshit, scumbag “rights,” or even the law, when it comes to keeping their loved ones safe. Screw the consequences, it’s one hell of a lot better to be judged by twelve than it is to be carried by six.

For the record: I agree. Break into my house and pose a danger to my woman or kids, and you’re gonna find yourself on the wrong end of a 12-gauge. You will shut your God damned mouth and do exactly as I say, and do it damned quick, or you’ll die on my floor. That’s my God-given right, whether the law says so or not.

MY home, MY castle, your sorry ass.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a law-abiding kind of guy. I believe in the law and I respect the men and women who put their asses on the line to uphold it each and every day. But if you pose a threat to the ones I love… well, then, the rulebook goes out the window. Along with a few chunks of your grey matter.

And no, I won’t lose any sleep over it.

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