Category: Moonbattery

April 16, 2007

Dear Lord . . .

Crime. . . Not again. That’s what’s been running around in my head, over and over, for the last several hours. If you’re one of the three people that hasn’t heard yet, there was a school shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. this morning (footage from CTV, CNN and the Ceeb).

As I write this, the latest toll stands at 29 wounded and 33 dead; including the shooter. You don’t need to be a genius to know that it’s going to get worse.

You also don’t need a PhD to know that this is going to end up being the latest and greatest cause celebre for the anti-gun nuts. Others will go the opposite way. Either way, these poor people and their families are damned likely going to find themselves yanked every which way by unsavoury types with an axe to grind from both sides of the issue.

Explains a lot…The anti-gun moonbats are going to say that guns are too easy to get, loose laws are at fault, if only guns were harder to get, this would never have happened, etc, etc, ad nauseam… There’s one little hole in all this: it gets pointed out over at LGF that, about a year or so ago, the widget waxers in the Virginia state legislature killed a measure that would have prevented public institutions (like Virginia Tech) from banning licensed conceal & carry of firearms on their grounds.

Virginia Tech’s governing board rejoiced, saying it would make their students, faculty and visitors feel safer.

Apparently Virginia Tech is very proud of its “violence prevention” policy, which bans guns on school premises.

Sounds like the shooter hadn’t read the policy.

Sounds like it. I don’t want to politicize this any more than I absolutely feel the need to but… is it just me, or does anybody else think that the body count could have been one hell of a lot lower if somebody on hand had been able to return fire?

Consider, if you will: Columbine, Edinboro, Pa, Pearl, Mi and the University of Virginia became household topics and gun control buzzwords in the ‘States and brought howls for stricter laws. But all the leftist, MSM coverage of these incidents left out one very important fact that you may not be aware of.

Three out of these four incidents were stopped by armed bystanders.

You read that right. Three of them were stopped, not by any namby-pamby gun registry or by finger-wagging from some pantywaist moonbat, but by superior firepower.

  • The Edinboro incident was stopped by nearby restaurant owner James Strand, who got the drop on the asshole the with a shotgun as he was reloading.
  • The Pearl, Mississippi incident was stopped when the assistant principal retrieved his his own firepower from his truck and stopped the killer. Like above, the attacker found himself on the wrong end of a 12 gauge and gave up.
  • The Virginia incident ground to a halt when two students pulled their own guns and forced the killer to drop his.

Then there’s the Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog, which lists literally hundreds of cases of criminals running afoul of an armed “victim.”

April 15, 2007

Kerfiddledie…. Wha??

Filed under: Blogosphere,Funny,Moonbattery,WTF? — Dennis @ 7:11 pm

HUH???Um, okay… Not… really… sure… where to file this, to be honest.  I really don’t want to have me a “Lighting Your Own Brainfarts” category on this sight.  It would be kinda unsightly, ya know…

Over at DMB, ol’ Brainfart Badwulf seems to have finally cashed in on his Andy Warhol / War of the Worlds / Blair Witch Project minutes…  Just click the links, read the comments (check the ones on Red Tory), scratch your head and go have a beer.

I did.

March 28, 2007

Brain Nudge

The idiot boxDamn. It’s not very often that I trip over something that actually makes me sit down, shut the hell up and think. This is one of those things. This guy’s name is Evan Sayet, he’s described as a “writer, lecturer and pundit,” and this is… well, this is him ripping modern liberalism (big L and little l) a new asshole at a Heritage Foundation function. Not sure where or when this was but I find myslef wishing I could have been there; it looks like I would have enjoyed myself… 😉

I’m not going to go and repeat or even summarize, what all this guy got into, but trust me: this is well worth watching. The whole video is over 45 minutes 😯 so it might take some time to download, expecially on a slow connection like dialup. So, if you are one of those unlucky buggers still stuck in dialup land, my advice is click the vid, pause it as soon as it starts to play, and go grab a coffee or something. Come back when it’s finally downloaded and enjoy it then. Like I said, it’s worth it…

March 21, 2007

Huffing And Puffing

Filed under: Cluebat,Government,Moonbattery — Dennis @ 1:32 pm

Explains a lot…Well now, isn’t this special? It seems that London’s City Council has decided that the time has come to hop aboard the rooftop turbine bandwagon. “City council will be asked to pass a bylaw Monday to regulate the new green power, small versions of the turbines popping up along the shores of lakes Erie and Huron,” says the story in today’s Freeps. This is what we pay these clowns for, folks. 🙄

Yes indeed, the keepers of the Dufferin Avenue Widget Factory are just as ga-ga over wind power as any Kyotology kultist. Mother nature is gonna huff and puff for us and blow away all our energy worries. Coun. Joni Baechler ( the planning committee chairperson) is all gung ho for the whole thing:

“We absolutely have to. Anything we can do to divert demand from coal-fired plants, the better it is for our air quality.”

Well, at least she’s not flogging the global-warming-from-CO² horse. While I don’t swallow the idea that something that’s exhaled by every animal on the planet is going to boil the oceans, it is kind of hard to argue about smog if you’ve looked out a window any time in the last few years. Jim Rowan is equally enthusiastic:

“I’d say three to five years […] Right now, it’s only the occasional brave individual who does it. But I liken these to the home personal computer. It took off, completely supplanting the existing computer market.”

Well, of course he thinks it’s the greatest thing since the stubby got banished; he’s the co-designer of a rooftop turbine called the Mag-Wind, so he stands to clean up on this latest eco-fad.

So what the hell’s got a stick up my backside about all this, you ask? It’s simple: the do-gooders are, yet again, ignoring a few inconvenient truths themselves. While I’m all for improving our environment, the fact is that these damn things just aren’t practical. Don’t believe me? Well then, let’s just take a look at this then, shall we?

For the purposes of this little exercise, let’s make ourselves a whole lot of warm, fuzzy assumptions, just like the eco-dorks do. Let’s assume that:

  1. AsshatteryThe wind will actually blow all the time; 24/7, 365 days a year. Even on those Sweltering August days when the air is like a war, wet blanket over you and your buttcrack is doing an impression of Niagara Falls that would put Rich Little to shame.
  2. Let’s also assume that the wind in the city is going to blow just like the wind in the country. It wont be bothered by large obstructing buildings, uneven windflow that you always get in urban areas, or roof designs that didn’t have wind flow in mind.
  3. Let’s pretend the turbine will always function at its peak design efficiency (even though they never have), consistently cranking out 5KW, without any interruption at all. Ever.
  4. As long as we’re feeling frisky, let’s assume that the cost of electricity is going to stay at the current rate of about 5.5¢/KWh, because we all know how stable the energy market is.
  5. While we’re blabbing about energy markets, let’s say that you can sell 100% of all your excess production back to the public grid; at 5.5¢/KWh, of course.
  6. Let’s throw the laws of mechanics, and all the things that says about moving parts, out the window and assume that these things won’t cost one thin dime in maintenance. Even though they’ve come under fire for problems with vibrations.
  7. Why not say that you’re rich enough that you’ve got an extra $20,000 (minimum!) lying around to pay for this gizmo in cash. Or that Big Nanny will give you an interest-free loan to finance the thing.
  8. And it’s going to be totally tax free, too. Hey, we’re in tree-hugger lala land here, remember?

So, now that we’ve got our arses all stuffed with sunshine and lollipops, what are we looking at? Well, let’s do some math.

(5.5¢/KWh) x 5KW of output x (24hrs/day) x 365 days in a year = a savings of $2409 every year.

Damn, that’s not too bad. I could use an extra 2400 bucks in my pocket every year, couldn’t you? There’s just one little fly in the ointment:

$20 grand ÷ ($2409/year) = about 8yrs, 4 months before you so much as break even.

Oh yeah, you’re smart…In eight and a half years, you’ll break even. If the wind never stops blowing, the thing never breaks down, Big Nanny keeps her hand out of your pocket, and a monkey flies out of your ass.

Yes, alternative and renewable energy sources are a good thing. But let’s quit with all the pie-in-the-sky shit and be practical about it, alright?

March 16, 2007

Who Does He Think He’s Fooling?

Da Librano$No, I’m not being rhetorical; not entirely, anyway. Just who the hell does Stephane Dion think he’s kidding with his new little “look at me, I’m tough on crime” song and dance that he’s added to his traveling dog and pony show?

JusticeForget — just for a minute or two, okay? — that this is the same bonehead who has fought every bit of real anti-crime legislation he has ever seen tooth and nail. Forget that this is the fool who flip-flopped on his own party’s anti-terror legislation, denying law enforcement vital tools needed to safeguard the people of this country from terrorist attacks that everyone with a brain in their heads says are coming, sooner or later. Forget that he has always decried any kind of tough-on-crime measures as draconian, but thought that the farmer Bob rifle registry was a great idea. Forget all that, just for a minute.

What Dion has done now is to fling open his piehole and hack up the tired, old and discredited hairball of “restorative justice.” 🙄

Utter BullshitDion yodeled on about more money for more cops, “tougher laws” (whatever the hell he thinks that means; I doubt it’s anywhere close to my definition) to protect kids and places of worship, and reverse onus for aresholes that use a gun and want out on bail. The problem is that he just doesn’t get that none of this means jack shit. Yes, you read that right.

Dion just can’t get his brain around the idea that scumbags that commit crimes with guns shouldn’t get out of jail at all, we already have more than enough laws, and we don’t need any more cops.

RantsWhat the hell did I just say? We don’t need more cops?? Am I nuts all of a sudden??? No, I’m not. This is actually one of the things that I disagreed with Harper on during the last campaign, when he was also talking about putting more cops on the streets. The problem isn’t that we need more cops; we already have all the cops we need. The problem is that the cops we do have are having to chase down the same assholes again and again and again and again… because they keep getting sprung.

In other words, the problem isn’t with how we hunt down bad guys; it’s with what we do (or should I say, don’t do) with them once they’re caught. Our penal system is a God damned joke, and nobody’s laughing except criminals. How many times have you heard of someone getting raped or murdered by some sack of crap that was out on parole? Did you know that damn near every prisoner in the country has an automatic get-out-of-jail free card after serving a maximum of two-thirds of their sentence? But even then, what’s the difference? They get coddled on the inside anyway.

Liberals and the Left in general have spent decades obsessed with the notions of rehabilitation, hug-a-thug approaches and revolving-door justice. Everything they have tried has proven to be an abject failure.

Getting tough on crime doesn’t mean more social programs in crappy neighbourhoods; it doesn’t mean helping criminals “improve their self-image;” it doesn’t even mean more cops. What it means is punishing — and I mean really punishing — criminals in a way that would make Dion bleed from the ears if he heard about it:

No more TVs, no more radios, no more access to gyms that turn scrawny criminals into big criminals, no more conjugal visits (who the hell ever came up with that idea in the first place?), and NO AUTOMATIC EARLY RELEASE! You want parole? Prove that you deserve it, otherwise serve your whole damned stretch. And if you’re sentenced to life, forget that wussy little 25-years thing; you come out in a pine box. They don’t need to be given college degrees at public expense, they don’t need time in an exercise yard, and (contrary to what the thug-hugging handwringers will tell you) yes, you can live off bologna sandwiches for lunch. Every God damned day. For years.

Don’t tell any of this to Steffie, though. His poor sensibilities couldn’t handle it. Liberals, big or small “L,” just don’t have the stomach to deal with criminals. They never have and they never will.

So please, Stephane, quit trying to piss on my head and tell me it’s raining. Bleep off

March 14, 2007

How’s This For Inconvenient?

VideosHere’s a little something that’s sure to piss the Kult of Kyoto right off. As most of you have likely heard already, Britain’s Channel 4 has recently produced a short (75 minutes without commercials) documentary titled “The Great Global Warming Swindle” which knocks the wheels of the Kyotology bandwagon with all the ruthlessness of a Kyoto Kultist screaming for the head of a global-warming-denying heretic. No doubt the money-grubbing Marxist granola grinders from the errorless echelons of the Exalted EnviroEnlightenment Eggheadocracy® will bromidically bitch and bawl endlessly about what harsh language their critics have begun using. To them I say, “if you can’t take it, quit dishing it out and shut the hell up!

WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In the opening seconds, the accusations “The ice is melting, the sea is rising, hurricanes are blowing AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!” flash across the screen, only to be immediately followed by “Scared? Don’t be; it’s not true.” One by one, the errors, delusions and outright lies of the Enviroloony elite are laid bare calmly and in plain English that is conspicuously devoid of the kind of bafflegab that saturates the rhetoric from the other side of the issue.

I’ll have plenty of time to shoot my mouth off on the topic later so, in the meantime, just sit back and enjoy the show.

[If, for some reason, you are unable to play the video in this window, just click this direct link to go directly to the video page and try there.]

A hearty thanks to Channel 4 for this excellent, non-powerpoint-presentation production. Keep up the good work, lads.

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