Category: Law & Order
May 3, 2007
After tripping over Katey’s “firearms facts” video yesterday, I decided to do a little more poking around on her dad Bruce’s website ( and learn some more about how he came to find himself in his fracas with the CFC zombies.
Anybody who’s spent any time at all reading any of my rants likely has already figured out that I’m a firm supporter of the rights of law-abiding gun owners — I happen to be one myself — and so won’t be surprised to hear that I did have a passing familiarity with Bruce’s case. Yeah, that translates into “I knew what I read in the papers.” How unlike me 😳 is that?
Anyways… Bruce’s site has all the info you could want on how he’s been getting screwed over. He also has a page of audio and video downloads available describing what he and his family have been forced to put up with over the last couple of years, all of them definitely worth the time to check out.
Since I don’t know who hosts Bruce’s site or how much bandwidth he gets — and since I don’t think he’s going to mind getting his message spread around a little bit more — I’ve decided to pilfer the best media files from his site and post them here for my legions of adoring fans.
Screw off; I can dream.
We’ll start off today with a 15-minute fund-raiser/information vid that tells of how Bruce found himself in his predicament and what you can do to help. Be warned: it’s kind of a big video (about 14MB), so if you don’t want to stop your surfing to wait for it to load, you can just download it here (just right-click the link and save) and watch it later.
May 2, 2007
Wow. Don’t you just love it when you’re bopping around, not really looking for anything in particular, and stumble on something that just manages to make your day? I love it when that happens. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, kinda like how Liberals must feel when they piss my money away.
Anyways, movin’ right along… I was poking about over at the LUFA site (no, not that sponge-thing, bonehead; the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association… check it out) and stumbled on this little gem that put a grin on my ugly mug so big that it damn near met in the back and toppled the top half of my skull off. Yeah, it was messy. But I digress…
This here is Katey. Katey lives someplace in Canada (I don’t know where but if I find out she’s from around here, I am totally gonna try and set her up with Edward… 😉 ) and, for a thirteen year old, she is sharp as a tack. Yeah, she’s blonde and talks like a total airhead. Don’t be fooled. This kid’s smarter than a good-sized chunk of the House of Commons. See for yourself:
[UPDATE: After a little more poking around, I found out that Katey is Bruce Montague’s daughter. Some of you might remember Bruce as the law-abiding hunter and gunsmith from northern Ontario who has been fighting the good fight against our country’s bullshit Firearms Act since he was arrested and jailed under it on September 11, 2004. For more information on Bruce and his quest to have the Firearms Act declared unconstitutional, and what you can do to help, see his website.]
April 25, 2007
… Where the Revolving Courthouse Doorâ„¢ stops, nobody knows. Wish I could say that I’m somehow surprised by any of this bullshit anymore, but I’m not. Are you? Is anybody?
Seriously folks, if the shitskulls that pass for judges in this country can’t even be expected to keep an asshole locked up for killing a cop, who in their right mind is going to expect them to keep somebody behind bars for just assaulting a couple of cops? Just one more example of how yet another judge is dumber than the average bear:
London’s police chief says he’s “disappointed but not surprised” a man accused of roughing up two officers at a downtown strip club was released on bail yesterday.
“There’s something that’s got to get fixed here,” said Chief Murray Faulkner. “It’s not getting better.”
Marcus Cornelisse, 32, is charged with three counts of assaulting police.
He was released on $20,000 bail. Justice of the Peace Elaine Babcock placed a publication ban on evidence at the hearing.
But of course there’s a publication ban. After all, we can’t have the integtity of our judicial system brought into disrepute by exposing the idiocy of the Robed ‘Roos® exposed to the prying eyes of the unwashed masses now, can we? Hell, no! If that happened, somebody out there might get the silly notion into their heads that some of these idiots should actually start having to seriously account to someone for the asshattery that they so regularly perpetrate on the rest of society.
I’ve said it before and I’m gonna say it again now (just on the off chance that anybody somehow managed to miss it):
- Judges will get serious about theft when enough judges’ cars get stolen.
- Judges will get serious about violence when enough judges get beaten up.
- Judges will get serious about murder when enough judges’ brothers or sons get killed.
- Judges will get serious about rape when enough judges’ wives or daughters get raped.
That’s it; that’s all there is to it. Judges don’t give two shits about what happens to you, your family, or anybody else, because to them crime is just something that a) happens to somebody else, and b) keeps them in a cushy, overly-influential job.
I don’t give a damn if it’s an “American idea” or not; we need to start electing these buggers, so that they can finally be forced to explain themselves to REAL PEOPLE who live in the REAL WORLD.
That’s right: REAL PEOPLE, not a closed clique of over-educated idiots with skulls packed full of utopian, pie-in-the-sky, hug-a-thug social worker bullshit ideas that, to paraphrase Orwell, are so wrong that only a very educated person could believe them. Because the mountain of evidence is showing, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we are smarter than they are.
Are you listening, Mr Nicholson?
April 23, 2007
Let’s go out on a limb here. Just this once. Here it is. With NO commentary whatsoever. Make of it what you will.
April 16, 2007
. . . Not again. That’s what’s been running around in my head, over and over, for the last several hours. If you’re one of the three people that hasn’t heard yet, there was a school shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. this morning (footage from CTV, CNN and the Ceeb).
As I write this, the latest toll stands at 29 wounded and 33 dead; including the shooter. You don’t need to be a genius to know that it’s going to get worse.
You also don’t need a PhD to know that this is going to end up being the latest and greatest cause celebre for the anti-gun nuts. Others will go the opposite way. Either way, these poor people and their families are damned likely going to find themselves yanked every which way by unsavoury types with an axe to grind from both sides of the issue.
The anti-gun moonbats are going to say that guns are too easy to get, loose laws are at fault, if only guns were harder to get, this would never have happened, etc, etc, ad nauseam… There’s one little hole in all this: it gets pointed out over at LGF that, about a year or so ago, the widget waxers in the Virginia state legislature killed a measure that would have prevented public institutions (like Virginia Tech) from banning licensed conceal & carry of firearms on their grounds.
Virginia Tech’s governing board rejoiced, saying it would make their students, faculty and visitors feel safer.
Apparently Virginia Tech is very proud of its “violence prevention” policy, which bans guns on school premises.
Sounds like the shooter hadn’t read the policy.
Sounds like it. I don’t want to politicize this any more than I absolutely feel the need to but… is it just me, or does anybody else think that the body count could have been one hell of a lot lower if somebody on hand had been able to return fire?
Consider, if you will: Columbine, Edinboro, Pa, Pearl, Mi and the University of Virginia became household topics and gun control buzzwords in the ‘States and brought howls for stricter laws. But all the leftist, MSM coverage of these incidents left out one very important fact that you may not be aware of.
Three out of these four incidents were stopped by armed bystanders.
You read that right. Three of them were stopped, not by any namby-pamby gun registry or by finger-wagging from some pantywaist moonbat, but by superior firepower.
- The Edinboro incident was stopped by nearby restaurant owner James Strand, who got the drop on the asshole the with a shotgun as he was reloading.
- The Pearl, Mississippi incident was stopped when the assistant principal retrieved his his own firepower from his truck and stopped the killer. Like above, the attacker found himself on the wrong end of a 12 gauge and gave up.
- The Virginia incident ground to a halt when two students pulled their own guns and forced the killer to drop his.
Then there’s the Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog, which lists literally hundreds of cases of criminals running afoul of an armed “victim.”
March 10, 2007
Some of you might remember that I’ve grouched about this before but you’ve got to admit that this makes for one hell of a twist. It’s one of those peculiar things that makes me laugh and pisses me off at the same time.
It pisses me off because it’s just one more indication of the erosion of the character of our nation’s youth that they would have such contempt for those that provide them with the very protection that spoiled brats like them cannot exist without. Let’s face it: none of these little bastards would have even considered trashing a house like that if they thought that the owner would hunt them down and horse-whip their little hides off. What prevents that? Why, that would be the law, of course.
What gives me a chuckle about all this is thinking about something from when I was a kid myself. Like most others my age that grew up in a small town, I had a dad that seemed to have a saying for just about every occasion (and some of those sayings could be a lot more colourful than others). One of those sayings, that I really didn’t bother to ponder too much at the time, was “don’t poke the bear.” Well, that just might be what these little house-trashing smartasses have gone and done (emphasis added by yours truly, of course)…
The Lakeshore Road home, owned by a husband-and-wife pair of Lambton OPP officers, was heavily damaged on March 2 when, in their absence, their 15-year-old daughter held a party that spun wildly out of control, drawing about 150 teenagers.
Oops. Anyone care to make odds on the chances that, the next time one of these little hooligans finds themselves in need of help, the nearest officer just might be very, very far away or perhaps inextricably occupied with an extremely important doughnut? On the other hand, if one of these little pricks happens to jaywalk, they could find that cops get around a lot more than one might think.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
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