Category: John Q Public
June 4, 2008
It’s not as tricky as you might think. All you need to is just give the gun to the jackass and he’ll take care of it for you. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at who’s running for president of the US of A. John McCain is now officially the American President-in-waiting.
Don’t believe me? Think about it. Just how many times do you think you can call someone a son of a bitch to their face before they decide to give you the back of their hand?
Jean B. Grillo, an “over 50” writer in lower Manhattan, was pretty straightforward: “I am so tired as a white, ultra-liberal, McGovern-voting, civil-rights marching, anti-war fighting highly educated professional woman who totally supports Hillary Clinton to be attacked and vilified as racist and or dumb.”
“Many of us feel slighted,” said Lynn Eyrich Harvey, 76, from Los Gatos, Calif. “We feel that years of supporting the party is unimportant, that we are to sit down and shut up — but be sure to vote Democratic in November.”
Angry White Woman® is pissed at Obabmi and Angry White Man™ hates Billary:
Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.
He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock.
Slice it any way that you want; it makes no damned difference at all. The Dems screwed themselves from the start.
Speaking of uberpissed white women… 😯 (more…)
May 8, 2008
Most of you have heard by now about the Arsehole Of The Universe’s first ever shooting on a subway car, where an 18-year old girl was shot (in the crotch, no less) following a “confrontation with three males.” [TRANSLATION: three little maggots so gutless that they couldn’t even gang up on a girl without a gun] The cops have nabbed one so far, and given the rest of us something that we just don’t see often enough: the name of another shitbag, regardless of his age!
We don’t get this very often and God knows the Leftbot useful idiots will be busting their arses to sweep it back under the rug at the first opportunity, so grab the info now and forearm yourselves while the forewarnin’s good. From the release by the TO cops (my emphasis, of course): (more…)
May 6, 2008
Just when the hell are the useful idiots in this country going to get it through their thick heads that the warm, fuzzy bunny, hug-a-thug® approach enshrined in the YCJA not only isn’t working, it’s making matters one hell of a lot worse?
As if we didn’t already have plenty of examples of how the YCJA is a menace to public safety that flies in the face of anything and everything even remotely resembling common sense, now we have some more lovely evidence from my own city of London. I checked out the Freeps today and what do you think I found? The inevitable result of a so-called “justice” system that never holds little criminal bastards to account for their actions. In other words, complete and utter bullshit…
A 17-year-old youth is charged in the beating of a woman and her son outside their Marconi Boulevard home two weeks ago.
The male youth is charged in connection to the beating of the 14-year-old son, who went to the aid of his 37-year-old mother — who was attacked by a group of six girls aged 12 to 20 years old.
Witnesses said the 14-year-old boy was attacked by a group of boys and was knocked unconscious when they stomped on his head.
The attack was fueled by a long-simmering dispute between the woman and the girls, three of whom are sisters.
Police and witnesses said the girls punched and kicked the woman.
A 12-year-old allegedly pounded the woman in the head with a shoe, taunting her by saying she was only 12 and no one could do anything to her.
There you have it. These little animals know damned well that they won’t get anything more than a slap on the wrist (if even that) and that knowledge gives them a sense of being untouchable. And when you’re absolutely convinced that you can get away with anything, why bother following the rules? The answer is, you don’t. Of course, there are still plenty of social-worker-nanny types that will tell you that locking these little hellions up isn’t the answer, that they’ll be ever so much more likely to find their way back to being good citizens if they’re just allowed back out on the streets again. Let’s see how well that’s worked out so far, shall we?
Three of the girls are also charged in a Feb. 2 swarming on Highbury Avenue near Huron Street where as many as 25 youths, mainly teenage girls, attacked a 15-year-old boy whose 19-year-old sister was also beaten when she tried to help.
Gee, that’s just working like a charm, isn’t it? But that’s not all; oh, hell no. That would be just too neat and tidy, wouldn’t it? The little punks aren’t content with just swarming people, nosiree. They want to play with guns, too…
A London father’s family is living in fear and is anxious to move after he clashed with a gang of youths — one armed with a handgun — while fishing with his daughter.
“I’m not running from them. I’m not afraid of them, but I want out of this area,” said the man, 30, who lives in a low-income housing complex off Kipps Lane. “My wife and daughter are terrified.”
London police have arrested one 15-year-old suspect and a second suspect is also believed to be in custody.
It’s the third major incident in three months in London involving gangs of youths .
On April 13, a 37-year-old woman was attacked on Marconi Boulevard and on Feb. 2 there was a swarming on Highbury Avenue where about two dozen youths, mainly teenage girls, attacked and stabbed a 15-year-old boy whose sister, 19, also was beaten when she tried to help.
Is anybody else seeing a trend here? And, to be fair, it’s not just the kids. Gangs and other scumsacks of the more grownup variety have figured out that the YCJA is the perfect loophole for them to exploit for their own means. After all, why take risks yourself when you can get some young sucker who thinks they’re untouchable to do all the dirty work for you?
The man said he believes the youths were either members, or younger fans of the Kipps Lane Crew or East of Adelaide gangs.
The Cripps and Blood were also mentioned.
The youths were wearing red and yellow bandannas, police said.
“Even if they’re not in a gang, they pretend to be,” said the man. “The younger ones were just tagging along, asking what was going on.”
Police say they’re looking for two other suspects and that six or seven children, 12 years old or younger, were also involved.
In case you’re wondering, the YCJA has an interesting attitude about kids under the age of twelve. Specifically, if an eleven-year old blows your head off, the little brat can’t be charged with anything. Period. Older ones barely get a slap on the wrist. Criminals know this. And before you start thinking that it’s just the decent folks that are put in danger by all this crap, consider this:
The pair struggled when the man tried to grab the gun and when the youth pulled away, he levelled the gun and yelled, ‘You want me to blow your brains out in front of your kids?’ “
Now here’s the problem: once shit like that starts to hit the fan, it’s only a matter of time before it gets ugly in a very permanent way for someone. And not necessarily the one who’s getting the gun pointed at them. Mark my words: sooner or later, one of these little shits is going to pull a stunt like that when the wrong person is watching!
Someone like me.
All my guns are legally secured (naturally) but I can still be locked and loaded in under 15 seconds if I need to be. No, I’m not making that up; my best time so far is 11.9 seconds. If I looked out my window and saw some punk pointing a gun at someone and hollering “blow your brains out in front of your kids,” I wouldn’t think twice. I’d put one in his head and drop him like a crazy ex-girlfriend. And I wouldn’t lose a minute’s sleep over it (if you somehow think that I’m a rare bird with that attitude, your head’s even farther up your backside than I imagined it could be). And just what do think all the Leftbot moonbats will have to say then?
Cue the howls of outrage…
May 5, 2008
… it seems that there are still a few things left that politicians, if they’re smart, should refrain from buggering about with. One such thing seems to be the Lord’s Prayer.
Some of you might already know that, a while back, the Christianophobic McGuintyites got it into their pointy little heads that the time had come to scrap the reading of the Lord’s Prayer at the openings of the Ontario Legislature. So, in the midst of such brainy ejaculations as “It is time to move beyond the daily recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in the Ontario Legislature to a more inclusive approach that reflects 21st century Ontario,” McGuilty and his cohorts did what Fiberals do best: they blew a bunch of my money on some dumbass plan to study the issue to death before going ahead and trying to pull off whatever damned stunt they want to, anyway. One little problem this time: things don’t seem to be going according to plan…
Speaker Steve Peters, who is heading up a committee to examine replacing the Lord’s Prayer with another reading, says thousands are giving their opinion on the divisive debate through the legislature’s website.
The traffic was so great when the committee first set up the online form that it temporarily crashed the website, prompting hundreds of calls to Peters‘ office. [That would be at 416-325-7435 in TO or 519-631-0666 (insert irony here) in St. Thomas, if you’re interested in giving this dick a piece of your mind. -D]
It’s not as if this crap hasn’t been tried before. But hey, if McGuilty thinks he can get away with it, more power to him. Anything that will rub my fellow Ontarians’ noses, good and hard, into the steaming pile of stupidity that was re-electing this asshole, can’t be all bad. How else will they learn?
Reap what you sowed, boneheads…
April 29, 2008
Most folks know already that it’s not often that I have anything good to say about our courts. Years of infestation with Grit-beholden hacks have made them next to useless for protecting law-abiding folks. Every now and then, though, something good manages to come down the pipe. This time, the source of the sudden outbreak of unasshattery was the Crown Attorney’s office in Calgary and not some Grit flunky judge but hey, these days, you take your good news where you can get it, right?
Some of you might remember me shooting my mouth off a bit about this before (you’ll have to scroll down some; it’s one of my more long-winded posts). I just couldn’t get my brain around the fact that the cops and crown were even thinking about putting this guy’s ass in a sling for nothing more than defending his home and woman.
Well, as it turns out, there’s some good news after all: Dan Olynyk’s as free as a bird, just like he should be (tip o’ the hat to Frank for noticing this first)… (more…)
April 17, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, gather ’round as I tell you about 2008’s first nominee for Right Crazy’s BBIBC Awardâ„¢! Our first candidate for the year goes by the name of Kim Robinson. How the hell does a chick get nominated for the Biggest Balls In British Columbia, you ask? Easy: Kim’s a guy (that’s his picture on the right). From the sounds of the story, there just might be a bit of a “boy named Sue” thing going on here.
Now, some folks might argue (not unreasonably, I might add) that Kim may or may not be quite as ballsy as the BBIBC Award’s inaugural winner, Marc Patterson, but you still have to admit that this guy likely clanks when he sits. (more…)
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