Category: John Q Public

December 2, 2008

How’s This …

… for a chilling conversation fragment to overhear at your local pub?

“It could be done. It would take fewer than a hundred men to storm parliament and gun every one of those bastards down.”

No, I’m not making that up. But I wish I was.

Anybody who doesn’t live in a cave already knows what kind of Machiavellian shit has been going down in Ottawa lately. Never mind that they just had their worst electoral performance in the history of confederation (an even worse showing than they put in for the Diefenbaker and Mulroney landslides), the God damned Librano$ still think that they should be the ones to govern the country.

So what if the Canadian people didn’t elect us? So what if the Canadian people not only gave the Tories another government, but a strengthened one at that? Screw the Canadian people. WE rule this country as our God-given right because WE are the Liberals! If those unwashed idiots are too stupid to elect us, then to hell with them.

Lets’ get something straight: I’m not scared of this so-called “coalition” getting their hands on the national tiller. If it happens, it won’t last and as far as I’m concerned, if the Grits want to pull the pin on that political grenade and swallow it, I say “bon appetit!” You want to know what does scare me? This does (think damned hard about it, too):

  1. No matter what their protests to the contrary may be, this is about nothing more than greed and lust for power. Period. They couldn’t get elected and were threatened with having their lips pried loose from the public teat, so they plot the overthrow of the democratically elected government by coup d’etat. And that is exactly what it is.
  2. There are men in this country who will be sorely tempted to take matters into their own hands. No, I’m not talking about drunken braggarts; I’m talking about dead serious sons of bitches who will not fool around. And if that genie gets out of its bottle, God help us…

Here’s hoping things get a lot more boring real soon.

November 19, 2008

Bonehead Bonanza

Filed under: Blogosphere,John Q Public,Moonbattery,Reader Questions — Dennis @ 11:47 am

Ah, well now, wouldya just lookie here? All the class acts are just poppin’ outta the woodwork like daisies through the snow in springtime.

As most longtime readers know, I’m not big on responding to the comments on this site. Yes, I know that makes me a very, very bad blogger but the fact is that I just don’t have the time to go sifting through all the stuff that gets fired my way. Seeing as how I’m not one of those clowns wanking away at his keyboard in his parents’ basement and have bills of my own to pay, other things just plain have to take priority.

So, to all the nice folks who have stopped by now and then to say something nice, or even something constructive that I didn’t agree with: thanks. Even though I don’t say it often enough, it’s always nice to know that someone’s listening to my cathartic little rants.

To the bozos that I’ll be talking about in today’s post: bite me.

Today, I’m actually going to take a little time to check out some of the latest comments to the site (in the last few days or so) and toss back my own two bits because, well… I have nothing else to do for a change. And you can only rant about diddling shitbags and Leftbot idiocy so much before it even starts to get on your own nerves.

So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to some of the creme de la crap that have stopped by lately to hack up one of their little hairballs on my own little cyber-rug. The fun part is deciding where to start…

Anybody who’s poked around here at all knows that a) I’m a gun owner, b) I support gun owners’ rights and c) I support the right of each and every Canadian to be fully able to defend themselves from any scumbag that tries to hurt them. Some numbskulls, however, just can’t resist the siren call of the ol’ reductio ad absurdum. Guys like “Anonymous,” (is it just me, or does that clown seem to be every damned where in cyberspace?) who posted this little nugget from his Cowtown-based IP in my July 23rd post, here, just the other day:

There is an obvious problem with allowing Canadians to carry guns…then idiots like you and your reactionary friends will be walking around with lethal weapons as a substitute for brains. You are just the type of asshole who would shoot a “coloured feller” if he looked at you funny, you know, just to be safe. Hell you might even move from beating your wife to shooting her. Hey, I’m all for carrying guns, but only if right wing, fundamentalist nut-jobs like you are barred from doing so. Sigh, I yearn for the days when “conservative” meant “wise” and I was proud to call myself one. Now conservative is merely euphemistic for “crazy, uber-religious, Leviticus obeying redneck.”

I seriously hope you’re sterile. Seeing shitbrains like you reminds me of why I support eugenics.

The argumentum ad hominem is blatantly obvious: if you can’t win the argument, attack the messenger. Move along, folks; nothing to think here. Never mind that, like Anonymous here, a certain fellow with a ridiculous mustache (who, in keeping with Godwin’s Law, shall remain nameless here) also wanted to ban gun ownership… from certain people. No, he never outright banned gun ownership (as some on my side of the argument will, maddeningly, insist), but he did pass the 1938 German Weapons Act, which served to restrict gun ownership to “persons whose trustworthiness is not in question.” In other words: NotTheJews®. Come to think of it, the high-strung little nameless Austrian was big on eugenics, too.

And before I forget: my son likes to shoot, too. I got him his first rifle when he was 12 and he still has it. This year for his birthday, he’s getting his CFSC (restricted) and his minors license, paid for by dear ol’ Dad. 😉

Next up, we have little Norm from someplace deep in the heart o’ La Mooch Provence, where there are no problems that the ROC’s money can’t solve. Norm couldn’t pick a post, it seems, so he just hacked one up on the front hall rug. Two of ’em, in fact:

I don’t know what you are doing in Canada buddy, brain-dead turds like you belong in Texas. You are exactly the type of man to end up murdered by his own children, no wonder you’re so against the youth crime act. Oh wait, no woman would procreate with you. No kids. That explains your anger at the world! Now stick your long gun up your anus and dream of harper.

Is it just me, or do these clowns have a somewhat …ahem… unhealthy obsession with my reproductive habits? 😯 My li’l ol’ Furry Pogo Stick Of Loveâ„¢, where it’s been, and what I do with it when it gets there, are none of your damned business, boys. Get over it, already.

What I’m doing in Canada, Normie, is being a Canadian. If you have a problem with that, have yourself a little referendum, get the hell out, and quit acting like the surly teenager living in mom and dad’s basement. Then he has this:

Dear reader, do you notice how right-wing cowards are so afraid to post their last name or even an email address to contact them? If anybody can post this guys last name I bet we’ll discover he’s a got a criminal rap sheet longer than his favorite rifle.

Dear Normie, did you ever notice that it only seems to be knuckleheads like you that have trouble getting ahold of me or figuring out who I am? Plenty of smart people — and plenty of dumb ones, too 🙄 — have had no trouble at all either sending me an email or figuring out exactly who I am. Must be just you.

And yeah, I did have a few run-ins with the law when I was younger; never said I didn’t. But I never sold dope, or stabbed anybody, or raped anybody, or shot anybody, or mugged anybody, or murdered anybody, or swarmed anybody, or… well, you get the idea. And, because I got charged under the JDA and not the YCJA, nobody ever had any trouble figuring out what I’d been up to.

Next up, we have Anonymous again, this time posting from a US-based IP (damn, but that bugger gets around). Apparently, he has a thing for homicidal jailbait:

She’s kinda sexy; No?

And some folks are worried about me breeding. Sheesh… 🙄

Damn. That was more fun than I thought it would be. I’m gonna have to do this more often…

November 10, 2008

Lie Through Our Teeth?

YES, WE CAN! (via Gun Owners Resource)

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one who has two brain cells to rub together, United States President-Elect, Senator Bananafanafofama from Chicago has promptly backpedaled on his consistent claims throughout the campaign that he “supports the Second Amendment.”

The American NRA-ILA — God knows we could use a noisy bunch like that up here, but that’s another rant — is reporting on the latest (of many more to come, no doubt) bucket of cold water thrown on the American public’s sense of personal liberty by the Obamites:

Obama Announces Gun Ban Agenda Before The Final Vote Count Is In

Friday, November 07, 2008

Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign slogan, “the audacity of hope,” should have instead been “the audacity of deceit.” After months of telling the American people that he supports the Second Amendment, and only hours after being declared the president-elect, the Obama transition team website announced an agenda taken straight from the anti-gun lobby–four initiatives designed to ban guns and drive law-abiding firearm manufacturers and dealers out of business… [read the whole thing here -D]

Now, before anybody out there (especially any Americans reading this) even thinks about hooting and hollering about how they didn’t see this coming: STFU!

You all knew exactly who and what Obambi was: a typical Leftist, statist, social-engineering Democrat who never met a problem that more bureaucracy couldn’t solve and who wouldn’t trust an average citizen to wipe his own backside with any competency. And he got elected anyway.

So why am I bothering with this? It’s simple, really. If there’s one thing that history has shown, it’s that American Leftbot idiocy has a habit of slithering across the border and making trouble up here. And decent Canadian gun owners have enough problems already.  Look for things to get worse…

October 14, 2008

Well, I Did My Part…

Filed under: Canada,CPC,John Q Public,Politics — Dennis @ 11:45 am

… now it’s time for you to get out and do yours. Yes, folks, I just got back from casting my vote for the only party that I trust to run this country anymore. Now, it’s your turn.

So, if you live in London North Centre, get off the damned couch and get your butt to the nearest polling station and cast your vote for Paul Van Meerbergen. If you live someplace else, get out and vote for whoever happens to be your local Tory.

Let’s face it folks, the sooner we get a majority, the better (yes, I KNOW I’m being stupidly optimistic and I don’t give a damn).

Now all I have to do is wait for the results to start rolling in…

And, because we could all use a good laugh by now (thanks Paul):

The election was too close to call. Neither the Conservative Party nor the Liberal Party had enough
votes to win. There was much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges, etc., but a week-long ice fishing competition seemed the sportsmanlike way to settle things.

The candidate that caught the most fish at the end of the week would win the election. Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing contest between the two candidates to
determine the winner.

After much back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest take place on a remote frozen lake in northern Manitoba . There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out
separately on this isolated lake and return at 5 P.M. with their catch for counting and verification by a team of neutral parties.

At the end of the first day, Steven Harper returned to the starting line and he had ten fish. Soon, Dion returned and had no fish. Well, everyone assumed he was just having another ‘bad hair’ day or something and hopefully, he would catch up the next day. ( A do-over)

At the end of the 2nd day Harper came in with 20 fish and Dion came in again with none. That evening, Jack Layton & Elizabeth May got together secretly with Dion and said, ‘Dion, I think Steven Harper is a low-life, cheatin’ son-of-a-gun. I want you to go out tomorrow and don’t even bother with fishing.
Just spy on him and see just how he is cheating.’

The next night (after Steven Harper returns with 50 fish), Layton said to Dion, ‘Well, tell me, how is Steven Harper cheating?’

Dion replied, ‘Jack, you’re not going to believe this, but he’s cutting holes in the ice.’

For all of you who have been nagging for it, here’s my prediction:

  • Conservatives: 160
  • Librano$: 75
  • Dippers: 22
  • Blocheads: 51
  • Greenz: dick all

That’s right: that’s how I think it’s gonna turn out. I can always edit it later to maintain my infallibility 😛

October 8, 2008

Some Messages For Gun Owners

A couple of quick vids for gun owners out there. The first one comes from Tony Bernardo of the CSSA/CILA:

The second one comes from Katey Montague. You remember Katey, don’t you? Well, here’s what she has to say now:

Kinda compelling for a kid, isn’t she?

“Harper Has No Platform”

Um, look again, dude.

As you all know by now, unless you’ve been loitering in a cave someplace, the federal Conservatives have cracked out their official package of promises to the public this week. I’m still trying to make up my mind as to whether this kind of timing is brilliant or daft. On the one hand, it comes out too late for the HypoGrits and others to twist it around with the usual fearmongering spin and pretty much guarantees the Tories will eat up most of the news in the last week of the campaign. On the other, it doesn’t give Bob Q. Canuck a whole lot of time to digest just what it is that the Tories have to offer. Time will tell, I suppose.

The whole platform can be found in .pdf form here (I put it on my own server because the original link was moving like a turtle on heroin; I guess it’s a popular download…) and is damned well worth a careful read. Just make sure you grab a coffee first; the darned thing’s over 40 pages long… 😯 So much for the “no platform” meme, eh?

For those of you looking for a quick once-over, here’s my take on what jumped out at me (but don’t forget to take the time to look it over for yourself later):

Reducing Taxes on Diesel Fuel
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will reduce the federal
excise tax on diesel and aviation fuel by half – from four cents per litre to two cents per
litre – reducing the price of transportation by truck, train, plane and ship, and helping to
bring downward pressure on consumer prices.

This one’s pretty much a no-brainer. The rising price of diesel has jacked up the price of everything. From farmers needing it to run tractors to the fact that nothing teleports itself to the store where you buy it, this is going to pull the government’s hand a little further out of everybody’s pocket.

Restricting Unfair Text Messaging Charges
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will prevent
telecommunications companies from charging fees to customers for receiving
unsolicited commercial text messages. We will amend the Telecommunications Act to
strengthen the power of the Commissioner of Complaints for Telecommunications
Services, including the creation of a code of conduct for wireless services. We will also
create a compliance and deterrent power that allows the Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to block these and similar unfair charges in
the future.


Protecting Against Internet Spam
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will introduce legislation
to prohibit the use of spam (unsolicited commercial email) to collect personal
information under false pretences and to engage in criminal conduct. The new law will
reduce dangerous, destructive and deceptive email and web site practices, and will
establish new fines for those who break the law.

Both of these sound good on the surface (who the hell likes the idea of having to pay for SPAM???) but, as anyone who knows anything about IT will tell you, it’s itchy stuff whenever a government tries to legislate technology. I’ll wait until I see the actual legislation on this one…

Increasing Trade with Emerging Markets
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will continue to pursue
trade agreements, such as those successfully reached with the European Free Trade
Association, Colombia, Peru and Jordan. We are committed to seeing these deals passed
by Parliament. In light of the recent setback at the World Trade Organization
negotiations, a re-elected Conservative Government will move aggressively to improve
Canada’s network of bilateral and regional free trade and economic agreements.
To improve Canada’s position as a global trader, a re-elected Conservative Government
will proceed with plans to open new trade offices in China, Mongolia, Mexico, Brazil
and India (in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Ahmedabad).

This will be a good idea, IF it means that we also get access to these markets ourselves. Contrary to the Liereral mythology, trade with China has long been a one-way street… 🙄

Reforming or Abolishing the Senate
The Conservatives and Stephen Harper believe that the current Senate must be either
reformed or abolished. An unelected Senate should not be able to block the will of the
elected House in the 21st century.
As a minimum, a re-elected Conservative Government will reintroduce legislation to
allow for nominees to the Senate to be selected by voters, to provide for Senators to serve
fixed terms of not longer than eight years, and for the Senate to be covered by the same
ethics rules as the House of Commons.

HALLELUJA!! It’s about God damned time! This alone should get the Tories a majority. The unelected, unaccountable Senate has, for too long, been a hung stumbling block to the will of the Canadian people. Hell, I’ve been ranting about this for years now and, let’s face it, everybody knows that this has been coming for some time now…

Limiting the Federal Spending Power
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will ensure that any new
shared-cost program in an area of provincial or territorial responsibility has the consent
of the majority of provinces to proceed, and that provinces should be given the right to
opt out of the federal program with compensation, so long as the province offers a similar
program with similar accountability structures.

Now sit back and watch da Librano$ absolutely shriek about anything that might get in the way of them being able to bribe you with your own money. Seriously, just watch. I give it until the end of the week… maybe.

Ensuring Responsibility and Rehabilitation for Young Offenders
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will replace Canada’s young
offenders’ law with new, balanced legislation that focuses on deterrence and responsibility.
The new law will make the primary goal of the legislation to protect society and the
primary goal of sentencing to discourage others from committing crimes. The law will
ensure that young offenders who are convicted of very serious and violent crimes will face
appropriate sentences and that upon conviction they will be named. As under the old law,
the age at which the sentencing provision applies (14, 15 or 16) will be determined in each


Replacing Automatic Release with Earned Parole
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will replace the automatic
release of prisoners after serving two-thirds of their sentence with earned parole for
behaviour and rehabilitation in prison.

More no-brainers here. Don’t look for the Leftbots to see it that way, though. After all, thugs just need hugs, right? There’s a whole bunch of good stuff along this line starting on page 36; make sure to check it out.

Ending the Ineffective Long-Gun Registry and Reduce Guns in our Streets
A re-elected Conservative Government led by Stephen Harper will ensure that all
firearms belong to licensed gun owners, and that all restricted firearms, including
handguns, are registered. But we will end the wasteful, ineffective long-gun
Instead, the Conservative Government will direct resources to measures that will
actually reduce the number of guns on Canadian streets, including investment in
better enforcement at our borders.
As a first step, a re-elected Conservative Government will launch a Joint Force
Land and Marine Border Patrol Pilot Project with the Customs and Border
Services Agency and the RCMP to patrol unguarded U.S. road and marine
crossings to Canada in Quebec.

Where’s a bigass happy-dance graphic when you need one? That asshat white elephant should have been taken out behind the barn and shot years ago.

Well, that’s all I have time for right now. Like I said, make sure you read the whole thing here and pick out what you like about it. Unlike the other parties, this one really does have something for everyone, and without any pie-in-the-sky bullshit.

Enjoy. 🙂

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