Archive for: June 2007

June 27, 2007

One Down…

Filed under: Antistupidity,Crime & Punishment,Good Stuff,Sick — Dennis @ 4:26 pm

CourtsAnd how many more hundreds to go? If I start seeing this kind of thing on a regular basis, I might have to create an “Un-stupid Judge Tricks” category to file them under.

Some of you might remember the name of Angel Jones. He’s the shithouse-rat-crazy whackjob from Hogtown that munched off his girlfriend’s nose back in February of ’04…

During the dangerous offender hearing, court heard Jones bit his lover’s nose off just hours after being released from jail in February 2004.

He then beat and tortured the woman for an hour while smoking a cigar. During the vicious attack, Jones also called 911 and taunted an operator. The conversation, therefore, was recorded on tape.

The victim, whose identity is protected by a court order, was able to get to the phone and say she feared she was going to be killed.

“What’s going on there?” the dispatcher asked.

“I don’t know … he’s going to kill me. He said he’s going to hurt me,” the victim says.

The dispatcher heard the victim say “Brimley Road,” but because the call was made from a cell phone, police could not pinpoint her exact location.

Officers drove around the area blasting air horns so the operator could hear the dispatcher. The plan worked, and police found Jones and his victim.

Doctors were unable to attach the woman’s nose. She has undergone numerous reconstructive surgeries and her nose has been rebuilt, but she testified she doesn’t recognize herself now.

Angel JonesYeah, he’s a real gem, alright. As the Freeps put it: “Two forensic psychiatrists concluded Jones is a narcissistic psychopath and it is highly likely he will reoffend either sexually or violently.” It’s not like he hasn’t proven a pattern of behaviour:

In 2004, a jury convicted Jones of aggravated assault, uttering death threats and sexual assault for his attack. Jones has attacked his mother, stepfather, sister, girlfriends, fellow inmates, jail guards and anyone who would provoke him in the slightest.

So what the hell was this asshole doing walking around in the first place? Well, that’s one thing that we won’t have to worry about in the future:

TORONTO (Sun Media) – A psychopathic thug who chewed off his girlfriend’s nose and permanently disfigured her has been sent to prison indefinitely.

“His conduct was evil. He destroyed her attractiveness and murdered her personality,” Superior Court Justice Eugene Ewaschuk said yesterday as he declared Angel Jones, 30, a dangerous offender.


“Jones is an extremely dangerous man and he’s precisely the kind of individual the dangerous offender legislation was aimed at,” said Crown attorney Paul Amenta.

Finally, a judge that seems to get it. The question is: what the hell took the “justice” system so long to figure out that this psycho is beyond redemption? The guy was only in his late 20s and had 35 (yes, THIRTY-FIVE) previous convictions, fer Chrissakes!  What the hell were all the other judges thinking?

At least Ewaschuk showed some balls/brains…Thumbs up!

Still A Mess

Filed under: Canada,Dithering,First Nations,Law & Order,Waste — Dennis @ 3:08 pm

OkaWell, isn’t this just God damned jolly?

It’s been more than a decade and a half since the poop hit the windmaker in Oka, Quebec and now, if you believe what some media outlets are coughing up, we’re pretty much smack-dab right back where we started, waiting for it to blow up again. Reading the Freeps and the Winterpeg Sun, you’d think the whole thing was a powder shed, with a chimp playing with matches inside…

The war never ended in Kanesatake, the Mohawk community at the centre of the Oka crisis, and now the government has been put on notice history might repeat itself.

Ottawa’s lead negotiator on the Kanesatake file has received two letters this year from the Kanesatake Women’s Coalition warning the federal government to stop negotiating with the band council. The letters say they could throw up a highway blockade or worse to force the issue.

“I do not have to remind you that this is exactly what happened back in 1990. The chief and council of the day did not have the authority or the mandate to negotiate our land rights in the pines for the expansion of the Oka golf course,” says one of the letters.

“The Mohawk women of Kanesatake warned the federal Conservative government of that day and its negotiator that if they continued to negotiate with the council without the community’s input there will be war and war did break out.”

War, my ass. For those of you that don’t remember all too well: as soon as the army started moving forward, all the “Mohawk warriors” started moving back. Yeah, big surprise. This reserve has been known more for its lawlessness than any other one in the country that I can think of. For example, take a look at what happened a little over three years ago:

An incident on Jan. 12, 2004 triggered it all. When 67 police and auxiliary officers from outside communities descended on Kanesatake armed with three submachine guns, a sniper rifle, two automatic rifles, a semi automatic rifle, two pump-action shotguns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, all hell broke loose. Warriors and community members laid siege to the police station for two days. The force was eventually let out of the community and Gabriel’s [referring to Former Grand Chief James Gabriel] house was burned down.

Nice, huh? As if that weren’t bad enough, this fiasco also has its lips firmly locked on the public teat, to boot:

Money down the drainThe official says Ottawa has spent $51 million on the Kanesatake negotiating process since 1994. Of that, $35 million was spent on the acquisition of 178 pieces of property, $4 million was spent on negotiations for the government side and $9 million for the Kanesatake side, according to the official.

RantsThis is getting ridiculous. Granted, the Tories haven’t had this file for too long and they’ve had other things on their plate, but there hasn’t been any indication that I’ve seen that they’re going to deal with this properly any more than the Grits did. And with all the talk about a nation-wide “day of action” (read: “shit-disturbing”) this coming Friday, you have to wonder: just when the hell is the government going to put its foot down and say, “the law is the law and you damned well follow it whether like it or not and no, we don’t give a shit what colour you are.

Granted, the current system for land claim resolution sucks. But Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice recently unveiled a plan to fix that mess. In the meantime, however, the government should be lowering the boom on any lawlessness they see and NO band should get anything until they damned well get it through their heads that yes, the law applies to them, too.

Bad Blogger! Lazy!

Filed under: Blogosphere,Pro-Life — Dennis @ 12:15 pm

BlogosphereYeah, I know I’ve been slacking off lately but, hey, it’s finally summer, Dominion Day is just around the corner and Edward just graduated. I’ve had other things to do. I don’t know if I’m going to have the time to post much in the next few days or not — of course, not having anything totally piss me off lately isn’t helping things, either 🙄 — but for now, check out this post over at Relapsed Catholic Upper Canada Catholic; it’s totally worth the read. It’s a good example of the doublethink that goes on between the ears of the pro-infanticide crowd.

Damn. You know I’m gettin’ lazy when I’m not even bothering to plagiarize… 😯

June 25, 2007

Filed under: Canada,Good Stuff,John Q Public,Military,Traditions — Dennis @ 4:38 pm

Our SoldiersI’m not sure if it’s in bad taste or not, filing this post under “Good Stuff,” what with it being about the return of fallen soldiers and all. But one thing that I am sure of is that the respect shown to them as the three fallen PPCLI infantrymen were borne away from CFB Trenton along Hwy. 401. If there ever really was any doubt about whether or not John and Jane Q. Canadian actually are 100% behind our soldiers in Afghanistan, I think it can now be put to rest.

Weblinks being the prone-to-expiring things that they are, and this being so good, I’ve decided on putting the whole thing up here:

Hundreds line Hwy. 401 bridges to bid goodbye to fallen troopers

Port Hope firefighters on top of their truck join other mourners
to salute the three hearses carrying Canada’s most recent fallen
heroes along Hwy. 401 yesterday. (Pete Fisher, Sun Media)

In a brilliant and emotional show of support, a sea of red and white lined the overpasses east of the city last night in honour of the three soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan last week.

Hundreds of people stood on several overpasses from Northumberland County to Durham, most either wearing Canada’s colours or waving a Canadian flag, as the convoy carrying the three fallen members of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry made its way along Hwy. 401.

“I think it’s wonderful,” Linda Thomson, 50, said of the show of support for Canada’s troops as honking horns from cars below her filled the evening air.

Linda and her husband were among one of the largest groups of supporters in Durham — more than 100 — standing on the Brock St. overpass in their hometown of Whitby.

“I don’t support the war, I wish they would all come home,” Linda added. “But we have to support our soldiers.”

In Northumberland County, where people been showing their support from the overpasses since the first Canadian soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, 200 people lined one bridge in Port Hope. It was the first time Denise Sheehan and her daughter Megan, 3, attended an unofficial ceremony in Port Hope.

“They took their time to go fight for us, so I think we should take our time to come show our respect for them,” Sheehan said.

Every fire department in Northumberland County, as well as Northumberland County Paramedics and OPP, Cobourg and Port Hope Police, had bridges covered, saluting the procession as it went by.

Durham firefighters and paramedics also lined up with their vehicles.

The dead soldiers — Cpl. Stephen Bouzane, 26, a Scarborough native, Pte. Joel Wiebe, 22, and Sgt. Christos Karigiannis — arrived by plane at CFB Trenton, and after a ceremony at the base, the bodies were driven to the coroner’s office in Toronto be examined before being released to their families.

“We don’t like war, nobody does. But they are over there to help not to hurt,” said Hughy Robertshaw, 62, who drove to Whitby from his home in Milton to pay his respects.

Come to think of it, maybe filing this under “Good Stuff” wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

Still Lingering

Filed under: Audio,BS,Canada,Grits,Military,Politics,Rants,Skullduggery — Dennis @ 2:48 pm

Our SoldiersGoddamnit, what the hell does it take to finally get over this crap? It’s been damn near a year and a half since we kicked their sorry arses to the curb and we’re still having to deal with the fallout from the Liebrals’ willful neglect of our Canadian Armed Forces! Everybody from the Freeps, to CTV, to the Ministry Of What You Should Think, and everyone in between has been telling about how the Librano$ were, as usual, too damned busy buggering things up to take care of our men and women in uniform (the Snowbirds, this time):

The air force was urged in no uncertain terms four years ago to quickly replace the aging Tutor jets belonging to the prized Snowbird demonstration squadron.

The study by the Defence Department’s director of major service delivery procurement warned that the life expectancy of the 1960s-vintage aircraft was 2010, but could be pushed out for another decade if absolutely necessary.

“With each passing year, the technical, safety and financial risk associated with extending the Tutor into its fifth decade and beyond, will escalate,” said the review, written in August 2003.

And just what did the Grits do when they were given that information? Why, they did DICK ALL, of course! Just like they always do whenever something concerns the safety, wellbeing, morale, image or the very lives of our soldiers. After all, these are the same assholes that gave us Sea Kings In The Sun, the flying caskets that are older than most of the pilots that fly them, fer Chrissakes.

Granted, the Tutor isn’t as bad as the Sea Kings, but these things are starting to show their age. In the 35-year history of the Snowbirds, only six pilots have died, but half of those have been in the last nine years.

RantsSo here we are, with yet another Grit mess to clean up. Don’t expect them to take the blame, though. Hell, NO!! That ain’t the Lieberal way. Just like they twiddled their thumbs for years over the Kyotology Kult and then had the gall to demand that the Tories implement it within months (likely hoping that such an implementation would tank the economy, making the Conservatives look like assholes, and thereby get the Librano$ back high on the public hog), look for the Grits to screech away to anyone that will listen about how the mean, nasty, Stephen-Dubya-Harper® Tories are the ones that aren’t looking after the military.

Sometimes I wonder if those bozos don’t deliberately bugger up, just so they have a failsafe to fall back on whenever they get the boot: blame the Tories for not fixing their mistakes and then act like the screwup happened on their watch instead of the Liberals’. Just a thought.


June 21, 2007

Gun Un-Control

Filed under: Crime & Punishment,Gun Control,Ontario,Rants,Rights,Security,WTF? — Dennis @ 11:34 am

HUH???Some of you might find this post a little befuddling, especially in light of my opinions on the Farmer Bob Varmint Gun Registryâ„¢ and other idiocies that the anti-gun wackos puke up from time to time. The fact of the matter is that, contrary to what some of my friends and coworkers might tell you, I actually do believe in having some gun control under the law.

No, I haven’t changed my mind. Registration is still useless but licensing makes sense. Registration only kicks in after you have a gun. It’s a licensing that keeps guns out of the hands of the wrong people in the first place, or at least makes it harder for them to get one.

A lot of states in the US have the right idea: if you have a felony conviction, you can’t get a gun. Waiting times make sense, too. Seriously now, just what the hell can be going on in your day that you need a gun right now?? Smells fishy to me.

But just having a licensing regimen isn’t enough; it has to be done right. Which makes the story on the front page of today’s Freeps all that much more disturbing:

ST. THOMAS — Factory worker Nelson Merritt has struggled for years with mental health problems and drug dependency.

He has an anxiety and bi-polar disorder. He’s been depressed and had suicidal thoughts.

And when he emptied the clip of his Glock 9 mm handgun into Bobby Thorpe Jr., shooting him 10 times, Merritt was the licensed owner of three handguns, two rifles and two shotguns.

HUH???I’m going to resist the temptation to go on a complete rant about how this is yet another murder that the Long Gun Registry failed to do anything about. The real question here is: how the hell did someone with a long history of drug abuse and mental illness get a PAL for not one but THREE, COUNT ‘EM: THREE RESTRICTED WEAPONS!?!? 😯 If that doesn’t redline your WTF-o-meter, nothing will.

I’ve said it before and, you guessed it, I’m saying it again: the problem isn’t guns, the problem is PEOPLE. You want to curb gun crime? First, you have a licensing system that is based on common sense (if you have trouble figuring out what that is, just go to your local sportsman’s or hunters’ & anglers’ association and ask around) instead of moonbattery. Second you need to really punish gun crime. As in: use a gun, do ten years BEHIND BARS and make it REAL TIME. That means:

  • Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?No TV
  • No radio
  • No gym
  • No yard
  • No Club Fed
  • No smokes
  • No methodone or other such bullshit
  • And no Goddamn trailer where your ol’ lady can come in and grease your pole on the weekends.

You don’t stop gun crime by hassling law-abiding people. You do it by demanding responsible access and by going after the troublemakers — with a damned big stick.

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