Category: Lebanon

July 21, 2006

That didn’t take too long

Vive le Canada!Wow. That was fast. As you know, I got on a little bit of a rant yesterday about so-called “Canadians” trapped in Lebanon (and bitching their heads off about the government’s handling of the biggest mass evac since Dunkirk) that weren’t really Canadian at all (except on paper). Seems I’m not as alone on that one as some of the eflamers I’ve been hearing from would like me to think.

Mainstream MediaFrom coast to coast today, writers such as Peter Worthington, Rick Bell and more are questioning not only the follies of dual citizenship, but also numerous other glaring flaws in our heads-in-the-sand immigration policies. From the Lebanon evacuation fiasco to the inability to deport rapists or even murderers and terrorists to countries where they “may be mistreated,” cobwebs are shaking loose every damned place you look. Even MPs are starting to talk about “waking up and checking the common sense meter.” (Gee whiz; what trumpet’s that angel gonna blow next?)

Ontario MP Garth Turner is about as blunt as they get:

“We are talking about people, some who went back to Lebanon after the last conflict. They don’t pay taxes here, they don’t live here, they don’t have a loyalty here. We’re not their first country. They have a first country,” explains the parliamentarian, who describes himself as “just a little soldier asking who passes before they get to the public treasury.

“That’s where they have their house, their car, their bank account, their dentist. I ask: You moved out of this country and you’re not contributing here. Why would we come and get you? Or why would we do it for free?

No more Mr Nice Guy“I’m getting a huge reaction, and not from racists who hate people with brown skin. The issue is: What the hell are we doing? People scratch their heads when they hear about 40,000 Canadians in Lebanon. Are there really 40,000 tourists? That’s a hell of a lot of tourists.”

It seems that the latte-lifting eggheads’ grip on public opinion is beginning to slip some. I can hear the egotistic ejaculations from their prodigious pieholes now:

“Oh, my God; the unwashed masses are starting to think for themselves! Next they’ll start demanding… well, I don’t know what. That in order to be called Canadian you actually have to be Canadian or some such horrible thing?? It’ll be the end of multiculturalism! The country will fall apart! The dead will rise to eat the living! The Tories will get a majority! EEK!”

Sounds good to me. Well, good if we can get the zombies to start with the Liberals. Once they run out of those, we nasty rednecks can just shoot the little undead buggers and then get on with fixing the country.

Even the tiresome Harper-bashing from the lefties, which never really lets up but has changed tune in keeping with the current situation and the PM’s support of Israel’s response, is beginning to wear damned thin. As Earl McRae reports, plenty of people you wouldn’t expect are getting just plain sick of it.


July 20, 2006

Citizens of convenience

Filed under: BS,Canada,Lebanon,Politicorrect,Rants,Rights,Society/Culture — Dennis @ 2:26 pm

RantsFirst off, I’d like to thank all the lovely people for all the nice emails I’ve been getting over the last couple of days. You are very clever little boys and girls and I can’t ever recall such creative speculations as to my ancestry. Did you come up with all those clever quips all by yourselves or did your mommies help you out? Bleep off Birdbrains.

Moving right along, I’ve been doing some thinking (yes, a dangerous pastime, but I have so much time on my hands these days) and a bit of math and I’ve come smack up against a rather interesting question: how is it that the US, with over 10 times our population, has only half as many people to evacuate from Lebanon as we do? There are estimated to be about 25,000 Americans getting out of Dodge while there are supposedly up to 50,000 “Canadians” trapped in the same country. Is it just me, or do these numbers not seem to add up?

The answer, sadly, is that they do add up; and for a very simple reason: dual citizenship. Now there’s an idea whose best before date passed long ago. It is far more common than many folks think for some to immigrate to Canada, stay just long enough to get citizenship (so that they can get all the benefits of being Canadian), and then bugger off back “home” to live out their lives with all the advantages of Canadian citizenship while contributing absolutely nothing in return.

What I would like to know is this: how many of those who are bitching and whining about the government taking too long to get their sorry arses out of Lebanon are people who haven’t been in this country in decades? Why should Canada be obligated to look after them after they deliberately chose to live in a country where terrorist organizations like Hezbolla have more clout than the government of the country?

No more Mr Nice GuyIt is time to seriously re-examine the whole idea of dual citizenship. Too many are merely “paper Canadians,” citizens of convenience and nothing more. They have no loyalty to Canada whatsoever and Canada shouldn’t be seen as owing them a damned thing. And don’t even bother trying to give me any of that multicult “but they contribute to our great cultural mosaic” bullshit. What kind of contribution are they making when they aren’t even here, and haven’t been for decades?

When first-generation immigrants who became Canadian citizens choose to return to live permanently to their country of origin, they should be stripped of Canadian citizenship, period. Canada should not be a country of convenience for anyone. These people were never really Canadian in the first place and it’s high time that we stopped calling them such.

July 19, 2006

Who made your bed?

Filed under: Canada,Cluebat,Grits,Lebanon,Military,Politicorrect,Rants,Stupidity — Dennis @ 8:37 pm

RantsThe bitching continues. Howls of outrage are ringing out, mostly from Lebanese Canadians but also from the usual motley crew of leftist suspects, that the government isn’t doing enough to evacuate Canadians currently trapped in Lebanon. Bullshit.

What really gnaws at me is that, out of all the complainers that I’ve heard from (and there were quite a few after yesterday’s post), over 70% said that they vote Liberal. The actual number may be even higher; I haven’t managed to reach all of them back yet. That’s right: the same people that propped up a corrupt party (that sucked up to the “immigrant vote” in order to keep their grip on power and decimated our military) are now whining at the top of their lungs that the current government isn’t doing enough.

Well guess what, you whiny little shits? You reap what you sow. Don’t go boo-hooing to the nearest television camera about how the Tories aren’t helping anyone; they’re doing the best that they can with what they were left to work with, which isn’t too damned much. Hell, the PM himself has diverted his own plane to pick up evacuees (for American readers: imagine the President of the United States flying in on Air Force One to personally pull Americans out of some foreign hot spot and you’ve got the idea), what more do you think can be done??

Send in planes? What planes? The biggest things we’ve got are Hercs. When we went to Afghanistan, we had to rent aircraft from the Russians and that’s not going to happen this time because they’re too busy getting their own people out.

Send in ships? We had to charter the ones that we’re already sending, remember? We have no heavy transport vessels anymore; thank you very much, Grits.

Send in troops to protect our people? What troops? The Canadian Armed Forces has been whittled down to barely 60,000 men, most not in combat positions. And how the hell would we get them there (see above)?

So my advice is: If you spent the last several elections voting Liberal and now have family trapped in Lebanon, shut the hell up. You made your bed, now you can lie in it.

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