Category: The MSM

July 23, 2009

Gee Whiz, I Wonder…

Filed under: Multicultism,Sick,Society/Culture,Spin — Dennis @ 2:22 pm

… Just whatever, exactly, could this possibly be?

Say whatever you like, boys and girls, just be sure that you don’t use the words honour and killing in the same sentence…

KINGSTON, Ont. — A man, his wife and their son are charged with four counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of three Montreal sisters and their caregiver, who were found dead in a submerged car near Kingston, Ont.

The bodies of the three teenaged sisters and the 50-year-old woman were found in the car in the Rideau Canal on June 30.


The accused are Mohammed Shafi, his wife Touba Yahya Shafi and his 18-year-old son Hamed Shafi.

The victims are Zainab Shafi, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, along with Rona Amir Mohammed.

The family, originally from Kabul, Afghanistan, spent 15 years in Dubai before moving to Montreal two years ago.

In the immediate aftermath of the drownings, the surviving Shafis had grieved their loss openly and shared family photographs with the reporters they allowed into their home.

Both parents described the eldest, 19-year-old Zainab, as a rebellious young woman.

Move along now, nothing to see here.

July 9, 2009

The Only Thing I Will Post About This

Filed under: Celebrities,The MSM,Video — Dennis @ 9:09 am

Sums it up right here:

July 7, 2009

So Just Who Is He???

Judicial idiocyLet me start off by giving a little credit where it’s due for a change. Just for the giggles of it.

Here’s to Jane Sims and the Freeps for alerting us to the clear and present danger of “the man.” Apparently Sims and her paper felt compelled to give us a heads-up on this because “the man” is a real Class-A sack of maggot puke. You see, it’s kind of like this:

“The man” is a career pervert with a history going back 20 years or more, including “three sexual assaults, six convictions for invitation to sexual touching of a child under 14, two convictions of sexual interference and one for weapons possession,” according to the Freeps article. His latest conviction came when he pleaded guilty to a minor physical assault on his ex-girlfriend…

He was convicted of harassing her by threatening to harm any man she was with and telling her she had to go to him each week for sex.

He was also convicted of possession of child pornography for a photo on his computer showing a seven-year-old girl.

The common-law wife had to leave a job and move away because of the crimes. She fears for her safety.

Utter BullshitQuite the charmer, huh? For that, “the man” got 30 months. Lop off 18 months for Pizza Parlour Justice™, and that leaves him with a year to go. Unless you count that little statutory release thing that the leftbots don’t like you bringing up. That’ll knock off a third of the whole thing, meaning he’s gonna be out walking the streets in two friggin’ months.

Aw, don’t go gettin’ all freaked out, now.  After he gets spun out the revolving door, “the man” will be subject to a 10-year supervision order, where he’ll have to take his saltpeter, stay away from places with kids in them, and won’t be allowed to own guns or stick his pathetic excuse for a wiener in any more kids.  Ever ever again.  So there.  And we know it’ll all work out fine; we know it from past experience and what his shrink had to say about him:

Psychiatrist Philip Klassen from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health examined the man and determined he didn’t suffer from a major mental illness but did suffer from “a personality disorder, paraphilias, a probable attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and borderline intellectual functioning.”

Klassen said the biggest concern was the man’s “bisexual pedophilia” and said he was a high risk to re-offend.

Assistant Crown attorney Peter Rollings told Jenkins the man was warned in 2006 he could face a dangerous offender application if he re-offended. The man had not taken prescribed sex drive reduction medication and failed to comply with court orders.

Ain’t justice peachy?  And this sack of fertilizer is going to be back out on the streets in 2 months.  The same streets as your kids and mine.  There’s just one little question remaining:


That’s right, his name doesn’t appear even ONCE.

March 29, 2009

Let’s Hear It For Dad!

I know I haven’t been posting so much lately — too many other projects are just eating up every spare moment that I have. But THIS needs to be talked about. This is where I call “bullshit!” on our bassackwards excuse for a justice system.

It’s bad enough that the liberal mindset has created a system that is unwilling, unable, or both, to protect decent citizens. That alone is enough to make the blood boil. But now we see that, not only is “the system” not going to protect you and your family, but if you do it yourself… it’ll be YOU that they come after.

Just who the hell do you think you are, defending yourself like that? How dare you? You should just lie down and take it, and wallow in your victimhood like we tell you to.

Now, before some excusemongering son of a bitch out there starts flapping his peckerholster about everything from “anger management” to “that’s what the police are for,” take a damned minute and ask yourself this: If it was YOUR family, just what would YOU do??

Personally, I think this guy was pretty restrained…

Dad charged for assaulting bully

Internet insults of wife, daughter, drove him to shove teenage trash-talker

Yeah, you read that right… he “shoved” the little punk. That’s all. Keep reading. (more…)

October 10, 2008

This Gift …

Filed under: Canada,Grits,Spin,Stupidity,Video — Dennis @ 9:58 am

… Just keeps on giving. And I’m lovin’ it.

As more and more people are finding out about The Absent-minded Professor®’s little deer-in-the-headlights moment on CTV the other day (even the Red Star couldn’t clam up about it), they are starting to get a really creepy feeling at the thought of this guy running the national till.

As if that wasn’t good enough, little Grit tadpole Geoff Regan had a chance to put the whole thing to bed and totally blew it. He could have said something like, “yeah, that was embarrassing; but the poor guy’s jet-lagged stupid these days, so what can you do, eh?” That could have been the end of it right there. People would have just assumed that Dion’s all tuckered out from dashing back and forth across the country for a month now and just had himself a brainfart. Could have happened to anybody.

But nope.

When Duff pointed out that this was reminiscent of Bob Stanfield and the football (best analogy so far, BTW), Regan fell back on the favourite HypoGrit tactic of ad hominem faux indignation, so beloved by them whenever they’ve been caught piddling on the rug and don’t think they should have their noses rubbed in it.

“Mister Dion has mentioned before that he has a hearing problem and that’s clearly what happened here,” he harrumphed. “I don’t think that we should spend a lot of time talking about someone’s physical impairment.”

When Duff quizzes him if it’s an impairment or just “a failure to comprehend,” Regan first sulks in silence, then tries to play dumb, and finally just goes all to hell in a handbasket amidst trying to deny that he just said what he just said when Duff calls bullshit on him.

Does it get better than this?

October 9, 2008

A Good Interview

Filed under: Antistupidity,Canada,CBC,CPC,Good Stuff,Government,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 12:11 pm

If anybody out there is still wondering whether or not Stephen Harper is the best man to guide the economy through the coming uncertainty, just watch this.

Yes, I know it’s the Ceeb, but it’s still good. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut some days, right?

Now, I’ll be the first one to admit that Harper (surprise, surprise) doesn’t come off as even remotely warm and fuzzy here. Mansbridge also hits him with a few curve balls as well but the PM handles them damned well.

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