Category: Moonbattery

October 8, 2008

A Lesson In Viral Messaging

This isn’t Pat Condell‘s first appearance here. Most folks already know that he’s one opinionated sonofabitch by any standards. Like him or hate him (and I’ve done both), the man does say what’s on his mind and if his YouTube channel is any indication, he’s got a lot on his melon. But then, what can you expect from a guy whose website starts off with “Hi, I’m Pat Condell. I don’t respect your beliefs and I don’t care if you’re offended. Cheers.”

Well, some folks would prefer that Pat just put a cork in it and would like to stick it in themselves, if at all possible. In case you hadn’t heard, one of his recent rants, a little something called “Welcome to Saudi Britain” got yanked from YouTube:

However YouTube, which is owned by the internet search engine giant Google, has removed the video from its site because of “terms of use violation”.

It had been watched more than 40,000 times in the 24 hours after Condell uploaded it.

YouTube has also threatened to disable his entire account if he commits “additional violations”.

A spokesman for the website said: “YouTube has clear policies that prohibit inappropriate content on the site, such as pornography, gratuitous violence or hate speech. Our community understands the rules and polices the site for inappropriate material. When users feel content is inappropriate they can flag it and our staff then review it as quickly as possible to see if it violates our Terms of Use. If users repeatedly break these rules we disable their accounts.”

Surprise, surprise, the net community and others went apeshit over this kind of censorship. Within hours, copies of the vid were all over OhNoYouDontTube and — surprise, surprise, again — YouTube caved and let the damn thing be. Here’s Pat’s take on the whole kerfuffle:

And, of course, what would this post be without the little rant that started the whole big stink in the first place?

September 29, 2008

Anti-Gun Asshattery

Some of you may have heard of this already; others, likely not. But if you’re involved in shooting sports in London or the surrounding area, you’ve probably already heard about the bigoted asshattery pulled recently by Thames Valley School Board Director, Bill “my head’s so far up my ass, I chew my food twice” Tucker.

In an age when schools in our province are chronically underfunded, having to scrounge for cash wherever they can find it, Little Willy seems to think that he can pick and choose and turn his nose up at money if it comes from people he just plain doesn’t like.

In other words: screw what’s good for the kids; just as long as Willy can waddle around with his smug, masturbatory sense of politically correct self-satisfaction

Guns and schools don’t mix. Period.

That’s why students at East Elgin secondary school in Aylmer aren’t allowed to accept $5,000 from the East Elgin Sportsmen’s Association, says the director of the Thames Valley District school board.

“I do not feel comfortable accepting money from any organization associated with guns,” Bill Tucker said. [so no police fundraisers, eh, Willy? -D]

The controversy began when John Evers of the sportsmen’s association sent out a news release linking the organization with the East Elgin secondary school drama tech department.

Evers now says the release shouldn’t have implied the school was sponsoring the event.

During the weekend, the association staged the Ontario International Practical Shooting Confederation provincial match.

Competitors, including a three-time world champion from France, used full-power handguns to complete various stages over the course during the weekend, Evers said.

East Elgin students volunteered at the event. [showing that the kids whose interests he’s supposed to be looking out for have both more balls AND brains than Willy does]

About $5,000 raised at the event was to be donated to the school’s drama department for new lights.

But when Tucker heard about the news release, he objected to linking the school — and by extension, the school board — with a shooting event.

“This was not a fundraiser for the school,” he said. “From a school board perspective, I can’t have implicit or explicit links made between us and guns.”

But similar events have raised money for the drama department the last two years since Evers’ daughter started at East Elgin and students needed money for a production, Evers said. [gee whiz, I wonder what’s changed?]

“The kids are the only ones hurting here. They’re not getting the funding they need and deserve.”

Last year, a similar event raised about $3,500 for the drama department, he said.

An official cheque presentation was supposed to happen on Sunday, but the students will need to find a different way to get $5,000, Tucker said.

Tucker became the Thames Valley board’s director of education this year [AHA! So THAT’S what’s changed!] and said he couldn’t comment about why the money was accepted in the previous two years.

“This was my decision,” he said, adding he didn’t like the association of “schools and guns.”

Students who volunteered at the event can still count their time toward the 40 hours of community service required to graduate in Ontario, Tucker said.

Evers praised the kids who came to volunteer, saying they patched targets involved in the competition.

Frank Exley, one of two Elgin County trustees on the school board, said he was still figuring out Thames Valley’s policy on donations.

“It’s hard to say no to parents and kids who raise money for the school,” he said. “I want to be fair to the school, the students and the board on this.”

So there you have it. One miserable gun-grabber gets to shove his political agenda down the throats of a whole school full of students. After all, it’s not like IPSC is a legitimate, law-abiding bunch, right?

The CSSA/CILA had their take on this as well. I’ll let them speak for themselves…

Have Firearms Owners Become Second Class Citizens In Canada?

In a move obviously fueled by irrational bigotry, Thames Valley School Board Director, Bill Tucker, has refused a five thousand dollar donation to a secondary school drama class because the money was raised at a shooting competition. “I do not feel comfortable accepting money from any organization associated with guns,” Tucker said.

This is the third year the Ontario International Practical Shooting Confederation provincial match has donated a large sum of money to the drama class. The money was accepted the first two times.
The donation program was spearheaded by East Elgin resident, John Evers, as a means of assisting the class in procuring large ticket items they otherwise would not be able to afford, in this case, new stage lights. “The kids are the only ones hurting here. They’re not getting the funding they need and deserve,” asserted Evers.

School boards should not be placing politics ahead of the welfare of our children. He added, Politicians like David Miller and Dalton McGuinty have demonized firearms owners to deflect blame away from their inability to deal with crime issues but this is the sort of argument one would expect weaker minds to buy into. I would like to think that school board Directors have more sense than that.

“It is appalling that in these days of chronic provincial under-funding of schools, that a person charged with the responsibility of operating those schools would turn down a generous donation because of political correctness,” spoke Larry Whitmore, Executive Director of the Canadian Shooting Sports Association. “Mr. Tucker should hang his head in shame.”

Bernardo added, “Mr Tucker has spit in the face of two million government inspected, government approved Canadians. Target competitions are a lawful sport with an impeccable safety record and a history of community service and involvement. Firearms owners have become Canada’s second class citizens.”

For more information:

Tony Bernardo
Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA)
(905) 571-2150

Larry Whitmore
Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA)
(905) 265-0692

While we’re at it: If you want to top up that five grand that’s already been raised (and what better way to rub Willy’s little hoplophobic nose in it?), you can contact the East Elgin Sportsmen’s Association. One way or another, I know they’ll make sure it goes to good use.

OFAHAs you likely guessed, the OFAH isn’t pleased, either (Freeps again):

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is calling the area public education director’s stance on guns “highly offensive and hypocritical.”

The province’s largest fishing, hunting and conservation group made the statement yesterday, decrying Thames Valley District school board director Bill Tucker’s refusal to accept a $5,000 donation to an Aylmer high school because it came from a gun club.

Meanwhile, the East Elgin Sportsmen’s Association’s president, John Evers, said he’s had to refuse more donations since the controversy began this week.

“If I accepted new donations from other sports clubs and individual shooters, I’d probably be up around $7,000 or $8,000 right now,” Evers said.

Over at the St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ian McCallum seems to have it figured out:

It’s another example of political correctness run amok.

The bias of Thames Valley District School Board director Bill Tucker has deprived students at East Elgin Secondary School of much-needed funds ($5,000 to be exact) and sent a message to legal firearms owners everywhere that somehow their money is tainted.

“I do not feel comfortable accepting money from any organization associated with guns,” asserts Tucker, as his rationale for turning up his nose at proceeds from the East Elgin Sportsmen’s Association (EESA) hosting of a high-profile handgun competition last weekend.

The money was destined for the school’s drama department for new lights.

Tucker initially threw up a smoke screen by insisting his concerns emanated from a news release that linked the school as a sponsor of the event.

Never mind in the past two years, similar events have yielded donations to the Aylmer high school.

In a conversation with City Scope this week, school trustee Frank Exley of St. Thomas toed the company line, supporting Tucker’s decision and insisting the EESA was at fault.

“This issue is not what’s going on at the gun club. The issue has to deal with the way in which the money situation was announced on the CBC (by EESA past president John Evers),” says Exley.

Asked if he had ever visited the club north of Aylmer or communicated with Evers, our elected school trustee shot back, “What does that matter? You get far from the picture when you start asking this question.”

So Tucker slammed the door on the EESA contribution, and Exley is in full agreement, without either of them visiting this club to see for themselves the valuable contribution to gun safety and education made by the dedicated membership.

We approached Evers to determine what sort of shady associates competed in this first-class event at the club, in addition to the three-time world champion from France.

Definitely read the rest of that one; it’s good.

September 11, 2008

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Liberal

In a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share.


Day 5

CampaigningWell, now… I was wondering if (or should I say, when?) this was going to happen. You know that the Loopier Left is starting to get all nervous and freaked out when they start recycling — yet agaaaaiiiinnn — the old “a Conservative government will mean the end of the world!!” canard. 🙄

Yeah, it’s back. But it wasn’t the Grits that dug up this corpse, sowed it together, and ran a few volts through it this time. That was a bit of a surprise.

Going pear-shaped

Danny Williams may be something of a superhero back home in Newfoundland but the rest of us are starting to wonder if his cheese hasn’t slid clean off his cracker

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Premier Danny Williams levelled his most blistering attack yet against the prime minister, telling a business audience yesterday a Stephen Harper-led majority government would mark one of the darkest eras in Canadian history.

Williams escalated his public feud with Harper, warning voters the Tories would stoop to any depths to implement their hidden “right-wing, Conservative-Reform party” agenda.

“The only reason we haven’t seen his full plan for Canada implemented is because he had a minority government to keep him in check,” Williams said. [Be afraid! Be veerrryyyy afraid!!! -D] 😯

Ah, yes, the good ol’ Hidden Agenda®, don’tcha just love it? These idiots remind me of a doomsday cult: every time the appointed day for the End Of The World As We Know Itâ„¢ comes and goes, they just move the goalposts. In the last election, we were all warned about how the sky would fall if the Tories formed a government. I know I’ve pointed this out before, but I think some boneheads out there need a refresher. So here, along with a few additions, is my own little list of…

Catastrophes We Were Promised But Didn’t Get

  1. Neither Stephen Harper nor any members of his caucus have eaten any babies.
  2. Quebec has not separated from Canada.
  3. The sun has not burned out.
  4. Our health care system has not collapsed.
  5. Homosexuals have not been rounded up into camps in the high arctic.
  6. Women have not been forced to get pregnant in order to be denied access to abortions.
  7. We have not become of 51st state of US of A.
  8. We have not sent troops to Iraq, either.
  9. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has not been scrapped.
  10. We have not withdrawn from the UN.
  11. The sky has not fallen.
  12. There have been no reliable reports (other than above) of the dead rising from their graves to feast upon the living.
  13. We have not declared war on puppies.
  14. Toronto has not been placed under martial law (although that might not be such a bad idea).
  15. The polar ice caps have not melted.
  16. The National Capital has not been moved to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump.
  17. The economy has not collapsed.
  18. We still have no official State Religion; Christian, Satanic or otherwise.
  19. Fun has not been outlawed.
  20. No one has been executed for anything.
  21. Banjo lessons are not a compulsory component of our educational curriculum.
  22. No angels have tooted any trumpets, cracked any seals, or done anything else worrysome.
  23. Petroleum is not included in the Canada Food Guide
  24. Gun ownership is not mandatory (and here I was looking forward to that one)
  25. etc, etc, ad nauseum…

Get a friggin' CLUE!Please, guys; on behalf of Canadians everywhere, from Lotusland to the Rock and Point Pelee to the Pole: quit being so STUCKING FOOPID and get some new material, ya friggin’ idjits! Seriously, we mean it. This is getting beyond old.

Clever buggers

Say what you want about Jumpin’ Jack Jerkweed and his Not Democratic Party, but at least one of them over there knows how the ‘net works. Much as I hate giving the Dippers credit for anything, I’m forced to admit that this is some darned good thinking:

OTTAWA — The New Democrats have cut a deal with Google and Yahoo to grab Internet traffic in a marketing ploy that has some online experts impressed.

Type the names Stephen Harper, Stephane Dion or Gilles Duceppe into the major search engines and an ad for NDP Leader Jack Layton pops up on the screen, along with the search results.

Google Adwords; gotta love ’em.

Who’s where? 12:20

Just in case anybody’s wondering where all the bestest blowhards’ll be today…

Stephen Harper

  • MONTREAL: Young leaders’ breakfast at 8:45 a.m., 2200 Rue Mansfield
  • News conference at 9:30 a.m. Mansfield Room 4, Cours Mont-Royal
  • ST. EUSTACHE, Que.: Rally at 12:30 p.m. at Vignoble de la Riviere du Chene, 807 Riviere Nord
  • HALIFAX: Evening arrival. No events scheduled.

Stephane Dion

  • SAINT JOHN, N.B.: Pancake breakfast and annual general meeting at the Saint John riding association, 8:00 a.m. Media availability to follow at 8:50 a.m., Lilly Lake Pavilion, 55 Lake Dr. S
  • Speaks at Saint John Board of Trade luncheon at 12:00 p.m. Media availability to follow at 12:30 p.m., Delta Brunswick Hotel, boardrooms A-B-C, 39 King St.
  • THUNDER BAY, Ont.: Greets local candidates and makes brief remarks during a stopover at the Thunder Bay International Airport, 5:50 p.m., Thunder Bay International Airport Maintair Shell FBO, 316 Hector Dougal Way.

Jack Layton

  • MONTREAL: Announcement with MP Thomas Mulcair and NDP Quebec team, 9:30 a.m., Victoria Square (corner Viger and Victoria Square Streets)
  • Meets party supporters at Westmount-Ville-Marie riding headquarters, 2 p.m., 490 Sherbrooke St. W.

Gilles Duceppe

  • HUNTINGDON, Que.: Visit to Maison Russet factory with mayor Stephane Gendron and Beauharnois-Salaberry candidate Claude Debellefeuille, 9:30 a.m. at 142 route 202. Briefing to follow outside at 10:15 a.m.
  • VALLEYFIELD, Que.: Benefit spaghetti lunch, 11:30 a.m., 67 rue Academie.
  • MONTREAL: Speech in Duceppe’s riding, Laurier-Sainte-Marie at 7:50 p.m., 1220 rue Sainte-Catherine Est.

Elizabeth May

  • NEW GLASGOW, N.S.: Canada AM interview taping, 6:45 a.m.
  • ANTIGONISH, N.S.: Setting up signs and greeting commuters, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
  • Visits staff and patients, St. Martha’s Hospital, 10 a.m.
  • Lunch, meets with students, 12 noon-1:30 p.m., St. Francis Xavier University cafeteria
  • News conference on education issues, 2 p.m., St. Francis Xavier University campus, location to be announced.
  • Campus Green Club event, 7:30-9:00 p.m., St. Francis Xavier University Student Union Building.

Le Leftbot Limbo 12:55

How low can ya go? How low can ya go? Just what the hell is the Catholic version of Islamophobia called, anyway? While I’m not so sure myself, I’m sure that Big Wheel Gilles knows the answer…

Bloc Québécois Gilles Duceppe seeks to portray the Conservatives as a party of narrow-minded views with a rightist religious agenda that should offend many Quebec voters. His evidence for such a patently false depiction? Nicole Charbonneau Barron, the Conservative candidate in the South Shore Montreal riding of St. Bruno-St. Hubert, belongs to Opus Dei, a Roman Catholic lay organization known for its adherence to traditional church doctrine.

Yeah, and before he goes to sleep at night, he always makes sure to check for albinos under his bed. Dickweed.

For those of you who might have read one too many Dan Brown novels, try checking out something a little closer to the source.

The cutlery is out 13:10

Gee whiz, I wonder who’s back it’ll end up buried in? What are the Librano$ up to this election, really? Are they looking to win? Are they looking to clear the way to dump Dion? You tell me

The Liberal party moved last night to cancel its biennial convention in Vancouver in December, clearing the way for a full leadership vote next year should Stephane Dion fail win the Oct. 14 election. Sources say hotel reservations were ordered released this week as the national executive gathered to finalize the postponement decision.

No wonder Dion walks the way he does. If I had that bunch “watching my back,” I’d keep my butt cheeks clenched shut, too. Et tu, Brute?

August 13, 2008

A Public Service Announcement From…

Just a little something for those boneheads out there who just don’t get it yet (are ya listening, Wendy?)

July 31, 2008

It Was Just A Joke [updated]

Filed under: Moonbattery,Nanny State,Sick,WTF? — Dennis @ 3:38 pm

Seriously; that’s all it was.

It was our way of pointing out all the idiocies of Bill C-68 and the long gun registry and all the other gun-grabber-related buffoonery that has tried to pass itself off as public policy in this country for years now.

We never meant for it to be taken seriously — hell, even we didn’t think that the loopy left could be that damned retarded. But no… According to the Mop & Pail, no less, some of the moonbats are actually taking it seriously:

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said the violent attack is a “horrific” incident and his heart goes to the family of the victim.

However, Mr. Day played down the possibility of enacting tough security measures in Canada’s bus terminals, similar to what already exists in airports.

“People should always be open to looking at precautionary measures. But let’s keep in mind that as bizarre and tragic as this is, it is extremely rare,” Mr. Day said.

He also dismissed talk by some opposition MPs of a “knife registry,” saying that millions of them are bought each year simply for kitchen use. He added that there are already provisions in the Criminal Code against crimes and assaults.

Knife registry?????????????” WHAT… THE… FU… 😯

That was supposed to be just a joke…

-= UPDATE =-

There’s video here.

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