Archive for: March 2008
March 6, 2008
Well now, isn’t multiculturalism just such a wonderful thing? People from all backgrounds, living together in a lovely mosaic, in perfect harmony. And don’t worry; it’s not like they’ll be packing along any vile cultural baggage with them. After all, all cultures are of equal value, right?
In case you’re wondering just what the hell it is that set me off this time, there’s a 14-year old girl from Alliston, Ontario who is fighting for her life in Toronto’s Sunnybrook Medical Centre after being stabbed multiple times by her father sometime on Tuesday. Last I heard, she was listed as “in critical but stable condition.”
Kamal Khanna, 44, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon. His sorry ass is in the slammer until he gets to spout his bullshit excuses at his bail hearing next Tuesday (gee, I wonder if the judge’ll just show him to the revolving door, or will he hold it open for the prick, too?).
And just why the hell would a man try to murder his own child? Gee, whiz, I dunno about you but I just can’t possibly imagine anything; anything at all…
Other neighbours speculated the attack stemmed from a cultural rift between father and daughter because “she didn’t wear what he wanted.”
Hey, waitaminit, you can’t say that! That’s bigotry! That’s intolerant! That’s cultural stereotyping! Stuff like that doesn’t ever really happen, the NeoConsâ„¢ just make stuff like that up to make poor little innocent immigrants look bad!
Do piss off. Of course the usual suspects will be bending over backwards to make this look like anything but an “honour killing.” They’ll call it “domestic violence,” a “cultural misunderstanding,” or “incomprehensible” … ANYTHING but what we all know it probably is. If anybody dares bring up honour killings, look for the multicult crowd to start hurling accusations of bigotry like a cranky, poop-flinging ape on angel dust.
Was it an attempted honour killing? Hey, I’m taking bets. How much do you feel like losing? What, no takers? Could that be because, in spite of all your rhetoric, you just can’t get away from the gnawing certainty that I’m right? It’s not like it’s the first time this shit has happened…
A 14-year-old female rape victim is strangled to death in March 2004 by her father and brother because she has supposedly tarnished the family name.
In April 2004, a man brutally kills his wife and daughter after finding out that his brother had previously molested them.
A teenage girl with a Turkish background has her throat cut by her father after he learns she has a Christian boyfriend.
All three cases — taken from a study by Memorial University psychiatry professor Dr. Amin Muhammad and resident Sujay Patel — involve unspeakable acts against females. And all were considered appropriate by the killers based on long-standing tradition and cultural beliefs.
While we’re at it: just why the hell are these things called “honour killings,” anyway? If you think there’s something “honourable” in murdering a 14-year old little girl, you’re a worthless piece of shit that’s not good enough to live in my country! Pack your sorry ass up and move to Outer Backwardsistan or wherever the hell it is that they put up with that shit, because you’ve got no God damned business being here!
… coming direct to you from the Department of WTF, in the Ministry Of You Can’t Be Making This Shit Up If You Tried, is the latest and greatest in Grit shitskullery. And you gotta believe me boys and girls, when I tell you that this one even caught me with my pants down! 😯
Seriously, it really, really did. And I’m a guy that wouldn’t put it past a liberal to dip his pecker in iodine and wank with number 2 sandpaper because he read someplace that it would be a good idea!
Of all the Stupid Pet Tricksâ„¢ that the Librano$ have been trying to pull lately, this one has simply GOT to take the cake. It’s just so… I mean that…
Aw, screw it. Read for yourselves…
OTTAWA–Liberals will attempt to turn the tables Thursday on rival parties who’ve ridiculed them for being afraid of toppling the minority Conservative government.
They’ll introduce a motion condemning the NDP and Bloc Quebecois for defeating the previous Grit government in November 2005, thereby enabling Stephen Harper’s Tories to win power.
The motion slams the Harper government for setting back women’s equality rights by cancelling such Liberal measures as the Court Challenges Program and a national child care program.
And it concludes by resolving that the House of Commons “condemn the irresponsible and self-serving actions on Nov. 25, 2005, by the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Quebecois which led to the installation of a government that is hostile to the rights and needs of vulnerable Canadians.”
Yup, that’s right. The HypoGrits are thinking that they can pretend to represent Canadians by introducing a non-confidence motion against… er… the rest of the Opposition.
And these dorks actually wonder why the hell nobody wants them running the country again????
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s episode, where Steffy slams Jack and Gilles in the House by tabling a motion to have them both declared “a couple of big doodie-heads®.”
Stay tuned. 🙄
March 4, 2008
… that all of Canada’s rednecks are in Alberta? 😆 Turns out this guy’s just a few miles away from me.
A big ol’ tip o’ the toque to Kate over at SDA for bringing this up first. This isn’t the same vid that she posted but I think it’s cooler and since this is my site… 😛 And yeah, I want one too…
In case you’re wondering how the hell they managed that, there’s also a vid giving some details (in case ya get any ideas of your own 😉 )
And in case yer wondering: yeah, he’s got himself a website (under construction at the moment but still fun as hell). Of course, there’s always his YouTube thingy…
March 3, 2008
I’m a happy conservative/Conservative today. Yup, I am indeed. Sure, it’s a kind of naughty, Schadenfreude sort of happy but I’ll take it anyway.
It seems that our man in charge in Ottawa, Steve, has finally had-it-up-to-wherever with the lyin’-ass HypoGrits slinging bullshit in their little drive-by smears. The kind that they try so hard to trump up every time they get collectively emasculated in the Commons (or lately, in their little Liberal-dominated, Senate sandbox, as well) by the Tories.
And guess what, boys & girls? This shit’s gettin’ reeeeaaall old.
I’m sure you all know the pattern that I’m talking about. It goes something like this:
- The Tories put forth a bill that, while good for Canadians, isn’t in line with the failed Grit Trudeaupian ideology.
- Dion threatens to bring down the government over the bill.
- Steve calls their bluff by whipping out his medicine ball-sized nuts and using them to pound Steffy into the ground like a tent peg.
- Steve’s Little Bitch® and his gang do as they’re told and let the legislation pass.
- Joe and Jane Canuck start to notice that the Liebrals have nothing to offer anyone: no ideas, no policies, no principles, no leadership, nothing.
- Desperate to change the channel, the Librano$ make up a scandal and hope like hell that if they can just throw enough bullshit, some of it will stick. To someone. Somewhere. Anywhere. Just not them.
- Nothing becomes of the “scandal.”
- Rinse, repeat.
It’s turned into a pattern of events so predictable that Helen Keller could see it coming. It’s also a pattern of events that’s about to show the Grits just exactly where it is that ol’ Steve’s Bullshit-o-meterâ„¢ redlines.
The latest round of this little liberal circle jerk is being labelled “Cadscam.” To make a long story short, the Liebrals are trying to accuse Harper of bribing the late Chuck Cadman and saying that his widow backs them up (she doesn’t). In other words, the Grits are so damned desperate for some Adscam® payback, that they’re willing to drag a dead man through the mud.
Steve has had enough of their bullshit. Time to put up or shut up:
“The prime minister is not only suing the Liberal leader, he’s suing the deputy leader, Michael Ignatieff; Ralph Goodale, who is the House leader; and the Liberal Party of Canada,” Fife said.
“Mr. Harper’s notice of libel says they’ve accused him of knowing about Conservative bribery in the Cadman affair,” he said.
Harper said the allegations, made outside the House of Commons and on the Liberal party’s website, are false and misleading. He is asking for an immediate retraction, Fife said.
The notice asks for two allegedly defamatory articles to be removed from the website and provides wording for an apology to be read out by Dion in the House of Commons. The notice requests the apology be given in English and French.
If the Liberals don’t provide an apology, the Conservatives want the Liberals to preserve all records and email traffic, Fife said.
Translation: No more free punches. Read more here, here, here and here. Steffy, as usual, is pretending to come out swinging:
OTTAWA — Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion will not apologize to Prime Minister Stephen Harper over the Chuck Cadman affair despite the threat of a libel lawsuit, the Liberal Party says.
See the pattern described above. 🙄 Seriously, is there anybody in this country that doesn’t think that Dion’s going to do exactly what he always does: roll over, sit, and do as he’s told?
Go back home to your nice, safe, little university, Steffy. This is the real world, and politics is a contact sport.
March 1, 2008
I’ve been fiddling lately. A lot.
I’ve been trying to find ways to make the site a little more versatile, without having to become an even bigger geek than I already am (my geekdom doesn’t quite extend to coding so far… yet) . One of the things that I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but never quite got around to, is using flash embeds on the site.
Well, thanks to a post that I blunderd across over at RightTurnOnly (thanks, Len), I’ve got something up and running that should do the trick quite nicely. And I don’t need to bash myself in the head with a shovel, trying to remember a bazillion syntactical parameters, to make it work, either. 😀
Now all I need is some good content. Oh, well, this’ll have to do for now. Try not to have too much fun with it… 🙄
[kml_flashembed movie=” KICKASS BigRedButton.swf” height=”250″ width=”400″ /]
It’s a slur that the granola-grinding, tree-hugging, pot-smoking hippy crowd loves to fling at soldiers to this day. The one thing that you’ll never hear from these Leftbotâ„¢ screechers, however, is anything at all having anything to do with the real baby-killers of this world: abortionists and those who lend their so-called “moral support” to this grisly, murderous industry.
Those who read here regularly — or who have even just stopped by a couple of times and poked around — already know damned well what I think of the “pro-choice” crowd: they’re one step down the food chain from whale shit.
Sometimes, though, these assholes manage to astonish even me. Call me an idealist if you want, but I actually do think (or thought) that there are some sick mindsets that had managed to fade from prominence, at least in the western world. I guess I just couldn’t get my brain around just how vile these bastards are. So, when I tripped across Michael Coren’s column today (a weekly habit of mine), my first gut reaction was, “he can’t be serious, can he?” As it turns out, he can…
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a feminist pioneer and is regarded by the women’s movement and supporters of abortion and birth control in Canada as well as the U.S.A. as a hero.
In 1932 she called for, “a stern and rigid policy of sterilization to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted.” She referred to black people and immigrants as “human weeds,” “reckless breeders” and “human beings who never should have been born.” She said that the purpose of birth control was, “to create a race of thoroughbreds” and advised her followers that, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”
I suppose you’re wondering what the hell got Mike on that track of thinking in the first place, eh? Well, it seems that a pro-life publication in the States called “The Advocate” went and did a little digging into Planned Parenthood’s mindset and what they found was just plain disgusting (but, in hindsight, shouldn’t have been surprising for n organization that shared its roots with the American Eugenics Society). They had an actor call a bunch of Planned Parenthood offices and… aw, hell, just read it for yourself:
[Caller]: “The abortion — I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?”
PP: “Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.”
Caller: “Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.”
PP: “Yes, absolutely.”
Caller: “And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.”
PP: “Understandable, understandable.”
Yup, you got that right: too many blacks in this country, so can we thin the herd a bit? I’ll admit that at first, I was sondering for a few minutes if maybe Mike had gotten a little too deep in the Guinness the night before he wrote the column, so I did some digging. It took a little while (“the advocate” brings up a buttload of results on Google) but I managed to track it down. Their website is here and you can download the latest issue of the mag in .pdf format here.
Now you’d think that in a nice “progressive” organization like Planned Parenthood, there must be at least somebody floating around there who’d take an apparent utter prick like that to task, wouldn’t you? Nope. Not a damned one. Not one single Planned Parenthood office they called told this guy to take his racist bullshit and bugger off. And this from a bunch that decries shrieks their heads off about how anyone who doesn’t buy into their little death cult is some kind of intolerant, totalitarian, misogynistic, patriarchal, oppressive, knuckle-dragging neanderthal.
Take a look in the damned mirror, you sanctimonious pricks. Naturally, you can look for Planned Parenthood to hoot and howl that it’s all nothing but a pack of lies (see the blockquote below) made up by wild-eyed evangelists who want women chained to the stove with a line running to the bedroom. Such a thing could never really happen. Where’s the evidence??? Well…
Somehow, I just don’t think that they’re going to have too much luck sweeping this one under the rug. But that’s not gonna stop ’em from trying now, is it? Hell, no…
According to Planned Parenthood of Idaho, a recorded conversation released by a California-based anti-abortion group is not only misleading, but a race-based deceptive tactic.
“It’s an extremist, anti-choice group that has manipulated a 25-minute conversation,” said Rebecca Poedy, executive director Planned Parenthood of Idaho. “It’s not an accurate representation of the transcript.”
“Not an accurate representation of the transcript???” What the hell, bitch?? It’s a Goddamn RECORDING, SHITHEAD! It doesn’t represent anything; it’s an audio reproduction of sounds picked up by the microphone. Period. Recordings don’t represent or misrepresent anything. Transcripts, on the other hand…
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