Ah, it’s lovely, isn’t it? Xeno must be giggling his backside off in the afterlife somewhere.
Xeno, you might know, was that Greek chap who once asked what would happen if an immovable object were struck by an irresistible force. Well, we just might get the chance to find out; sooner than we think. It seems that the force and object (you can pick which is which) of multicultism and politicorrectitude are well on their way to a lovely little meeting.
For as long as many of us can remember, the legions of Big Nanny have been hammering into our skulls that multicultism is the only way to go, tolerance for tolerance’s sake is the loftiest goal, no one is better than anyone else, everybody’s the best at everything, blahblahblah…
So, smartasses, what happens when multiculturalism smucks up against political correctness?
But what to make of the case last week of an Egyptian-born Winnipeg doctor who, for religious reasons, told a lesbian couple she was uncomfortable treating them? The couple says she refused to accept them as patients; her lawyer disputes this.
Medical ethics codes and human rights codes are clear: A doctor can’t refuse treatment on the grounds of sexual orientation. So, must doctors ignore their personal beliefs?
Well, will ya look at that? The big, bad intolerant one’s a woman, to boot. Let the games begin…