March 6, 2007
Wow. How the hell did this happen? Some of you out there really need to find yourselves some hobbies. I just looked at the left sidebar and noticed that there have been just over twenty thousand of you pop by here since I started shooting my mouth off on this space about ten months ago. I have to admit, I never saw that coming…
Somehow — and I’m still not sure exactly how — what started off as an idea to create an online community ended up being a pressure valve for all the frustrations that had built up in me over the previous years of federal Fiberal skullduggery, idiotic social engineering, politically correct Orwellianisms and whatever the hell else…
Well, the community hasn’t quite taken off yet, even though I’ve made something of a habit of fiddling with the script (see it here and feel free to give an opinion) but the blog seems to have become some sort of addiction or something. I’ve babbled about everything from Afghanistan to SSM and even covered a nomination vote.
Funny how things work out, ain’t it?
I just want to say thanks to everyone that helped me get here; from those that encouraged me to keep shooting my mouth off (you know who you are) to everyone that pops by here to check out what bubbles up from the muck and the mire at the bottom of my brain. I couldn’t have done it without ya.
Now I have to go find something to get pissy about…
Now this right here is a perfect example of why I loathe the so-called “gay rights activists” crowd. It seems that New Brunswick is perhaps on the way to becoming one of the first provinces in the country to take a stand against the politically correct thought police, in favour of freedom of religion. And — gee whiz, who’d’a thunk it? — the SSM Left-wingnuts are totally pissed:
Conservative MLA David Alward said his proposed amendment to the Marriage Act would grant rights to commissioners who are opposed to same-sex “marriage” on religious grounds.
Homosexual activist groups have responded to the proposal with outrage, saying the legislation would grant rights to individuals who “discriminate” and would be an affront to the “equal marriage” movement.
Oh yeah, BIG surprise there. 🙄 They’ve got themselves all affronted, abacked, and probably asidewaysed as well. As usual, the rewriters of human nature assume that, whatever it is, it must be all about them. Surely, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with people like Scott Brickie, Chris Kempling, Orville Nichols, or any of the other God-knows-how-many people who have been hauled in front of so-called “rights” tribunals and pilloried for nothing more than exercising their own rights.
And by “rights,” I mean real ones — like freedom of religion and speech — that are actually in documents like the CCRF or the USBOR; as opposed to “gay marriage,” which a handful of unelected judges just made up out of thin air.
These assholes try to make it sound like they’re somehow standing up for freedom when in fact, they’re destroying it. Perhaps the most fundamental freedom is the one to say “no, I choose to not participate in this,” and that is exactly what these bastards are trying to eliminate. They say they want “tolerance.” Bullshit. What they want is the whole world up on their little bandwagon with them and if you don’t want to go along with it, that’s tough shit because you’ll be dragged along if that’s what it takes.
Whatever rights you think you have don’t mean shit to them.Ă‚Â They don’t want to be “tolerated,” or just left alone to mind their own business.Ă‚Â They want to tell you what you can and cannot believe and they will bring all the coercive power of the state down on you towards that end.
How long will Canadians allow this cacophonous-but-miniscule minority to run roughshod over traditions and rights that have sustained our society for generations?Ă‚Â And when the oppressed faithful are finally pushed too far, what will the backlash be?
Only time will tell.Ă‚Â But I just can’t shake the feeling that it won’t be pretty…
I’ve been getting a few notes from some folks in other parts of the world lately asking me things like, “is the Canadian winter really like that?” and some of the other questions that we’ve all gotten so used to. Why the hell is it that it seems like every damned question is about nothing but winter?? 🙄 We actually do have four separate seasons up here, you know. And don’t give me any of that “almost winter, winter, still winter and construction” bullshit, either. It’s FOUR; as in spring, summer, fall and then winter.
Aw, screw it. To answer JB’s question (that he asked all the way from the land of Oz): Yes, it can get a little hairy sometimes. But you get used to it. Really.
And as for Nicole from the other London and her question, the answer is “pretty damned quick.” As luck would have it, the front page of today’s Freeps had a perfect example of what I’m talking about. This is what can happen in 12 seconds:
Pretty funky, eh? So, can we try to get some non-winter-related curiosity stirred in our melons now? Sheesh…
March 5, 2007
I have to admit, some days this country just leaves me scratching my head. Sometimes it’s in a good way. Some times it’s in a “where are we going and what am I doing in this handbasket” kind of way. Still other times it’s in a “just what the hell was that” kind of way. Lately it’s been like the last one… a lot. It’s not that things have been going spectacularly bad, or especially good, or anything else like that. I just find myself poking around on the net, looking for anything that resembles interesting news, and I just can’t help but ask myself sometimes, “and where the hell else in the world could you possibly find this combination of events??” The answer, I think, is nowhere. Don’t take my word for it, though. See for yourself and you tell me what you think…
The last few days has seen everything from a uniquely Canadian solution to a shortage of beer on a warship (arguably also a uniquely Canadian problem) to ref abuse becoming a science. The Great White Oops of the Librano$ is bumbling across the land trying to convince people that he’s not really an idiot — starting out with telling Alberta oilpatch workers that they’re “living too fast for the easy money” and being bad for our economy — while punditos across the land furiously try to read the national entrails for signs of the next election. Speaking of elections, over in la belle province, PQ leader Andre Boisclair has begun to realize that his political fortunes are flagging and so has responded by creating a new, smarter package of policies to present the people of Quebec playing the Gay Victim card. Immigration authorities will violate the traditional sanctuary of a church to get your ass out of the country; unless you assassinate a head of state, in which case you’re welcome to stay.
Name someplace else where you can find that mix. Go on, I dare ya…
As if I didn’t already have enough to bitch about when it comes to our idiotic immigration and ridiculous refugee systems, it now seems that even assassinating a head of state isn’t enough to get your sorry ass declared persona non grata in this country anymore. Yeah, you read that right. According to reports which are conspicuously NOT splattered all over the MSM lately, it seems that one Noor Chowdhury has decided to get all comfy in Canada after murdering the head of state back in his home country… and our screwball Immigration and Refugee Board is letting him!! See for yourself:
A Bangladeshi fugitive convicted of killing his country’s prime minister in a bloody coup won’t be deported from Canada because he faces a death sentence in his native land, an immigration board has ruled.
So friggin’ WHAT?? I don’t give a damn what’s going to happen to him once we get rid of his ass, I just plain don’t want him in MY country. And just who is this asshole you’re wondering? Well, he’s the guy that has been convicted of murdering Bangladesh’s then-PM Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975. Now, before you go tooting away about how Bangladeshi jurisprudence may not measure up to our own, bear in mind that the IRB agreed that this bugger is, in fact, a murderer:
“C participated in a coup against the president, walking into the victim’s home and killing him,” the board said in a ruling made available last week.
Yup, that’s us: haven to the world’s murderers. Pissed off yet? No? Try this for size:
Chowdhury and two others allegedly involved in the coup fled to Canada after years on the run. The two have since obtained citizenship — one lives in Ottawa, the other in Montreal.
And just how much do you want to bet that not a damn one of them lives on the same street as anybody on the IRB?
March 4, 2007
Yup, it’s back again. Sunday is here, I’m too lazy to really rant about anything (although, with this being Lent and all, I’m at least not hung over for a change), and so I just toss out a bunch of links to stuff that I think is worth checking out. Sometimes I think they’re worth checking out because I like the article, sometimes because it pisses me off and, let’s face it, misery loves company.
But anyways, here they are, one way or another. Make what you like of ’em…
The future of citizen journalism
Paul Berton, London Free Press
It’s the exchange we’ve had with readers on our letters page for decades, even centuries.
In many ways, it is about the democratization of the news media. We’ll introduce more voices and points of view and experiences to our news products. We’ll be more reflective of the entire community, not just the parts journalists decide are worth covering.
Harper’s strategy to force Liberals’ hand
Ted Byfield, Calgary Sun
So, if Harper holds the West, and makes a few Quebec gains, it all comes down to Ontario — as usual.
Here Dion, no doubt, hopes to cash in on his environment crusade, but he suffers a triple disability.
Opposition gainsaying rarely productive
Jim Chapman, Freeps
In this country, we have developed three main schools of political thought, and labelled them the Liberal, Conservative and New Democratic parties. The Green party may be on its way to a noticeable share of public support, but they’re not quite there yet.
It is natural to assume that within these groups, the better minds tend to rise to the top as often as not — that’s the case in many similar structures. And if that’s true, then the parties should, loosely speaking, represent the best thinking of large segments of the population.
(I acknowledge there are serious flaws in this premise that are all too apparent to anyone who studies Canadian politics, but stay with me anyway, at least for a few more paragraphs.)
Supremely foolish
Micheal Coren, TO Sun
So a group of unelected and unaccountable judges have slapped your government on the wrist and told it to go away and change the way it protects its people.
Because they know more than the men and women of the police and armed forces, more than terrorism experts, more than agents who have put their lives on the line for years.
More inconvenient truths
Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
The more you research global warming, the more you realize we’re being told things that don’t add up.
Here’s some examples.
Suzuki playing gutter politics
Paul Jackson, Cowtown Sun
Well, I’ve always had doubts about Suzuki’s own credentials as a so-called expert on climate change. But I never knew he also claimed to be an expert on the economy.
What Suzuki really is — in my opinion — is little more than a popular entertainer for the liberal-left set.
Negotiate with the Taliban
Eric Margolis, TO Sun
Negotiating a deal with Taliban and other Afghan resistance forces is the only way out of this morass, not expanding a war that is already lost.
Just how nice to the terrorists do we have to be?
Rachel Marsden, TO Sun
In today’s ridiculous, politically correct climate, had 9/11 terrorist Mohamed Atta actually been hauled off his flight before ramming it into the World Trade Center, he’d probably be a member of the millionaire’s club today, while having the cops apologize to him.
Not so free in Germany
Joseph Quesnel, Winterpeg Sun
It took 15 German officers to take 15-year-old Melissa Busekros from her home, as the German government began cracking down on these nasty enemies of the state. By court order, school officials ordered the breakup of a family with five children, after the state asserted its belief that Christian homeschooling is a “parallel culture” that Germany can do without.
Enviro-whackos should stop recycle of abuse
Ian Robinson, Calgary Sun
One expects governments to be dumb. One expects governments to sway with the political whim of the moment. But I had hoped they wouldn’t be quite this stupid.
How Gore’s massive energy consumption saves the world
Mark Steyn, Sun-Times
Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the other day the Rev. Al Gore declared that “climate change” was “the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced.” Ever. I believe that was the same day it was revealed that George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas is more environmentally friendly than the Gore mansion in Tennessee. According to the Nashville Electric Service, the Eco-Messiah’s house uses 20 times more electricity than the average American home. The average household consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours. In 2006, the Gores wolfed down nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours.
Harper surging, Dion fading
Greg Weston, Ottawa Sun
OTTAWA — As the Commons fades to blessed quiet and MPs head home to their ridings for a two-week March break, the once almighty Liberals can only pray they won’t be returning to a spring election.
In his first three months as the Liberals’ great hope, Stephane Dion, has been his own worst attack ad, so overwhelmingly underwhelming voters that the Grits are today less popular in most parts of the country than they were with no leader.
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