No good will come of this
This is bad. Several MSM outlets are reporting lately that the CAF is lowering its standards when it comes to security checks for new recruits. “Secret” clearance now requires only a seven year check and “confidential” requires a mere five year check under the new rules. Landed immigrants are also being considered for service even before becoming citizens. Since even I’m not so partisan that I can’t point out stupidity on my own team, I’m left with no choice but to ask:
Guys, what the hell are you thinking???
I understand the need to bolster our troop strength, and do it now, but this is not the way to go about it. After decades of having their budget savaged by an uncaring Grit government, one thing that the military managed to do was to keep the army an effective fighting force by focusing on quality over quantity. The result of this, as has been demonstrated in Afghanistan, was a small force with equipment that was second to everyone being manned by soldiers that were second to no one. Eligible candidates were often turned away, not because they failed to qualify, but simply because the army didn’t have enough money for more soldiers. We don’t need to lower the standards, we have plenty of bodies to fill the jobs and now we have a budget that can begin to let them in.
Slacking off on security checks does nothing, it merely dilutes the security of the Forces which, given the nature of our current enemy, could very well prove to be disasterous.
Let’s be blunt here, folks. Security checks should be kept right where they are, if not increased. And Muslim males aged under 30 should get extra scrutiny. And if you’re a male Muslim landed immigrant from a country known to export or sponsor terrorism, the armed forces should crawl up your arse with a microscope before they let you in, if they let you in at all.
There, I’ve said it. Bring on the hate mail.
The ugly truth is that the preferred tactic of the enemy is to infiltrate (which may already be happening elsewhere) and gather intel to do as much damage as possible from within our midst. That’s the nature of terrorism. That’s what we’re fighting, and you can bet your arse that the enemy doesn’t play by the rules.
Whether or not the useful idiots on the left want to admit it, we are at war, whether we want to be or not. And you don’t win a war by being tolerant, inclusive, or any of the other politically correct bullcrap that “progressives” are always pushing.
Wars are won by the side that has the stomach to win. They always have been, and they always will. Tolerance is all fine and good, but we shouldn’t be tolerating our way onto the endangered species list.