Category: Caledonia

August 7, 2006

Grit dithering is going to spin this out of control

Caledonia, OntarioWell, it may have taken a little longer than I expected, but the inevitable seems to have begun in Caledonia. After nearly six month of Grit dithering and bafflegab, residents of the small Ontario town are finding themselves with little or no patience left. Things started getting ugly a little after midnight last night and if you think it’s just going to get worse, you’re probably right.

Burning your bridgesGutless waffling by the McSquinty government has emboldened the natives to believe that the law just doesn’t apply to them. From arson to swarming an old couple in their car, to attempted murder of a law officer, to letting the suspects get away with hiding on the reserve, the provincial Grits have done nothing but sit on their hands. Apparently they’re scared shitless that they’ll end up with another Ipperwash on their hands.

LawlessnessWell guess what, Dolt? If you don’t knock off the Pontius Pilate act and get the hell off your sorry arse, and right quick, most of us with two brain cells to rub togeather think that you’re going to find yourself in one hell of a bigger mess quicker then you can say “Dudley George.” You demand restraint and civil order from one side while letting the other run roughshod over our laws as they see fit. Haven’t you ever picked up a history book in your life? This is a recipe for an explosion of violence.Anarchy ensues

When that happens (and don’t fool yourself, numbskull, it will happen. You can only push decent folk so far before they decide to push back . . . hard), it will be all your fault. And everyone will know it. There will be no excuses that you can make because everyone is going to know goddamned well that you could have stopped this, but didn’t.

June 2, 2006

When one standard just isn’t enough

Filed under: Caledonia,First Nations,Grits,Rants,Skullduggery — Dennis @ 3:09 pm

RantsHoly double standards, Batman. Will somebody please explain to me just why it is that when the HypoGrits go talking all tough, they’re saving the whole world but when a Tory talks tough, he’s just being a big, mean, nasty, intolerant, backward, anti-whatever knuckledragger?

What’s that, you say? I’m just being a stereotypical, paranoid, right-wing nut-job? Well then, just chew on these examples, why don’t you:

First off, there are the soothsayers of doom and gloom at TO’s school board who are howling the same old same old once again. “Schools and pools are closing, oh my! Send money before it’s too late!”

The TDSB had themselves a little chinwag earlier this week to stage their latest production of the long running hit, Chicken Little Knows Best, and declare in duly prophetic and ominous tones that 64 schools and 77 pools will need to be closed if the Grits don’t pony up a great, green glob of government goodies, and damn quick. Now, why does this sound so familiar? Waitaminit, I heard it last year; and the year before that, come to think of it. Hell, when the Tories were running the show, they turned this little begfest into something resembling an annual pilgrimage, complete with a Grim Reaper prancing about in front of one news conference and prophesying apocalyptic consequences if the moochers didn’t get everything they wanted.

When Chainsaw Mike and Evasive Ernie were running the show, it was headline news whenever these bozos pinched a loaf about funding. Remember that these are the same 77 pools the board threatened to can in ’99, 2000, ’01 and ’02 that we’re talking about here. Now that the Natural Governing Party is in charge, it barely rates ink. For a guy who wants to be known as the “Education Premier,” McSquinty sure is heading bassackwards on this one. Education Minister Sandra Pupatello was equally befuddling yesterday:

“I don’t know if it’s the same clip I’m seeing or if it’s just a re-run clip from last year,” she burbled to the press yesterday. “They are the largest landowner in the city of Toronto … they are sitting on a lot of very valuable property but they have declining enrolment, 10,000 fewer students, yet they have had an 11% increase in funding.”

If I didn’t know better, I’d think Sandy was channeling the ghost of Paul Christie. You remember him, right? The mean old board supervisor the Tories appointed who was demonized in the press for noticing the same things as Pupatello.

Second, we have Harper’s plan for fixed dates for federal elections. The TO Red Star crowd freaked out, with letters to the editor asking how ol’ Steve can have the gall to “arbitrarily change the parliamentary system into the American model in the blink of an eye?” Huuuhhh??? Harper suggests something and these bozos drop bricks in their BVDs but when McSquinty went ahead and did the same thing, nobody so much as broke wind over it.

For all that fuss, the fact remains that all fixed election dates do is to pull the “we can call an election whenever the polls are good for us” rug out from under the sitting government. This is not such a bad thing. And besides, whatever criticisms I may have about the Yanks, they are still a democracy. We’re talking fixed election dates here, folks, not fixed elections.

Then there’s Caledonia. Highway 6 is still blocked, there is no end in sight, and the province was called on the carpet yesterday to explain to superior Court Judge David Marshall just why the hell his court order to remove the protesters hasn’t been enforced. Now I wonder what would happen if Tories were to bang heads with a judge?

Ontario is supposed to be governed by the rule of law, but McSquinty and his gang have instead decided to deal with this by throwing a bunch of taxpayers’ cash (we don’t get to know just how much) to the town, local businesses and the developers of the disputed land. Nothing at all about dealing with the “occupiers” of the disputed land.

The fact is, if you allow lawlessness in one place, it just primes other malcontents to break the law somewhere else. Don’t believe me? Consider that natives have set up an information picket at the Brantford casino, saying they own that site. If this sounds familiar, it’s because that’s how the Caledonia clusterfiddle started out, and Tory critic Bob Runciman was looking for answers in the House yesterday:

“Can you advise us if you’re taking action to deal with the Brantford challenge, or are you once again going to sit on the sidelines until the situation deteriorates and becomes Caledonia Two?” Runciman demanded to acting premier Gerry Phillips.

Sorry, Bob, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one if I were you. The Grits are far more interested in politically correct optics than in law and order. After all, it’s not like anybody is trying to take over one of their homes.

June 1, 2006

Enough, already

JusticeEnough is enough. The time has come for the federal government to knock off the Pontius Pilate act and take action on the situation in Caledonia. If the natives have a legitimate claim to make, let them do it through the courts like everybody else. No other group in this country could pull a stunt like this (and so frequently, too) and get away with it. If a bunch of whites were to try such a “stand off,” the riot squad would dispatched posthaste and the “occupiers” would be cooling their heels in no time flat.

The mayor of Caledonia gets pilloried for saying that locals are being hurt economically by the protest and is accused of implying that the protesters are on welfare. Correct me if I’m wrong, but they had been occupying the site for about two months at that point; what kind of boss lets you just pick up and take that much time off to go and man a barricade? No boss I ever worked for would.

Phoney KKK pamphlets were distributed. There’s nothing like playing the race card, don’t you know?

Henco Industries, the developer of the land that all this fracas is is being raised over has been told that he can have back valuable documents that were looted from the site on April 20 – but only if the looters get paid for them!

It’s gotten so screwy that even the judge that issued the original order to have the natives removed back in April is starting to demand answers.

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